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Particles disappear problem on DEV branch

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I found that problem for a while on stable and dev branches. More than half a year, probably. Some particles disappear in seconds after been spawned. That is a huge problem for modding and visual appearence. But today I found that diagnostic exe on DEV branch is free from that problem! I just want to ask game developers to fix that problem in standart exe files on DEV and STABLE branches. Thank you.


Check it out, look at dirt tentacles on




and arma 3diag_x64.exe



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This is serious thing though but you have similar post:

Anyway, this must be fixed but it is not fixed yet. WTF is wrong with you BI?



Ah nevermind. This is a dumb post since I was blind...

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Well spotted ruPal. This gives me hope that BI will be able to fix this bug. Perhaps there is a small config difference between the main and diagnostic versions of the 64bit exe that is causing particle lifetime to be reduced on the main exe version?

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For the mod Armageddon I am really handicaped by this particle rendering issue.
Even if there are improvments with 32bits and diag_x64 executables, the particle system
is not completely fixed.
One bug for which there is no improvment when switching from the regular exe to the diag_64 one is the disappearance of large 2D particles when the camera come close to the Billboards.
I am working on a pyroclastic flow and you see clearly this issue in the following videos:
regular (64 bits exe)


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