Dwarden 1126 Posted January 17, 2018 note: those're just binaries, no data, that's still WIP, no ETA atm., Linux server to come later too please provide feedback multiplayer incompatible with any older version of A2OA link to Arma discord https://discord.gg/arma channel #end_of_life_arma https://discord.gg/0aWSevYPq5UwEvEP 1.64.144629 (cumulative ontop 144373) https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxvpummd1gw4gcj/arma2oa_164_144629.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EnRk-9nHlkE161r6czFVMGNUbEnUwkB9 1.64.144373 windows https://www.dropbox.com/s/68bkm4br9z7w3dd/arma2oa_164_144373.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sLE9Rb9C2u6AfsNmsv98MN-uhMq4h2tA linux https://www.dropbox.com/s/ocq6m3afsi7oc34/a2oa-server-1.64.144373.tar.bz2?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JRK-A4Ho37rbQaSFRTR8u6pH_WoiRgly 1.64.144343: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gbchk1cy2ssmcvy/arma2oa_164_144343.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1d2iOeHFNCdSRtqRjhrowBL9wHu3eo6n8 1.64.144253: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z9wow6peuhcwx0y/arma2oa_164_144253.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=17M0R3RCISz0OFkxj0ToegEM5KRfKpHb5 1.64.144246: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tegisi94nv5jxqp/arma2oa_164_144246.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mk-MRvTsQox9RTLppHaUzWCzNkIkNs8R 1.64.144198: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kjctemljlpfns8c/arma2oa_164_144198.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ux4z8q1TmK5NG93yLSZGkqb5dwaGVU94 1.64.144191:https://www.dropbox.com/s/i88d9b8jsvi5zjp/arma2oa_164_144191.7z?dl=0https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TVeBJ4kZlUCeY51IhvarrNVzQiLJwayH 1.64.144160: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wcxbjvw0emsasm5/arma2oa_164_144160.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mpWO0vTGljmgamkdjcrsi2ek7e0PENiF 1.64.144152: https://www.dropbox.com/s/857t9wyhkl58l1n/arma2oa_164_144152.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZXp_zjlmp9DF6Q9-LQ_9aE1fTp3neYTs 1.64.144120: https://www.dropbox.com/s/55gji8mck6zupsv/arma2oa_164_144120_with_corepatch.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PeIa-4hnnJWeIN1EU0CUOmWFj98Yh1Q1 1.64.144112: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7gycfsy8orj4v23/arma2oa_164_144112.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Li11k5vv4DHl8_rceNe7WJqxnAyYBW-U Quote 1.64 fast-changelog: Engine: + security fixes + many crash fixes + various minor fixes + several optimizations + fixed black eyes on characters + fixed multiple VON issues + fixed Eventhandlers not reset properly + fixed MP eventhandlers reindexing + fixed vehicle's turret locality sync in multiplayer + fixed drawIcon displaying text + fixed isNumber return + fixed helicopter rotor speed after MP mission load from save + fixed laser targets at water surfaces + fixed particles drawn near camera + fixed AI gear in another group's vehicle + bonus scriptCommand getHit, addWeaponTurret, removeWeaponTurret + Added #maxping, #maxpacketloss and #maxdesync commands for admins (for server.cfg too) + Added kickClientsOnSlowNetwork and disconnectTimeout for server.cfg BattlEye: + newly located `\BattlEye\` folder in the root of `\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\` + updated client binaries and libraries + updated server libraries for both windows and linux Allocator: + updated allocator library (same as within Arma 3) in the `\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Dll\` \tbb4malloc_bi.dll STEAM: + updated Steam SDK libraries to 1.42 in the root of `\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\` \steamclient.dll \tier0_s.dll \vstdlib_s.dll \steam_api.dll \steam.dll Linux dedicated server ~ binary /battleye/beserver.so + callExtension support at same feature level as Windows dedicated server + new STEAM libraries /steamclient.so /libsteam_api.so DATA: + new 2018 version of signed \Expansion\Addons\CorePatch.pbo \Common\modules.pbo ~ WIP, TBD 4 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted January 19, 2018 updating to 1.64.144120 atm. 2 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devd 12 Posted January 19, 2018 Nice. I'm waiting for Linux server with call extension support (or just share sources?). Thanks 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terminusuk 10 Posted January 19, 2018 fixed black eyes on characters .... sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Gonna give it a go now. Thanks BIS/Dwarden Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dihan Xxx 0 Posted January 19, 2018 When you are in Steam? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted January 20, 2018 10 hours ago, Dihan Xxx said: When you are in Steam? when nobody reports regressions ... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted January 23, 2018 1.64.144152 ready, by popular demand: + fixed multiple VON issues + fixed MP eventhandlers reindexing and some other fixes 4 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted January 24, 2018 1.64.144160 ready, + Added kickClientsOnSlowNetwork and disconnectTimeout for server.cfg + fixed more crashes 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted January 29, 2018 A2OA 1.64.144191 + more crashfixes 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted January 30, 2018 A2OA 1.64.144198 + resolved crashes related to external libraries 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted February 7, 2018 A2OA 1.64.144246 + fixed crash related to VON use 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted February 8, 2018 A2OA 1.64.144253 + fixed config read slowdown regression 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted February 14, 2018 Arma 2 stable received Arma 2 beta data (that should solve the North America/ Rest Of World data-set schism) A2 beta branch == A2 stable branch Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead beta received A2OA test data and 1.64 binary A2OA test branch == A2OA beta branch == 1.64 A2OA stable branch == 1.63 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ataribaby 54 Posted February 14, 2018 Hello Dwarden, First thanks a lot for this fixes at EOL of ARMA2 .Can I nicely ask if there is any chance to fix broken cinematic animations under A2 OA? for example at start of original campaign at scene in church shot to death Commander disappears for some seconds and reappears lying on ground dead. Same as I remember was scene with three wounded guys at Sobor bench in Dogs of War (I am not sure about it - it was some time ago I tried replay ARMA 2 campaign in A2 AO). Not a biggie but it will be nice if it can be fixed if cause is known. It is always reason why I play original campaign in Arma 2 instead A2 OA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opusfmspol 282 Posted February 18, 2018 Encountering multiplayer problems with Warfare on LAN play, both editor-made missions, and the BI missions ("When Diplomacy Fails", "Superpowers"). Occurs with DS and non-DS multiplayer. The "clientID" variable doesn't get defined. In the WF scripts, during client initialization a function is used to get clientID. The function uses Find command and should return index +1; i.e., 0 (not found) or the index number of the client's joined group. But .rpt log is reflecting clientID undefined error. (perhaps indicating the function isn't returning anything?) I didn't suffer this as host with a create-and-play editor mission. I encountered it when the mission was exported to .pbo and launched with a DS. Then I deleted the PBO and went back to the editor mission, and had a second client machine join in; the joined client had the problem but the host didn't. The problem indicator occurs at mission start, and is rather obvious; the client can't vote for commander when the clientID is undefined. The action menu doesn't appear. If they open map to vote, only "AI" appears in the vote list. (edit: forgot to mention - running A2 beta and OA beta.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted February 19, 2018 thanks, we will look into this bug further feedback or brainstorming on what's broken is welcome Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted February 20, 2018 A2OA 1.64.144343 engine: + fixed some crashes + resolved not working Warfare / Superpowers etc. missions data fixes: Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Common\modules.pbo Steam SDK libraries updated to 1.42 \steamclient.dll \tier0_s.dll \vstdlib_s.dll \steam_api.dll \steam.dll included extra data fixes for Arma 2 Arma 2\Addons\modules.pbo Arma 2\Addons\corepatch_a2.pbo 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pr9inichek 133 Posted February 21, 2018 Hi guys. Some feedback: from .rpt Mission mp_whendiplomacyfails.chernarus: Number of roles (24) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (16) Arma 2\AddOns\missions\MPScenarios\MP_WhenDiplomacyFails.Chernarus\ Description.ext class Header { gameType = CTI; minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 16; }; Need *maxPlayers = 24; Arma 2\AddOns\warfare2\Scripts\Common\Config\Config_Barracks.sqf ... _u = _u + ["RU_Soldier_MG"]; _c = _c + [1750]; _t = _t + [5]; _p = _p + [6]; ... Need *_c = _c + [225 or 200]; https://imgur.com/GIcZMJR Cannot load sound errors: Spoiler Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female01\cz\cekam.