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    Need some help please.


Everything was great, then I updated yesterday to Version of PBO Project, now when I try and PBO anything I get the following message:


<scanning files to pack>
'MakePbo.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
makepbo failed


I have tried to re-install everything but still the same message comes up.


I have the paid version of the Tools.


ANy help would be great.


Thank you in advance

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you tried installing makepbo twice?

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25 minutes ago, RoF said:

you tried installing makepbo twice?

Yes I did a clean uninstall then re-installed

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1 hour ago, 2Lt. M. Singer said:

Yes I did a clean uninstall then re-installed


yeah its just sometimes people have had the same thing. So they reinstall all the tools including makepbo , then install makepbo again (just run installer, don't uninstall) and it seems to fix it

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20 minutes ago, RoF said:


yeah its just sometimes people have had the same thing. So they reinstall all the tools including makepbo , then install makepbo again (just run installer, don't uninstall) and it seems to fix it

Just tried that and still the same 😞

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for some reason on your pc, debpbo64.installer.exe was unable to set the environ path.


navigate your way to the 'System Properties' gui. (Win 10 likes to call it "edit the system environment variables'. Win7  you just click on control panel.)

click on advanced tab, click on environment Variables button


you need to add the following PATH in the the USER variables panel


C:\Program Files (x86)\Mikero\DePboTools\bin


(If any other  text is in that path statement make sure you don't wipe it out)


A few Win10 users are suffering from this issue, and i have no answers.Why it fails (silently) during an install.


PS: update depbo64 to version 7.36.



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Pretty sure you need to add it the "path" one, not add a whole new one




Just checked and mine is in the path one

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3 hours ago, RoF said:

Pretty sure you need to add it the "path" one, not add a whole new one




Just checked and mine is in the path one

Thanks that sorted it out 🙂

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I have a similar problem, tried the above path, error still there.mikero-error-1.pngCan someone help?

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for reasons unknown, your USER path= has been damaged. My path is ADDED to strings already there. You don't have any. Look at the original piccie above to gain some idea of what needs to be there for the microsoft xcopy tool.


(google is your friend)


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I have the same problem as others:  rapify cannot be found.  


Trying pboProject on a bis sample building for DayZ.  I've built dozens of buildings (and a few maps) in A3 and used earlier versions of pboProject for it.  Getting an error I've never seen and don't have a clue how to fix, even after reading the pboProject and rapify readme's.  


When I open pboProject, the box shows:
locating rapify...registry found version 1.84
locating makepbo...registry found version 2.07
locating dewss...registry found version 1.74
locating steam tools for dayz SA...Using 32 bit binarize

"rapify -PenW  "Samples\Test_Building\config.cpp" "T:\temp\Samples\Test_Building\config.bin"" 
 'rapify' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
 operable program or batch file.


I didn't receive any warnings when installing.  

I've checked task manager:  pboProject isn't running as Elevated so I don't think I'm running it as admin.


regedit shows pboProject as

default value:  not set
exe:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Mikero\DePboTools\bin\pboProject.exe
path:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Mikero\DePboTools
version:  273


All of the tools have the same path in their registry entries.  I installed all the downloads via the installer.  The only change I made was to run the installer from a folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\Mikero_Tools instead of the bytex default name. 


System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables shows in User Variables:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Mikero\DePboTools\bin

In another post Mikero said that ignoring errors could cause this -- the only popup I got when installing depbo was "Is this a >>headless<< server install?"  I clicked no.  I also tried yes, but to no effect.  No other errors.


I don't know what else to try.  Any ideas?


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run the installer from a folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\Mikero_Tools


? You mean you changed where you installed them to? or your downloaded them to your program files, then ran the installer?


If you changed where you installed them to, then that's most likely the issue, since its looking in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mikero\DePboTools\bin


If you ran the installer from program files, then that's a weird thing to do since Windows likes to ask for admin permission to use that folder. An using admin for mikero tools / arma is a big no no

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7 hours ago, RoF said:


? You mean you changed where you installed them to? or your downloaded them to your program files, then ran the installer?


If you changed where you installed them to, then that's most likely the issue, since its looking in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mikero\DePboTools\bin


If you ran the installer from program files, then that's a weird thing to do since Windows likes to ask for admin permission to use that folder. An using admin for mikero tools / arma is a big no no


I downloaded the installer to desktop.  Ran it.  It creates a folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\  .  I ran it, it creates the download installer.  When I run that and check in Task Manager, it is running as Elevated.  I use it, it downloads and installs the tools to :\Program Files (x86)\Mikero\DePboTools\  .  When I run pboProject and check Task Manager, it is not running Elevated.  So the installer has admin privelege but the tools do not.


Edit:  I uninstalled the updater, reinstalled, redownloaded and installed all packages.  Still doesn't find rapify.


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Could the fact that the download updater runs as admin have something to do with this?


Uninstalled everything and started with fresh download.  Still cannot find rapify.  ffs

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Can anyone give a direction to fix this problem?

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I've already asked you, by email, to contact me direct on Discord. You haven't.
I've asked you to tell me explicitly that you altered the >>PATH<<< variable in the >>USER<< environment. You haven't replied.
I've asked you to use a dos console on your PC to type the magic words 'rapify' and give me the result. You haven't.
I've asked you to do the same for 'makepbo' and got no answer.


You did not reply to Rof when he asked you want you mean by 'changing the installer's folder'. What else did you alter? We won't know because you wont even reply to what we ask YOU.



But, you have done a great job of raising this same message to me, bytex, and two forums at bis, expecting (i assume) an answer that suits you better.



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36 minutes ago, mikero said:

I've already asked you, by email, to contact me direct on Discord. You haven't.
I've asked you to tell me explicitly that you altered the >>PATH<<< variable in the >>USER<< environment. You haven't replied.
I've asked you to use a dos console on your PC to type the magic words 'rapify' and give me the result. You haven't.
I've asked you to do the same for 'makepbo' and got no answer.

You did not reply to Rof when he asked you want you mean by 'changing the installer's folder'. What else did you alter? We won't know because you wont even reply to what we ask YOU.

But, you have done a great job of raising this same message to me, bytex, and two forums at bis, expecting (i assume) an answer that suits you better.


I haven't received any email from you.  Did I give you an incorrect email address?  I know bytex has the correct one, and you and I have corresponded before; I've used your tools for several years.  

I'm not looking for an answer that suits me better, just an answer that helps me get the program working.


Since I haven't received your questions before now I'll do my best to answer here.

>I've asked you to tell me explicitly that you altered the >>PATH<<< variable in the >>USER<< environment. 

I didn't alter it, the path is as I posted above C:\Users\six_ten\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files (x86)\Mikero\DePboTools\bin     


>... use a dos console on your PC to type the magic words 'rapify' and give me the result...

When I type rapify into command prompt result is    'rapify' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.


>...I've asked you to do the same for 'makepbo' ...

When I type makepbo into command prompt result is    'makepbo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.


I replied to Rof in the post immediately following his and described what I did:  I downloaded the installer to desktop.  Ran it.  It creates a folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\  .  I ran it, it creates the download installer.  When I run that and check in Task Manager, it is running as Elevated.  I use it, it downloads and installs the tools to :\Program Files (x86)\Mikero\DePboTools\  .  

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three reply emails were sent to you as xxx. My isp says they were delivered (no reject, no bounce)


my discord name is mikero#4692. this might be your quickest method of getting it fixed. However, if you want fast, interactive responses in general, from anyone, use the appropriate arma discord channels (such as tool-makers) rather than forums at all.


I have no idea why you would want to put the bytex installers anywhere else but default. However, the downloads themselves are unlikely to be an issue. The installers do not run as admin, >except< depbo64.dll


And still, despite the message above, you still have not told me about the PATH environment variable, nor, whether you typed the magic words:




in a dos console


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16 hours ago, mikero said:

three reply emails were sent to you as xxx. My isp says they were delivered (no reject, no bounce)

my discord name is xxx. this might be your quickest method of getting it fixed. However, if you want fast, interactive responses in general, from anyone, use the appropriate arma discord channels (such as tool-makers) rather than forums at all.I have no idea why you would want to put the bytex installers anywhere else but default. However, the downloads themselves are unlikely to be an issue. The installers do not run as admin, >except< depbo64.dll

And still, despite the message above, you still have not told me about the PATH environment variable, nor, whether you typed the magic words:

rapify and makepbo in a dos console


I checked and neither your email nor your domain are blocked, so somewhere between your computer and mine, your emails aren't reaching me.   Please remove the email address you posted in your reply above, and cancel my order and refund my purchase.   Thank you.




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I have requested bytex to return your money.


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Thank you very much.  I appreciate your trying to help me sort this out.  Hopefully I'll have more time at some point in the future to give this another shot.  Your tools in the past were always very useful in modding.

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Hi All,


Does anybody know what this error is? All I know is that I get it from "cfgHUD.hpp" and that is from Arma 3 Samples and is untouched.



rapify x64UnicodeVersion 1.75, Dll 4.97 "config.cpp"
In File xxx\xxx\config.cpp: Line 566 Rap: eval has unprocessable sqX


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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helpful if you tell my what line 566 has, but i am guessing the config *cannot* be binarised because there is a sqx statement in there that can only be known after the game loads.


There are TWO cfgHud.hpp's. you don't state which one is faulty but i assume it's the one that has EVAL expressions.


EVALS in themselves aren't a problem. And neither, generally, are the sqX statements they contain. BUT this hpp file (and consequently the config.cpp that #includes it ) cannot be binarised because some of the sqX is only known at game time. One such example on line 306 is:
                        pos[]            = {0.5 , __EVAL(PosY0Center)};


PosY0Center can only be known after the game loads and binarised configs can only use pre known values.


The subscriber version of my tools will 'allow' unbinarised config.cpps to be the pbo in the next release. The free tools are unlikely to be updated any time soon.

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17 hours ago, mikero said:

helpful if you tell my what line 566 has, but i am guessing the config *cannot* be binarised because there is a sqx statement in there that can only be known after the game loads.


There are TWO cfgHud.hpp's. you don't state which one is faulty but i assume it's the one that has EVAL expressions.


EVALS in themselves aren't a problem. And neither, generally, are the sqX statements they contain. BUT this hpp file (and consequently the config.cpp that #includes it ) cannot be binarised because some of the sqX is only known at game time. One such example on line 306 is:
                        pos[]            = {0.5 , __EVAL(PosY0Center)};


PosY0Center can only be known after the game loads and binarised configs can only use pre known values.


The subscriber version of my tools will 'allow' unbinarised config.cpps to be the pbo in the next release. The free tools are unlikely to be updated any time soon.


Thanks Mikero for the reply, the "cfgHUD.hpp" in question is the one from the sample "plane" folder and the line refers to the last line in the" config.cpp" file which is };

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