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adding loot for CUP and Ravage




adding loot for CUP and Ravage

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For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /*
means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines.
Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.

You can open this ex:
with notepad++

and also use the extra pluggins
(this way will be better , it will give also some certain collours to be able to detect ex. problems )

or use any other program for editing .

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Version 3.0
Fixed an error to spawn correctly the Attachments
There is availale loot for Vanilla , Unsung , CUP , Ravage and combination of this.

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Hi I have suggestions you may be like to consider in any of your following updates.

May be you could add a spawn chance option, so a user could choose how rare a piece of loot is. 

Also an addon version would be nice ... it took me forever how to find out how to use a script (surely many users dont know).


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10 hours ago, Schreber said:



Hello Schreber!


An addon version sound nice , i haven't think of this !


In this last script , i tried to fix everything more clear , for everyone to be able to edit this , by their own needs.


For the rarity of the items :

you can adjust this , by putting double (or more) items  (x2) of this kind that you want more.


For the ammount of the items :

you can adjust this , by changing the last number on theese lines:

//lootitems5 items 2 Here ONLY :items , PointerAttachments , BipodAttachments , MuzzleAttachments , OpticAttachments , NVG
lootitems5 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos5; lootitems5 addItemCargo [_items_loot2, 2];


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Hey there George,


i need some help at your script. I want the random Crashsites to spawn a marker too, so that every player can see it on the map. Is this possible?


Thnx for your help!

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1 minute ago, CptStampede said:

random Crashsites to spawn a marker too


Hello there CptStampede !


Yes , it is possible . Hold on to fix this.!

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40 minutes ago, CptStampede said:

I want the random Crashsites to spawn a marker too



37 minutes ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

Yes , it is possible . Hold on to fix this.!



You have to add this , at the bottom of the code:

// Create a Marker at the Crashsite
_GF_marker = createMarker ["Crashsite",getPos _crashsite];
_GF_marker setMarkerType "mil_marker";  //  https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cfgMarkers
_GF_marker setMarkerSize [1,1];
_GF_marker setMarkerColor "ColorYellow";
_GF_marker setMarkerText "Crashsite";   //  name text

Just if it is possible confirm this.

Thanks !

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Thnx George yes it works. But i changed number of crashsites in the script and it shows just 1 chrashsite on the map. Any ideas?



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2 minutes ago, CptStampede said:

it shows just 1 chrashsite on the map


Hold on I 'll check it and tell you.

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1 hour ago, CptStampede said:

it shows just 1


Now it's working



//	Create a Marker at the Crashsite
//	https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cfgMarkers
	if (typeOf _x in _Wrecks_array) then 
		_marker = createMarkerLocal ["Crashsite" + str(_forEachIndex), getPos _x];
		_marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
		_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_marker";	
		_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorYellow";
		_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1];
		_marker setMarkerTextLocal "Crashsite"; 
forEach allMissionObjects "All";


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19 minutes ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:



The FULL code , with Markers for every Crashsite:

