Arghbra 10 Posted July 9, 2018 Hello everyone! Many servers administrators already use / used the benefits of the Headless Client in your missions. So, they probably faced several errors such as: HC that does not connect, connects and get kicked, connects and stays with an hourglass, without working (for this I have not seen any solution until the present moment, and we think we have a solution). After several tests in 2 different environments (a Windows 10 professional server - a test server - and our main server machine – windows server 2016) we discovered something that can help everyone with the problem of the hourglass HC. Administrators often use programs to manage their servers, such as SteamCMD, TADST, FLAX, and usually install an instance of Arma3Server (to use as the main server instance). Some also installs an ArmA 3 client to help with HC configuration. So far so good, but the catch is the moment that we keep the steam logged on the server (we usually leave online the steam that have the ArmA 3 client purchased). We saw that the HC worked flawless in our test server and the main server suffered with the hourglass HC. So, what we notice different on the 2 environments was (in addition to the versions of windows): * The test server always has a steam logged that does NOT have the ArmA3 client installed and, the main server, the steam logged in HAVE an ArmA3 client license. So we changed the main server environment to verify if this was the problem: * We started our main server with a Steam account that does NOT have the ArmA 3 Client, but only the Arma3 Server. Therefore, we conclude that the HC work properly when the steam account on TADST or FLAX is different that are running on server, when you start the HC instance (this prevents Steam ID conflicts and errors). We hope this information helps the ARMA 3 server administrator who use HC. Greetings from CCT – Comunidade de Combate Tático Brasil, a Brazilian Arma Community since 2009. Portuguese version: Olá a todos! Muitos já utilizam/utilizaram os benefícios do Headless Client para o servidor. Portanto, devem ter se deparado com diversos erros como: HC que não conecta, conecta e leva kick, conecta e fica com uma ampulheta (este até então, sem solução simples, pelo o que pesquisei até o momento). Depois de diversos testes em 2 ambientes diferentes (um servidor com Windows 10 profissional - este sendo um server de testes - e o servidor principal do nosso clã - windows server 2016) descobrimos algo que pode ajudar a todos com o problema da ampulheta no HC. Os administradores costumam utilizar programas para gerenciamento dos seus servers, sejam manuais ou automatizados (SteamCMD, TADST, FLAX) e costumam instalar uma instância do Arma3Server (para utilizar como a instância principal do servidor) na máquina. Como já vi em alguns post, alguns instalam o ArmA 3 client para utilizar o executável do arma3server no HC. Até aqui tudo certo, mas a pegadinha está no momento que mantemos a steam logada no servidor (costuma-se deixar a steam que possui a versão do ArmA 3 client comprada aberta no servidor). Verificamos que no servidor de testes o HC funcionava perfeitamente e no principal existia o problema. Então, analisamos o que havia de diferente nos 2 ambientes que utilizávamos (além das versões do windows): * O servidor de testes sempre está com uma steam logada que NÃO possui o ArmA3 client instalado e, no servidor principal, a steam logada POSSUI uma licença do ArmA3 client. Então mudamos o ambiente do servidor principal para verificar se o que foi constatado realmente fazia diferença: * colocamos na steam instalada no servidor principal uma conta que NÃO possui o ArmA 3 Client, mas apenas o Arma3 Server. E ao executar a missão que possui o HC, o HC funcionou perfeitamente. DESSA FORMA, CONCLUÍMOS QUE PARA O HC FUNCIONAR CORRETAMENTE, A STEAM LOGADA NA MÁQUINA DO SERVIDOR DEVE SER DIFERENTE DA CONFIGURADA NO TADST, NO FLAX OU MESMO NA STEAMCMD (MESMO QUE NAQUELA CONTA NÃO POSSUIA UMA LICENÇA DO ARMA 3), POIS ASSIM A STEAM E O BATTLEYE NÃO ENFRETARÃO CONFLITOS DE ID ENTRE O EXECUTÁVEL DO ARMA 3 SERVER E O EXECUTÁVEL DO HC. Esperamos que isso ajude os administradores de servidores de ARMA 3 e que usam o HC. Saudações da CCT a todos. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2727 Posted July 10, 2018 Headless clients are not normal clients. They don't need Steam logged in. Same requirements as the Server. I'm running server and client on Linux on command line only without any Steam account logged in anywhere. Are you trying to launch the Arma 3 client as a headless client? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arghbra 10 Posted July 12, 2018 Negative @Dedmen but we kept the 2 instances installed on the server because we noticed a better performance in our structure when we used arma3server_x64.exe from the Arma Client installation for the Headless Client function. And we did not use the Linux version of the server (only 1 person had full knowledge to manipulate the distro). I still appreciate the response! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites