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Players incapacitated at damage 0.5,but ai keep going until 1

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My players complain the ai are too tough and that they, the players and their team mates are too weak.

We see that an ai will take multiple, sometimes 4+ hits and not go yet players are incapacitated easily, often by a single round.

We use BIS revive and I see that a player becomes incapacitated at damage 0.5. But the enemy ai are good to fight until they are damage 1.


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Well have you used simple methods to counter the problem? You can:


1.]Equip the enemy AI with vests that have less ballistic protection.

2.]Equip your players with heavier weapons. Some weapons can easily one shot enemy units.

3.]Consider the fact that fellow AI members many times have to be ordered to heal themselves, otherwise they do not till they die.

4.]Use AI addons who creatly enhance AI. We use the ASR AI3. More exist though.

5.]Equip your players with heavier armor.

6.]Equip enemy units with weapons that do far less damage.

7.]Alter the AI's accuracy. Maybe AI units are too accurate.


And if those are not enough I believe damage eventHandlers exist which control how much damage a unit can take.


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Yes, apologies for an incomplete post, I'm at work and had to rush off before detailing what I've already done to mitigate this.


I do reomve the vests of half of my enemy AI, some of them have thei helmets replaced by less protective gear too.

I'm not going to insist players use heavier weapons. A players loadout is their own choice and is, thse days, governed by weight as much as the hitting power of the weapons they carry.

I've rarely seen AI heal themselves.It does happen, but rarely. I've thought about taking there FAKs away, but players like to harvest FAKs from dead enemy.

Not sure why using AI addons would help this. I do use an AI driving mod somethimes.

I do tweak the enemy AI, especially since the 'overhaul'. I will do more there, I think.


I think the EH will be the best way. Either handle the players damage so that it is never between 0.5 and 0.8, so they won't fall incapacitated so early. Faiing that, use an EH to injure they AI more when they get hit, so they can't take five or six 6mm rounds.


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 I have noticed this with vanilla units. It doesn't seem to matter what they are wearing and using a 5.56 caliber at less than 100 meters should be an instant kill with a headshot. The last mission I made was a stealth mission it could take 2+ head shots to down a vanilla AI. So i use a simple "handledamage" EH on all enemy units. Made a big difference. What is strange is I use CUP in alot of my missions and never seem to have this problem with CUP units

if (side _x isEqualTo east) then
		//change damage threshold for AI
		_x removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
		_x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{
											_damage = (_this select 2)*2; 
		//set alarm for gunshot
		_x addEventHandler ["firedman",{
										"The Enemy is aware of your presence" remoteExec ["hint", 0]; 										}];
} forEach allUnits; 


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@nomadd Nice one!


17 hours ago, Tankbuster said:

Yes, apologies for an incomplete post, I'm at work and had to rush off before detailing what I've already done to mitigate this.


I do reomve the vests of half of my enemy AI, some of them have thei helmets replaced by less protective gear too.

I'm not going to insist players use heavier weapons. A players loadout is their own choice and is, thse days, governed by weight as much as the hitting power of the weapons they carry.

I've rarely seen AI heal themselves.It does happen, but rarely. I've thought about taking there FAKs away, but players like to harvest FAKs from dead enemy.

Not sure why using AI addons would help this. I do use an AI driving mod somethimes.

I do tweak the enemy AI, especially since the 'overhaul'. I will do more there, I think.


I think the EH will be the best way. Either handle the players damage so that it is never between 0.5 and 0.8, so they won't fall incapacitated so early. Faiing that, use an EH to injure they AI more when they get hit, so they can't take five or six 6mm rounds.



Indeed their loadout is their own choice. Maybe there were specific gear you gave them at the start of the mission.

True, vanilla AI tend not to heal themselves.

AI addons change the way the AI behaves. AI units now use different strategies, they have more realistic shooting accuracy, they rearm when they are out of bullets, they use turrets when available, they use smokes and grenades and much more! After using addons the AI was greatly enhanced and that is why all my missions have it as a dependency. 