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female01\cz\veli.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\numbers\two2.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\veli.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\numbers\one2.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\numbers\three2.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\numbers\four2.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\numbers\all.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\vystoupit.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\cekam.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\nastoupit.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\objects\house.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female01\cz\sesedat.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female01\cz\nastoupit.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\sesedat.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female01\cz\rozumim.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female01\cz\soractedne.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female01\cz\negativni.wss' Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female01\cz\muzem.wss' Error Undefined variable in expression: sidejoined Error in expression <f (BIS_WF_DebugMarkers && Side _team == sideJoined) then { [_team,_source,_desti> Error position: <sideJoined) then { [_team,_source,_desti> Error Undefined variable in expression: sidejoined File CA\Warfare2\Scripts\Server\Functions\Server_AITeamFastTravel.sqf, line 24 Error in expression <e]; if ((_camp getVariable "side") == sideJoined) then {if (!isNil {BIS_hint_c> Error position: <sideJoined) then {if (!isNil {BIS_hint_c> Error Undefined variable in expression: sidejoined File CA\Warfare2\Scripts\Server\Server_UpdateCamp.sqf, line 99 Some errors: Duplicate weapon ItemMap detected for USMC_Soldier_SL Duplicate weapon ItemCompass detected for USMC_Soldier_SL Duplicate weapon ItemWatch detected for USMC_Soldier_SL Duplicate weapon ItemRadio detected for USMC_Soldier_SL Localization errors: \Arma 2\AddOns\languagemissions\stringtable.xml <Key ID="str_hint_plane_04"> <English>Pull the landing gear up, select 'Gear Up' in the Action Menu or press %1.</English> <Russian>Уберите шасси, воспользовавшись командой 'Поднять закрылки' в меню действий или нажав %1.</Russian> </Key> *<Russian>Уберите шасси, воспользовавшись командой 'Убрать шасси' в меню действий или нажав %1.</Russian> <Key ID="str_retakeoff_conversation_m_1"> <English>OK Coops, you're airborne. Raise the gear, retract the flaps, gain some speed and altitude.</English> <Russian>Отлично, Купер. Вы в воздухе. Поднимайте шасси, закрылки назад, набирайте скорость и высоту.</Russian> </Key> *<Russian>Отлично, Купер. Вы в воздухе. Убирайте шасси и закрылки, набирайте скорость и высоту.</Russian> \Arma 2\Dta\languagecore\stringtable.xml <Key ID="str_usract_gear"> <Original>Gear</Original> <Russian>Шасси</Russian> </Key> *<Russian>Снаряжение</Russian> 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opusfmspol 282 Posted February 22, 2018 Voting came back (1.64.144343). But when player commander deployed the MHQ into an HQ, this error happened: Warning Message: 'iconStaticObject/' is not a class ('' accessed) Occured with a confirmation pop-up, to be acknowledged. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted February 22, 2018 is that regression or was present in 1.63.x ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Noma 8 Posted February 22, 2018 In stringtable.xml of languagecore.pbo, please replace it: <Key ID="str_vehicle_locked"> <Russian>Заблокровано</Russian> </Key> with this one: <Key ID="str_vehicle_locked"> <Russian>Заблокировано</Russian> </Key> 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opusfmspol 282 Posted February 22, 2018 2 hours ago, Dwarden said: is that regression or was present in 1.63.x ? Regression. It was not doing that before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted February 25, 2018 1.64.144373 + some more crashfixes + linux dedicated server with callExtension support (same feature level as A2OA windows dedicated server) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devd 12 Posted February 26, 2018 Version 1.64.144343 Starting process failed. Cannot register unknown string STR_MP_KICKED_SLOW_NETWORK And Client v144343 don't connect to linux dedicated server v144343.... (mission not started). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites