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Is anyone really having fun?

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Please note that I like OFP. There is so much to do.

However, I have the hardest time staying alive. This part is rather too realistic. I have read many topics on surviving, however...the enemy seems to kill me at unbelievable distances. Their sniper like qualities make it hard to complete any mission.

I know that cheats are just that, cheats. However this game has becaome more frustrating than it is worth. Does someone have any answers as to how they survive. I only play SP, however the enemy AI is rather superior (as far as their markmanship aiming goes).

I think OFP is a good game,...but too realistic. I don't want to be a rambo and shoot everthing up, but at the same time I would like to stay alive long enough to enjoy a mission. In most of my missions, I am killed in the first 20-30 sec of a major gunfight. Or else I stay back far enough to be "court marshalled" for being a coward. Again, frustrating. I think a player should have an invinvcible option (let it be up to the player) or tone down the enemy sniper qualities so that they aren't 100% accurate at 200 yards with an AK-47. I haven;t invested in any of the addons because I haven't finished the original yet.

Again this is not to flame OFP or anything like that. I have been on other forums debating why I think it is better than GR and other FPS games,...but with so many cool things to do in a mission (i.e. ride things, pick up weapomns). I don't seem to stay alive long enough to enjoy much of it.

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did you try with veteran mode and super AI from the beginning? if so, take it down a bit wink.gif

for me, i had hard time for first few months too. in Steal the car, i'd sit in attic and occasionally shoot at enemies. so took long time to finish it.

but after continuous practice, i no longer have that much of problem.

but here are some 'tips' (again)

when AI shoots at you, that means he saw you even before you saw him, and had time to aim correctly. of course, even if you guys met on open area, he'd still go prone and shoot you better. two ways to avoid this is to

1.find them first and engage with precision

2.think before moving

one thing that is common among those who die fast in objective oriented missions is that they try to move too fast. take your time, take a good spot, place yourself behind cover or concealment if not that lucky.

then wait and see what happens. think about where you should go, and how safe it is. take the safest route to next cover/concealment.

the hardest thing in SP is to keep up with your squad. my suggestion is that you try to follow them. let them engage first, then take time to save yourself and help your AI members. and when they start moving again, follow them, with a bit of caution.

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I play in veteran mode but with super AI disabled.

Do you have a good monitor? At what resolution do you play? Seeing better helps.

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i concurr with better resolution. currently my desktop is 800X600, but i use 1024X whatever and it does matter a bit.

here is a good tip from one of our forum member Doolittle,

on his page. it;s about MP, but has really basic stuffs too.

Avon, how about updating your FAQ with info about changing markers found on Doolittle's MP tutorial? never seen that in your website, if my memory serves me correctly.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ Dec. 27 2002,10:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Avon, how about updating your FAQ with info about changing markers found on Doolittle's MP tutorial? never seen that in your website, if my memory serves me correctly.<span id='postcolor'>

Search The FAQ for "marker". Is that what you're referring to?

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for aiming, look at this thread(simple idea)

my suggestion is that you get yourself comfortable with single mode first, in prone or crouching position. then you can try burst or auto. i usually reserve burst/auto for close engagement.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ Dec. 27 2002,03:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">for me, i had hard time for first few months too. in Steal the car, i'd sit in attic and occasionally shoot at enemies. so took long time to finish it.<span id='postcolor'>

That steal the car mission is about the hardest one for me... LOL really, I don't know what it is, but I have a horribly hard time getting through it first time I try. It's just one of those things. tounge.gif

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i say steal the car is a must mission for all OFP players. it just pits you against anywhere from 3 to 8 enemies in La Trinite. thus some sort of Rambo-ism is involved, but you learn somethings from it.

maybe it's because of its urban tactics requirement, but i'd say it's one good mission to test your skills in taking safe positions and moving from one place to another in short distance.

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Steal The Car is my benchmark testing mission after installing upgrades.

It lets me test graphics, sounds, weapons, vehicles, buildings, camouflage and the AI.

Of course, I must survive in order to deem the upgrade a success. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (edjof17 @ Dec. 27 2002,09:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think a player should have an invinvcible option (let it be up to the player) or tone down the enemy sniper qualities so that they aren't 100% accurate at 200 yards with an AK-47.<span id='postcolor'>

It cannot be emphasized enough how much taking cover and moving from cover to cover will save your skin in this game.

Test out the foliage. Some makes for better cover than others. Some foliage is worthless. Try to jut out past the leaves/branches no more than to see your target. Then fire, go back a little and move to either side in case an AI spotted your location.

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The notes-section on Single Mission #2 "Ambush" is good for beginners.

Teaches you the basics, like concealment is not necessarely cover, never reload in the open etc...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Dec. 27 2002,10:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Steal The Car is my benchmark testing mission after installing upgrades.

It lets me test graphics, sounds, weapons, vehicles, buildings, camouflage and the AI.

Of course, I must survive in order to deem the upgrade a success. smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

where is the steal the car mission?

i don t know it.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (hugo2020 @ Dec. 27 2002,12:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">where is the steal the car mission?

i don t know it.<span id='postcolor'>

Mission 01: Steal The Car, under the SINGLE PLAYER menu option.

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I told my friend to buy Medal of Honour but he bought for me OFP by mistake. Since its already paid and in my hands, i had a go with it. Got mad with my friend at first for buying it cos the graphics - blocky humans, lousy colors,etc.

However when i played steal the car, i realized how realistic it is and digger deeper, amazed with the scope and potential of ofp. I am an ex-soldier and realized it depicts at least 80% in reality its battle situations. Things a soldier learns at bootcamp does apply here, such as - 3 secs to move from cover to cover cos thats how long a soldier takes to aim and shoot yer, withdraw to a cover when throwing grenades, colliding with your fellow parachutist on the way down means injury, under-estimating the enemy forces, crap officer planning, etc.

