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Building Replacement Addon

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I'm adding here also my script - mod , for anyone who would like to check :


+ Vegetation Replacement :


Thanks !

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There shouldn't be any problem for both but i haven't really check them ,

so if someone confirms that they are not EXILE compatible , please remove the posts Chernaruski !

Thanks !

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I tested the addon posted by @chernaruski yesterday and it works perfectly.


I just stumbled upon one little problem: all buildings that spawn as replacements on the map are rotated exactly 180 degrees.


Virtually all the entrances are on the wrong side, and since many of these buildings are on a river, that's a bit inconvenient 😄


Maybe one of you know how to solve this problem? I'm pretty sure that the solution can be found in fn_buildingReplace.sqf, probably even in this part:



for "_i" from 0 to (count _replaceThese)-1 do {
		private _nBldg = _replaceThese select _i;
		private _dirVec = vectorDir _nBldg;
		private _objVec = vectorUp _nBldg;
		private _wldPos = ASLtoATL getPosASL _nBldg;
		_nBldg hideObjectGlobal true;
		deleteVehicle _nBldg;
		_tp = "x";
		call { { if ((typeof _nBldg) in (_x select 0)) exitWith { _tp = (_x select 1) select 0; }; } forEach _replcList; };		
		if !(_tp isEqualTo "x") then {
			private _house = createVehicle [_tp, _wldPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
			_house setVectorDirAndUp [ _dirVec, _objVec];
			DMD_SimulateMePls pushback _house;



I admit that my knowledge is unfortunately not enough.

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