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Black hawk down single player

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I tried this demo and its awesome! I think this game will bring us old DF2 players back to the game. The graphics are great and the insertions with helicopters are so realistic.

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You mean the multiplayer demo?

I thought it was unrealistic, but I don't look to delta force for realism.

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So there are no singleplayer demo out?

The Multiplayer demo kinda sucked, i think it was a beta so that makes up for it, but it seems to me it will just be another one of those FPS games that will be played for 6 months or so and then forgotten.

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They're milking the movie black hawk down for all the money it's worth, appealing to all the 13 year olds who loved the movie because it had guns in it.

If you call it black hawk down, make it an accurate depiction of what happened in Somalia. It's just disrespectful if you try to make money off of it.

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umm i looked at novalogic and there is no single player demo... i think you meant multiplayer demo.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FSPilot @ Jan. 05 2003,03:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">They're milking the movie black hawk down for all the money it's worth, appealing to all the 13 year olds who loved the movie because it had guns in it.

If you call it black hawk down, make it an accurate depiction of what happened in Somalia.  It's just disrespectful if you try to make money off of it.<span id='postcolor'>

i agree. although i dont find it disrespectful to make a game of the mission, i do find the manner in which they did so to be disrespectful. a well-done OFP campaign involving the somalia mission, on the other hand, would have been money well spent. biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Chill @ Jan. 05 2003,08:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">No i mean the single player demo!<span id='postcolor'>

Give. Us. A. Link.

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Haven't played the game yet, but i'm sure i'll get it if they solve the pixel problem, it's kinda stupid when you see black pixels running all over the place...

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the multiplayer dont work on my computer. main menu's white with no things to choose (eg, options, campaign, mp).

I've got the demo disk with the demo, 2 trailers, links, making of BHD etc.

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There is a single player demo from novalogic , but it is a beta form that can be found on some video game mag cover cd next month.

Novalogic state that a tweaked single player demo is on work and that is for that reason they do not host it on their main website

If you want to test the single player demo of DF:BHD , i found it on a website , it is 124mo a single mission variant of the hostage taking by the d-boys in the hotel you can see in the movie , with a littlebirds landing.

The AI is very much better than any previous DF , but it is not the heaven that the OFP AI is.

I took the demo from here


You need to register to have access to the download section that have the BHD single player demo

If you wait until the end of the month a "tweaked" SP demo should be available from the novalogic website

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Yay a link. Thats what i was looking for... For a bit I thought this was one big huge lie...

Oh well downloading now. Any new weps? Or is it just the same from MP demo?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I took the demo from here

[url=http://www.triple3.net/html/modules.php?name=Downloads<span id='postcolor'>

It says

You are trying to access a restricted area.

We are Sorry, but this section of our site is for Registered Users Only.

You can register for free by clicking here, then you can

access this section without restrictions. Thanks.


i hate registering to get my stuff

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I didn't like having to register, but I'm downloading now. I'm considering getting this game, just because I'm developing a taste for the arcade-ish recently.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FSPilot @ Jan. 04 2003,21:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I didn't like having to register, but I'm downloading now.  I'm considering getting this game, just because I'm developing a taste for the arcade-ish recently.<span id='postcolor'>

Those games are fun too, especially when you play to relax and to have fun...

I like the DF games...

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I just got done with the SP demo. It was FUN. I love doing urban warfare stuff, especially going in and out of buildings, clearing rooms and stuff. Just fun.

I'll probably pick it up once the price goes down. $40 US is a bit to steep for me for anything right now. sad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Chronicles @ Jan. 05 2003,18:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I took the demo from here


You need to register to have access to the download section that have the BHD single player demo<span id='postcolor'>

Ahh, that's all I was asking for. Thank you

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wow... all i can say is wow... Thats a really good demo. Im sure waiting a bit longer will make it even more worth it. Im amazed at the ai. Not bad at all. its wayyyyyy better than the previous DF ai...

Rangers look pretty good. Everything is pretty good. Some stuff needs some touching up. The helmets on the DF guys are a little blocky. That might want to be smoothed out. And also how about a few more mags of pistol... I dont use pistol often but when i want too i dont have enough ammo to fight.. I know its a sidearm buts its always fun to go crazy with a pistol.

So far so good. We shall see what the full game brings us.... xmas.gif (ps: isnt it about time to get rid of the xmas smiley?)

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I played the multiplayer for quite a while and I think the game is semi-good. First of all the internet connection is very important for your performance but usually the connection is bad. Secondly I think that teamwork doesnt realy play a great role. I think NWO had simillar problems but was better!

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AI teamwork is much better in SP. The enemy is still relatively stupid, but its still fun.

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The SP demo is pretty fun, I liked it way more than the MP demo. It's still got that Novalogic gayness (AI stupidity- especially your buddies), and the clumsiness of the engine: inside, the framerate goes to hell unless you dial your resolution way back.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Jan. 05 2003,04:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The SP demo is pretty fun, I liked it way more than the MP demo. It's still got that Novalogic gayness (AI stupidity- especially your buddies), and the clumsiness of the engine: inside, the framerate goes to hell unless you dial your resolution way back.<span id='postcolor'>

well at least the ai "attempts" to shoot at you from more than 3 feet away. Its an improvement oveer previous ones.

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I agree with Tex, its pretty cool to play through but the graphics are kinda cheesy and the framerates go to hell unless you have a really really sweet rig.

I have a P4 1.3

512 RAM

Geforce 3 Ti500

I have everything on normal except for shadows, which I turned off. 1024x768x32 bit.

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