//________________  Author : [GR]GEORGE F ___________ 01.04.18 _____________
// Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary
For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /*
means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines.
Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.
You can open this ex:
with notepad++
and also use the extra pluggins
(this way will be better , it will give also some certain collours to be able to detect ex. problems )
or use any other program for editing .
if(!isServer) exitWith {};
systemchat "C r a s h s i t e s   I n i t i a l i z i n g";
private ["_marker","_x"];
_x = 0;
//Number of the crashsites to spawn (on random)
for "_x" from 0 to (2 + (random 6)) do {
//The position of the crashsites will be random
GF_random_pos = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
//Wrecks at the crashsites
_Wrecks_array = [
_Wrecks = selectRandom _Wrecks_array;
_crashsite = _Wrecks createVehicle GF_random_pos;
//Type of loot
_weapons_Loot = [
            //Apex AssaultRifles
            //AK x2
            //Apex SniperRifles
            // Launchers
            "launch_RPG7_F",    //x2
            ]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_sideweapons_loot = [
            ]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_items_loot1 = [
            //for RyanZombies
            ]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_items_loot2 = [
            //Here ONLY :items , PointerAttachments , BipodAttachments , MuzzleAttachments , OpticAttachments , NVG
            ]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_items_loot3 = [
            ]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
//Position of the loot at the crashsite            
_lootPos1 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 1];
_lootPos2 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 3];
_lootPos3 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 5];
_lootPos4 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 7];
_lootPos5 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 9];
_lootPos6 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 11];
_lootPos8 = _crashsite getRelPos [4, 1];
//you can spawn an item next to the wreck , like an ammobox  _lootPos8
_array1 = [
_Wrecks1 = selectRandom _array1;
_crashsite1 = _Wrecks1 createVehicle _lootPos8;
sleep 1;
//addweaponcargo    addItemCargo    addMagazineCargo
//lootitems1 spawn weapons
lootitems1 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos1; lootitems1 addweaponcargo [_weapons_Loot, 1];
//lootitems2 spawn sideweapons
lootitems2 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos2; lootitems2 addweaponcargo [_sideweapons_loot, 2];
//lootitems3 spawn only mags
lootitems3 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos3; lootitems3 addweaponcargo [_weapons_Loot, 0];
//lootitems4 items 1
lootitems4 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos4; lootitems4 addweaponcargo [_items_loot1, 2];
//lootitems5 items 2 Here ONLY :items , PointerAttachments , BipodAttachments , MuzzleAttachments , OpticAttachments , NVG
lootitems5 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos5; lootitems5 addItemCargo [_items_loot2, 2];
//lootitems6 items 2 Here ONLY :Flares , Smokes , Explosives
lootitems6 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos6; lootitems6 addMagazineCargo [_items_loot3, 2];
// Spawn weapon's mag
_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _weapons_Loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom;
lootitems1 addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 2];  //2 mags
// Spawn sideweapon's mag
_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _sideweapons_loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom;
lootitems2 addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 2];  //2 mags
// Spawn only magazines
_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _weapons_Loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom;
lootitems3 addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 3];  //3 mags
sleep 1;
_particle1 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _crashsite;
_particle1 setParticleClass "MediumSmoke";
_particle1 attachTo [_crashsite,[0,0,0]];
//source setParticleFire [coreIntensity, coreDistance, damageTime]
_particle2 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal (getPos _crashsite);
_particle2 setParticleClass "BigDestructionSmoke";
_particle2 setParticleFire [0.3,1.0,0.1];
//MediumSmoke   ObjectDestructionSmoke  ObjectDestructionFire1Smallx
//SmallDestructionSmoke SmallDestructionFire MediumDestructionFire MediumDestructionSmoke BigDestructionFire BigDestructionSmoke
sleep 1;
//Create a Crater   (Crater , CraterLong , CraterLong_small)
createVehicle ["CraterLong", getPos _crashsite, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
//  Create a Marker at the Crashsite
//  https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cfgMarkers
    if (typeOf _x in _Wrecks_array) then
        _marker = createMarkerLocal ["Crashsite" + str(_forEachIndex), getPos _x];
        _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
        _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_marker";   
        _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorYellow";
        _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1];
        _marker setMarkerTextLocal "Crashsite";
forEach allMissionObjects "All";
systemchat "C r a s h s i t e s   S p a w n e d";


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So now everything works as it has too. One last thing to finish this up... When the crashsites spawn on a big grass field it is very difficult to see all the stuff around it. My idea was to spawn a "Large_ClutterCutter_F" to hide the grass so the people can see the loot much better... I tried this here:



// Create a ClutterCutter to erase Clutter around Crashsites
createVehicle ["Land_ClutterCutter_large_F", getPos _crashsite, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];


But it doesnt work, all the grass is still there on the ground. Any ideas?


thnx for reading

Edited by CptStampede
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11 minutes ago, CptStampede said:

// Create a ClutterCutter to erase Clutter around Crashsites


Yes , this should be added as an option.

Nice idea , i 'll check and tell you !


( hold on - going to check )


Thank you CptStampede!


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1 hour ago, CptStampede said:

// Create a ClutterCutter to erase Clutter around Crashsites



This is an updated version of the script , with the following options :

(the official update will be soon in Armaholic )


Cut the grass around the Crashsites and

Create a Marker for the Crashsites .



//________________  Author : [GR]GEORGE F ___________ 03.05.18 _____________

________________ GF Crashsites Script ________________


Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary

Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.
For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /*
means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines.

You can open this ex:
with notepad++

and also use the extra pluggins
(this way will be better , it will give also some certain collours to be able to detect ex. problems )

or use any other program for editing .

For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in:

if(!isServer) exitWith {};

_1_Grass_Cutter			= true;		//	Cut the grass around the Crashsites 
_2_Create_Markers		= true;		//	Create a Marker for the Crashsites		

systemchat "C r a s h s i t e s   I n i t i a l i z i n g";

private ["_marker","_x"];
_x = 0;

//Number of the crashsites to spawn (on random)
for "_x" from 0 to (2 + (random 6)) do {

//The position of the crashsites will be random
GF_random_pos = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;

//Wrecks at the crashsites
_Wrecks_array = [
_Wrecks = selectRandom _Wrecks_array;

_crashsite = _Wrecks createVehicle GF_random_pos;

//Type of loot
_weapons_Loot = [

			//Apex AssaultRifles
			//AK x2

			//Apex SniperRifles
			// Launchers
			"launch_RPG7_F",	//x2
			]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

_sideweapons_loot = [

			]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

_items_loot1 = [
			//for RyanZombies
			]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_items_loot2 = [
			//Here ONLY :items , PointerAttachments , BipodAttachments , MuzzleAttachments , OpticAttachments , NVG
			]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

_items_loot3 = [
			]call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
//Position of the loot at the crashsite				
_lootPos1 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 1];
_lootPos2 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 3];
_lootPos3 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 5];
_lootPos4 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 7];
_lootPos5 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 9];
_lootPos6 = _crashsite getRelPos [8, 11];

_lootPos8 = _crashsite getRelPos [4, 1];
//you can spawn an item next to the wreck , like an ammobox	 _lootPos8