Not many will wanna go to bootcamp, but ultimately the purpose of bootcamp is to train u to survive under adverse conditions. To an extent, OFP offers u just that ( without the sergents hollering into your ears, of course), if u can survive the missions, chances are pretty good u might survive if sh*t happens at yer backyard, as long as u apply the principles u learnt while playing.

and er...i never did got to buy Medal of Honour...stuck with OFP all the way now tounge.gif

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Yeah, this game's AI is a part of the reason that I love it so much!  

It's difficult becuase it's realistic, like you said..  The game boasts that it's a battlefield simulation, after all.  

I find myself seeing more and more that this simulation is so well done that it is a form of training, as philcommando said above.  

I see this as a great achievement in gaming.

Well done BIS!  

And yes, Steal the Car is a great mission!  Simple yet difficult.  Can be short or take a long time.  (I've beaten it in 2 minutes a million times by now)  And it taught me many things about moving around safely and taking out enemies from safe locations.  


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Asmodeus @ Dec. 27 2002,12:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Steal the Car is a great mission!  Simple yet difficult.  Can be short or take a long time.  (I've beaten it in 2 minutes a million times by now)  And it taught me many things about moving around safely and taking out enemies from safe locations.<span id='postcolor'>

I totally agree except I can't find any "safe locations" in that mission tounge.gif

The safe location in that mission, is on Everon or Nogova hehe biggrin.gif

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You just have to learn how to use the houses as cover. Get low and stand so that you can only be attacked from one side you can overview. Then wait and listen and watch your surroundings, before moving to the next cover.

I also found out that just getting low is better than getting prone in city combat. So you can dive under a grenade by running under the throw and avoid the explosion. If you were prone at that time you had no more chance to get up. Also you have to decide if you want to use bursts/auto or single shots. If I do houseclearing I use full auto, but on all other occasions fast single shots, because I`m more precise that way. In addition I always shoot infantry three times just to get sure biggrin.gifxmas.gif

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Nevertheless, I agree that I have experienced as well that enemy Officers tend to pick me out. Maybe it is just imagination, but it appears they ignore other targets in favour of killing me. 90% of all deaths of mine in SP are caused by enemy officers. My own player (officer, machinegunner, rifleman) is of no importance there. Even as grunt they pick me out. Don't get me wrong, I am still absolutly capable of accomplishing missions and eventually score a victory, but the statistic still kinda irritates me. I am already starting to get some sort of beret/cap-phobea. wink.gif

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When I spot an enemy platoon I always go for their leader first. Killing the leader of an opposing force gives you a good 3-5 seconds untill the next leader start giving out targetting commands for the group (namely you).

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nyles @ Dec. 27 2002,16:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Officers tend to pick me out.<span id='postcolor'>

I noticed this too. Is it really like this? I have always liked that my role isn't any bigger than any of my teammates, but this makes it seem more like other games where you are the hero and main character.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (bn880 @ Dec. 27 2002,10:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">wow.gif8--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ Dec. 27 2002,03wow.gif8)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">for me, i had hard time for first few months too. in Steal the car, i'd sit in attic and occasionally shoot at enemies. so took long time to finish it.<span id='postcolor'>

That steal the car mission is about the hardest one for me... LOL  really, I don't know what it is, but I have a horribly hard time getting through it first time I try.  It's just one of those things. tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

It was pretty easy getting through it for me the first time... I just went straight for the car and shoot anybody in the way. But then again...might of just been luck. wink.gif

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The AI has an annoying order of targeting.

If theirs a crown off 200 west soldiers and your stuck in the middle of it and you see a large group of russians but the others cant, if you fire first the AI will instantly target you, in real life they would just target your group as a whole. This is real annoying.

some of the best tips during a fire fight are:

1. Don't randomly fire, they uppers you chance of the AI targetting you!

2. wait for quite a few of your team members to fire before you do, you lose your advantage of the first shot so you won't be shooting people before they get their guns off their backs and go prone, but you'll be lower on the list of targets that the group leader issues!

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Here's what works for me, never lay down, or try to lay down when you and the enemy spot each other same time, if he hits the floor first he'll have the drop on you, instead I stay in crouch mode and move from cover to cover, stopping from time to time to check the surroundings. If you get the drop on ai, fire a shot or two then move, dont sit there to watch him go down, move to new cover, like around a building or something. AI will generally look at where the spot was fired from and watch it so If you can adjust position and get a new line of site do so.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shadow @ Dec. 27 2002,16:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When I spot an enemy platoon I always go for their leader first. Killing the leader of an opposing force gives you a good 3-5 seconds untill the next leader start giving out targetting commands for the group (namely you).<span id='postcolor'>

Often, when you shoot the leader, the remaining squadron tends to flee. Or atleast, this is what I usually find. So shooting the squadron leader first is an absolute "must". After you've taken out the leader, you'd better concentrate your fire at the squadron's automatic weapons soldier (eg. the machine gunner smile.gif), as he can give you a lot of trouble too. Then taking out the Grenadier would be a good idea, as this will severely cripple the squads fire power. Then you can just pick off soldiers more or less at will.

EDIT: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nyles @ Dec. 27 2002,16:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Officers tend to pick me out.<span id='postcolor'>

I noticed this too. Is it really like this? I have always liked that my role isn't any bigger than any of my teammates, but this makes it seem more like other games where you are the hero and main character.<span id='postcolor'>

This is because the officer's skill level is higher than the skill level of his squad mates. They are just more accurate and can spot you over longer distances. This is why it appears they are picking you out.

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