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Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

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Guest DKM-jaguar

The jaguar is going out of service sad_o.gif

BTW: That tiger is not mine, it's a pic that came with panzer elite. I was just trying various effects to create textures on it...and i thought i'd show it. I'm not sure how they would feel about it though, and i will remove it if they are unhappy (wings simulations made Panzer Elite i think)

The pencil drawings are not there yet.. they will be *

EDIT: newest pic will be a heavily upgraded T-72

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The jaguar is going out of service  sad_o.gif

The Eurofighter is coming into service smile_o.gif (Soon anyway tounge_o.gif )

And anyway the Jag still has some years of service left.They'll only be completely retired by around 2010 wink_o.gif

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This one wasnt set up , i was hit by an stinger 2 seconds bevore i took the pic. Then i answered the fire.


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More pics smile_o.gif






PS: Might be a bit dark, I didnt want to raise the Contrast too much, ruins pic quality.

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You do a really good job with those Mi-28 pics Sxep. Keep up the good work. smile_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Wow that pic's great, Zap smile_o.gif

And that MI-28 one too by SXEP smile_o.gif

@SGT.Milkman : If you use an editing program (I use Corel Draw 7) then you don't really need to worry about the brightness.Just set the gamma level to the same as the one you have in OFP and your pic should turn out fine. smile_o.gif

I don't know about your program but with mine I can adjust the brightness/contrast level (yeah I know you can do that in most others but this is some function that automatically sets one depending on the other one) so you don't even have to do that much smile_o.gif

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Make your "night" missions at 5 o´clock.

Looks better an you see more.

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Zap looks cool! the commanche is looking fat, or is it that way?

PS: I´m addicted to te mi28 wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Just messing around with some effects in Adobe.  Sxep, what do you use?


Which looks better?

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I just use photoshop.

U´m i think the lefts´s better, but i always blur em a bit so the "pixlty" is removed.

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Guest DKM-jaguar


there's some more stuff there now. i hope you like them. if you dont, i dont want to know, this isnt like making an addon smile_o.gif

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Uhm i´m sure this was asked before, but whats the best way to capture screens? personly i still use the "print"button and then paste it.

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To capture screenshots I'm using Fraps99. It's easy to handle and you can also record what to currently playing.

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I wish u could remove the crosh hairs.

:*( Are you gonna cry koolkid? tounge_o.gif

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@Harnu : I prefer the right one.It's clearer

@SXEP : I use GCS.It's small and simple to use smile_o.gif

@Koolkid : Just erase them out with your photo editing program wink_o.gif

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You lose that one zap;)

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fraps is the best

dude, and quit messing up the pages with your screwy way of quoting people

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LOL damn broke the board again  tounge_o.gif


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