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ext_drive_dirt errors.

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0:21:35 Error in expression <1.3 * EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 0:21:35   Error position: <EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 0:21:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: ext_drive_dirt_volume

No idea what these are, none of the stuff mentioned in the log is actually in my mission. It comes up a few times .


Any ideas, please guys?

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I believe @Tankbuster found the issue. Not 100% sure if it is related to one thing. Await his reply for more accurate answer.

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3 hours ago, HazJ said:


I believe @Tankbuster found the issue. Not 100% sure if it is related to one thing. Await his reply for more accurate answer.

I think I did, or at least I can 'provoke' the mission into doing it more.


When I locally host my mission for testing and am logged in as admin, I often use left-alt + left-click on the map to teleport around. Often, this can lead to this error appearing in my server RPT. It's not 100%, but I do believe it's related.


Do you use the NSS addon, @BRPVP

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I just use a mod server side, ExtDB3 , to connect to MySQL.

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3 hours ago, BRPVP said:



I just use a mod server side, ExtDB3 , to connect to MySQL.

Which I don't use, so this is absolutely NOT mod related. It must be the game.

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its coming from BI A3 game sounds

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Got that right now:


 1:10:29 Error in expression <1.3 * EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 1:10:29   Error position: <EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 1:10:29   Error Variável indefinida na expressão: ext_drive_dirt_volume
 1:10:29 Error in expression <1.3 * EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 1:10:29   Error position: <EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 1:10:29   Error Variável indefinida na expressão: ext_drive_dirt_volume
 1:10:29 Error in expression <0.7 * EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 1:10:29   Error position: <EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 1:10:29   Error Variável indefinida na expressão: ext_drive_dirt_volume
 1:10:29 Error in expression <1.3 * EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 1:10:29   Error position: <EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 1:10:29   Error Variável indefinida na expressão: ext_drive_dirt_volume
 1:10:29 Sound: Error: File: a3\sounds_f\vehicles2\armor\shared\add_layers\rattling_03_ext.wss not found !!!
 1:10:29 Error in expression <1.3 * EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 1:10:29   Error position: <EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 1:10:29   Error Variável indefinida na expressão: ext_drive_dirt_volume
 1:10:29 Error in expression <1.3 * EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 1:10:29   Error position: <EXT_DRIVE_DIRT_VOLUME * DRIVE_DIRT_CONDI>
 1:10:29   Error Variável indefinida na expressão: ext_drive_dirt_volume
 1:10:29 Sound: Error: File: a3\sounds_f\vehicles2\armor\shared\add_layers\rattling_03_ext.wss not found !!!

May be the line "1:10:29 Sound: Error: File: a3\sounds_f\vehicles2\armor\shared\add_layers\rattling_03_ext.wss not found !!!" rise some clue.

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I do get the rattling_03 error, but not, apparently, any time near the dirt error.

For me, the errors that occur nearby are the

:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

These are seen a few seconds after EVERY dirt error.

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Same for me. I checked the files integrity and I keep theses error lines in rpt.

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https://feedback.bistudio.com/  <------


What mods are running? any soundmods?

Just saw that error in a Vanilla RPT. Just report it on the feedback tracker, at best you can find steps to reproduce it.

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