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Make a transparent marker on map

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i am using Pronks Furniture script and i just can't make a transparent marker on the map to Black list some part of the map,

all the markers i make shows up in game.


i got to F6 -> areas -> and select rectangle

then i put in size 200 X 200  // All i change in attributes 

name it Bl_Mkr01


Anyone with a idea how to fix it.



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Thx will have a look 

It is for a SP mission.


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I remember using the above in one of my missions and as I recall it only fully worked when I placed the command in a trigger. Using it in the init.sqf for some not specified reason did not work :scratchchin:

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On 29/12/2018 at 4:19 PM, JohnKalo said:

I remember using the above in one of my missions and as I recall it only fully worked when I placed the command in a trigger. Using it in the init.sqf for some not specified reason did not work :scratchchin:

You are absolut right you have to make a trigger 

ConD : True

ACT : Bl_Mkr setMarkerAlpha 0;


Thx for the help.

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From your first post, it sounds as though you are creating your markers in the editor. Why not use the alpha slider?

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On 12/30/2018 at 2:19 AM, JohnKalo said:

Using it in the init.sqf for some not specified reason did not work :scratchchin:


19 hours ago, Play3r said:

You are absolut right you have to make a trigger 


Doesn't need to be a trigger, can be done in any of the inits (init/initServer/initPlayerLocal) or anywhere for that matter. You just need the correct marker name and setMarkerAlpha will work. Also, if it's SP and being placed from within the editor, @Harzach's would be ideal.

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On 31/12/2018 at 1:09 PM, Harzach said:

From your first post, it sounds as though you are creating your markers in the editor. Why not use the alpha slider?

That i got to see if i can find , did not know there was one in editor..


@Harzach i have being playing with the Editor for almost a year and a half and i did not know about the Alpha slider.. 


i have never paid any attention to the slider Thx for the help..

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The editor holds many features that most people probably are not aware of. It can pay to spend 30 minutes just poking around!

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