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What was your Gateway Arma?

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A pirated copy of OFP GOTY after the retail sales stopped but before CWA was released (if it was on gog then, I didn't know about it). It was recommended by a friend who played OFP:DR on PS3 and frequented /k/ where it is popular. I had been looking for such a game for years, and now play almost nothing but arma, neglecting to even install most of my +300 games libraries on steam and gog. Before I tried making due with Rainbow Six and Delta Force. I think before that I once briefly saw ARMA 1 on amazon, but reviews were mixed and I didn't know what it was. I purchased CWA and ARMA 2 CO when the former released, and played mostly CWA because it was taking me a long time to figure out settings for 2. Even today, I prefer a lot of things about OFP/CWA like the way recoil ends when firing does / gravity affects weapons , the absence of grass and no visual models desyncing from hitboxes to sink into the ground like in the proper armas. The incomplete but still present melee (stroke gun and stroke fist) is nice too, and it still has the best campaigns, regular missions, and music.

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Before OFP I played a game called M1 Tank Platoon 2 it was based on the M1 Battle Tank , I believe it had some developer connection with Operation Flashpoint but I could be wrong it was 1998!

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Muzzle Velocity

Rainbow Six

Ghost recon

European Air War

Across the Rhine


Where the games that got me into Arma (I still know it as OFP)


Saw the demo in Computer Gaming and played the hell out of it and bought OFP but found it too difficult and shelved it for a few months until I got sick of R6 and tried it again.


Been hooked for life...

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On 8/17/2019 at 11:33 AM, rowdied said:

Muzzle Velocity


Haha holy hell. Back then I couldn't get over the fact that in 1 or 2 shots you could be dead! Loved it. And 20-ish years later I can still remember the music and the sounds.....

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Started with OFP on PC. At the time when Arma 2 was announced I was so hyped that I of course bought it on day one...at the end of day one it was so buggy that I in a complete rage removed the game from my hard drive and did not touch it again until DayZ came out...which brought me back to Arma. Played all campaigns including all addons in a row and never left since. Bought Arma 3 on day one being at over 3000h right now ...

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1 hour ago, beno_83au said:

Cheers @Gunter Severloh but I was actually talking about Muzzle Velocity's music/sounds.

Ah ok, lol somehow didn't read your quote just what you said, and tbh never heard of the game, looked it up on utube, and interesting for its time, idk how i never heard of it, but i never really got into

any pc gaming until like 98 as far as i recall. Maybe the demo for it came out in 96 and not after that, probably why i never seen it.

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