Tweaking the enemy AI's gear is a smart choice. The thing is that without using addons which have multiple times tested their tweaks it can be tricky to tweak their skills directly. 


And there is an Extra Armor setting ingame. You can disable it if not already done.

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Thanks everyone.:)


In addition to taking away some of their vests, I've applied a 0.3 damage to them all. This means they can still run and don't look bloodied, but they now can't take more than a couple of 6mm rounds before going down. Extra Armor is already turned off.


@nomadd, I only use CUP terrains core (their civilians were so badly config'd I had to stop using them. At the moment, I'm trying to keep the mission as lean as possible, so I'm avoiding eventhandlers where possible. But doubling the hurt they take is a good idea. I will be using that elsewhere in the mission.

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I think your handleDamage EH is the way to go.


Regarding AI Healing, micro-managing the AI sucks.  @bardosy has a nice auto-medic script you can use.


For player's AI squad in my Property of Mabunga mission, I didn't want any limping AI slowing the player team down, so I created this script so AI in player squad will heal themselves if limping:

// autoHealWhenLimping.sqf
// by JohnnyBoy
// *******************************************************************************
// Have unit self heal when limping (hitlegs >= .5).
// Sample Usage:  { dmy = [_x] execVM "Scripts\autoHealWhenLimping.sqf";} foreach units group player;
// *******************************************************************************
if (!isServer) exitwith {};
if (isPlayer _dude) exitwith {};
sleep 6;
while {alive _dude and !isPlayer _dude} do
    if ((_dude getHitPointDamage "hitLegs") >= .5) then   
        sleep 30 + (random 30);
        if (!isPlayer _dude) then // unit might have started as AI, but player later spawned into him.
            _dude additem "FirstAidKit";
            _dude action ["HealSoldierSelf", _dude];
            _dude setHitPointDamage ["hitLegs", 0];
    } else 
        sleep 5;


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Just to be clear, I'm specifically talking about enemy AI troops, my mission has no friendly AI. So after some testing and gathering feedback from the players......

They don't like the enemy AI having their vests removed - they look like off-duty soldiers, so I've put the vests back on, but have taken away their FAKs and applied a starting damage of 0.2.

I did eventually go with @nomadd's handledamage EH and the players like it. The enemy go down after 2 or 3 hits, which we reckon is about the same as players, so we're happy with that.

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22 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

I think your handleDamage EH is the way to go.


Regarding AI Healing, micro-managing the AI sucks.  @bardosy has a nice auto-medic script you can use.


For player's AI squad in my Property of Mabunga mission, I didn't want any limping AI slowing the player team down, so I created this script so AI in player squad will heal themselves if limping:

// autoHealWhenLimping.sqf
// by JohnnyBoy
// *******************************************************************************
// Have unit self heal when limping (hitlegs >= .5).
// Sample Usage:  { dmy = [_x] execVM "Scripts\autoHealWhenLimping.sqf";} foreach units group player;
// *******************************************************************************
if (!isServer) exitwith {};
if (isPlayer _dude) exitwith {};
sleep 6;
while {alive _dude and !isPlayer _dude} do
    if ((_dude getHitPointDamage "hitLegs") >= .5) then   
        sleep 30 + (random 30);
        if (!isPlayer _dude) then // unit might have started as AI, but player later spawned into him.
            _dude additem "FirstAidKit";
            _dude action ["HealSoldierSelf", _dude];
            _dude setHitPointDamage ["hitLegs", 0];
    } else 
        sleep 5;



Does this just have to be just leg hits? Anyway to change to when friendly AI take a certain amount of damage in total?




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@Jnr4817, sure thing dude, change this line:

if ((_dude getHitPointDamage "hitLegs") >= .5) then   


if (damage _dude >= .5) then   

Damage values returned are in the range 0 (healthy) to 1 (dead), so use a value in between that suits you.

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Thank you sir


Do I need to change this too?

_dude setHitPointDamage ["hitLegs", 0];


_dude setDamage 0;


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