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Hello everyone, hello community! 🙂

I am about to start testing a new multiplayer style. A new type to me, of course - sector control. I have a tutorial video of how to create such a mission.

- inside this video you can see that a sector module has been created, synchronized to a trigger which represents the capture area

- it is easy to set x numbers of such areas with modules and triggers to cover the whole map or a larger area, for example, with the option to choose the percentage of presence in order to retake it

- let's say I want to create 10 such areas. I need a script that checkes if: example 1: more than 50% of them are taken by one side or another (which means 6 in my case), OR example 2: all of them are taken by one side or another. I think it will be easier to check the second condition, but I am not sure because it won't be easy to hold off all 9 sectors under your control while trying to retake the last one. You will need to place a lot of AIs around them or have a lot of teammates playing with you with proper good skills. So, after all, we need a script for one of these options to be checked, or may be you can mention and add another one as a better solution. In this case, do I need to name the modules OR the triggers and what would the script look like? When a condition is fulfilled it should end the scenario - for example if you play for the BLUFOR (west) or OPFOR (east) and you win or you loose, such a condition can be checked in order to end the scenario.

I hope you get the idea. It will be interesting if there's additional condition to make the game longer in a win-loose ratio, let's say 2:1 or 3:2 rounds won for one of the teams.

I wonder if this can be done... 

Thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂


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The point of using modules is that the script work is already finished*. Perhaps re-imagine the design instead. If you can make a fun mission with 10 sectors you should be able to make a fun mission with 3 or 5 (use odd numbers to force an area of contention).


All you really need is an end condition.

Have fun!

Edited by wogz187
I understand this is not necessarily true for every module
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1 hour ago, wogz187 said:


The point of using modules is that the script work is already finished*. Perhaps re-imagine the design instead. If you can make a fun mission with 10 sectors you should be able to make a fun mission with 3 or 5 (use odd numbers to force an area of contention).


All you really need is an end condition.

Have fun!

Thank you. I actually need some sort of presence-type condition from the connected triggers, I guess. Or if all of them are somehow fully triggered by BLUFOR or OPFOR (west and east), one of the sides is the winner.

Edited: if I call the triggers t1, t2, t3 etc. I can shack if they are activated by a condition: Guarded by BLUFOR/OPFOR. Or something like that. I can use in another trigger: TriggerActivated t1,t2,t3... Or how exactly do I need to write this line for multiple names to be checked for activation? 

Re-edited: should this condition line be like: triggerActivated t1 && t2 && t3 etc.? 🙂

Edited by black_hawk_mw2_87

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triggerActivated t1 && t2 && t3 

triggerActivated t1 && triggerActivated t2;
triggerActivated t1 or (triggerActivated t2 && triggerActivated t3);

syntax is like that.

Have fun!

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Use the provided scripted event for sectors on owner changed.



	_x setVariable[ "ownerChanged_ID", [ _x, "ownerChanged", {
		params[ "_sector", "_owner" ];
		if !( _owner isEqualTo sideUnknown ) then {
			_percentToWin = 0.5;
			_competingSides = [ east, west ];
			_allSectors = true call BIS_fnc_moduleSector;
				_x params[ "_side" ];
				_allSectorsOfSide = _allSectors select{ _x getVariable[ "owner", sideUnknown ] isEqualTo _side };
				if ( count _allSectorsOfSide >= ( count _allSectors * _percentToWin ) ) exitWith {
						[ _x, "ownerChanged", _x getVariable "ownerChanged_ID" ] call BIS_fnc_removeScriptedEventHandler;
					}forEach _allSectors;
					_winner = _side;
					_loser = ( _competingSides - [ _winner ] ) select 0;
					[ "Win", true, true, true, true ] remoteExec[ "BIS_fnc_endMission", _winner, true ];
					[ "Lose", false, 5, true, true ] remoteExec[ "BIS_fnc_endMission", _loser, true ];
					if ( isDedicated ) {
						uiSleep 5;
						[] call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer;
			}forEach _competingSides;
	}] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler ];
}forEach ( true call BIS_fnc_moduleSector );

Adjust _percentToWin as needed.



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5 hours ago, wogz187 said:


triggerActivated t1 && triggerActivated t2;
triggerActivated t1 or (triggerActivated t2 && triggerActivated t3);

syntax is like that.

Have fun!

You are right. I actually know that, but I was too tired to get it right... after a whole day at work. So, I am going to test this today... after work. Thank you, dude! 🙂

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4 hours ago, Larrow said:

Use the provided scripted event for sectors on owner changed.

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	_x setVariable[ "ownerChanged_ID", [ _x, "ownerChanged", {
		params[ "_sector", "_owner" ];
		if !( _owner isEqualTo sideUnknown ) then {
			_percentToWin = 0.5;
			_competingSides = [ east, west ];
			_allSectors = true call BIS_fnc_moduleSector;
				_x params[ "_side" ];
				_allSectorsOfSide = _allSectors select{ _x getVariable[ "owner", sideUnknown ] isEqualTo _side };
				if ( count _allSectorsOfSide >= ( count _allSectors * _percentToWin ) ) exitWith {
						[ _x, "ownerChanged", _x getVariable "ownerChanged_ID" ] call BIS_fnc_removeScriptedEventHandler;
					}forEach _allSectors;
					_winner = _side;
					_loser = ( _competingSides - [ _winner ] ) select 0;
					[ "Win", true, true, true, true ] remoteExec[ "BIS_fnc_endMission", _winner, true ];
					[ "Lose", false, 5, true, true ] remoteExec[ "BIS_fnc_endMission", _loser, true ];
					if ( isDedicated ) {
						uiSleep 5;
						[] call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer;
			}forEach _competingSides;
	}] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler ];
}forEach ( true call BIS_fnc_moduleSector );

Adjust _percentToWin as needed.



Thank you very much. This looks like a good and easy fix to my needs, a good solution.

Q1: Where should I put this - in init.sqf, initplayer.sqf or a trigger?

Q2: What else, besides the part from the script you mentioned, should I change in the editor? Do I need to add something or change something? Please, be more specific in order to make sure I can complete my goal. 🙂

Thank you in advance! 🙂

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