_array1 = [
_Wrecks1 = selectRandom _array1;
_crashsite1 = _Wrecks1 createVehicle _lootPos8;

sleep 1;

//addweaponcargo	addItemCargo	addMagazineCargo

//lootitems1 spawn weapons
lootitems1 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos1; lootitems1 addweaponcargo [_weapons_Loot, 1];

//lootitems2 spawn sideweapons
lootitems2 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos2; lootitems2 addweaponcargo [_sideweapons_loot, 2];

//lootitems3 spawn only mags
lootitems3 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos3; lootitems3 addweaponcargo [_weapons_Loot, 0];

//lootitems4 items 1
lootitems4 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos4; lootitems4 addweaponcargo [_items_loot1, 2];

//lootitems5 items 2 Here ONLY :items , PointerAttachments , BipodAttachments , MuzzleAttachments , OpticAttachments , NVG
lootitems5 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos5; lootitems5 addItemCargo [_items_loot2, 2];

//lootitems6 items 2 Here ONLY :Flares , Smokes , Explosives
lootitems6 = "groundweaponHolder" createVehicle _lootPos6; lootitems6 addMagazineCargo [_items_loot3, 2];

// Spawn weapon's mag
_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _weapons_Loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom; 
lootitems1 addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 2];	//2 mags

// Spawn sideweapon's mag
_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _sideweapons_loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom; 
lootitems2 addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 2];	//2 mags
// Spawn only magazines
_magazines = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _weapons_Loot / "magazines");
_magazineClass = _magazines call bis_fnc_selectRandom; 
lootitems3 addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClass, 3];	//3 mags

sleep 1;

_particle1 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _crashsite;
_particle1 setParticleClass "MediumSmoke";
_particle1 attachTo [_crashsite,[0,0,0]];

//source setParticleFire [coreIntensity, coreDistance, damageTime] 
_particle2 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal (getPos _crashsite);
_particle2 setParticleClass "BigDestructionSmoke";
_particle2 setParticleFire [0.3,1.0,0.1];

//MediumSmoke	ObjectDestructionSmoke	ObjectDestructionFire1Smallx
//SmallDestructionSmoke	SmallDestructionFire MediumDestructionFire MediumDestructionSmoke BigDestructionFire BigDestructionSmoke

sleep 1;

//Create a Crater	(Crater , CraterLong , CraterLong_small)
createVehicle ["CraterLong", getPos _crashsite, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

if (_1_Grass_Cutter) then {

//	systemchat "_1_Grass_Cutter";

//	Cut the grass around the Crashsites 

_Grass_Cutter_pos = _crashsite getRelPos [12, 6];
createVehicle ["Land_ClutterCutter_large_F", _Grass_Cutter_pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; 
createVehicle ["Land_ClutterCutter_large_F", _crashsite, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; 

if (_2_Create_Markers) then {

//	systemchat "_2_Create_Markers";

//	Create a Marker for the Crashsites
//	Select your marker here:	
//	https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cfgMarkers
	if (typeOf _x in _Wrecks_array) then 
		_marker = createMarkerLocal ["Crashsite" + str(_forEachIndex), getPos _x];
		_marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
		_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_marker";	
		_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorYellow";
		_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1];
		_marker setMarkerTextLocal "Crashsite"; 
forEach allMissionObjects "All";

systemchat "C r a s h s i t e s   S p a w n e d";



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thnx George i will change this and im up to release my map in the next few minutes :)

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3 minutes ago, CptStampede said:

thnx George i will change this and im up to release my map in the next few minutes :)


Thanks also and with the release of your mission ,

if you like share here

and here :


Thanks CptStampede !

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1 hour ago, CptStampede said:

So here it is:


Thank you very much and well done CptStampede !



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Hello George

So in this line 451 to 467


_array1 = [

If I understant correctly, it can spawn the loot inside the box instead of the loot on the ground ?

Also the part about Respawn ? Is this for SP or MP, I don't understand what is ?

Thank you

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2 hours ago, MisterOth said:

spawn the loot inside the box


Hello there MisterOth !


In this array ,  you can spawn objects ( almost everything ).


If it is an item container ( it has an option for inventory )

then you can also set the desired items inside  or loot from the arrays lists.


You can see an example from my Cargo airdrop script :




2 hours ago, MisterOth said:

for SP or MP

Yes , you can add this script in both.



For anything that you might  want feel free to ask !


See you !

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Hello George me again,


since Ravage got his way into the Workshop im setting up a simple survival server. So ur Scripts still work on self hosted and spawns markers but they dont show at my Server.  Can u help me with this?





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7 hours ago, CptStampede said:

spawns markers


Try to change this :


if (typeOf _x in _Wrecks_array) then 
		_marker = createMarker ["Crashsite" + str(_forEachIndex), getPos _x];
		_marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_marker setMarkerType "mil_marker";	
		_marker setMarkerColor "ColorYellow";
		_marker setMarkerSize [1,1];
		_marker setMarkerText "Crashsite"; 


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