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Going to war with iraq?

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No I'm 13, look at my profile. smile.gif But it is true tho, many ppl I know are practically stupid because by their age they should read perfectly, much less do simple math. But then the worst part is after all this, they say they want to be a lawyer! biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">so many people in my [Grade 8] class cannot read, fail in simple adding fractiosn quizzes, and are just overall, stupid. <span id='postcolor'>

Where I went, people like that were held back until they could pass their grade. The rest of us made fun of them for being stupid. But my case was probably special. I went to a Catholic School where there was only 15 students in my class, so we got alot more attention from better teachers.

I find it amazing that a student could make it to grade 8 and not even know how to read well.


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Guess Mr. Bush is a child of the system:

"We need an energy bill that encourages consumption."—Trenton, N.J., Sept. 23, 2002

"There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, fool me once, shame on—shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again."—Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

"Do you have blacks, too?"—To Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso, Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 2001

"For a century and a half now, America and Japan have formed one of the great and enduring alliances of modern times."—Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 18, 2002

"We've tripled the amount of money—I believe it's from $50 million up to $195 million available."—Lima, Peru, March 23, 2002

"Neither in French nor in English nor in Mexican."—Declining to answer reporters' questions at the Summit of the Americas, Quebec City, Canada, April 21, 2001

You´re with Stupid :-)

You see, even private schools and daddies millions dont make brains.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Balschoiw @ Nov. 20 2002,17:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You see, even private schools and daddies millions dont make brains.<span id='postcolor'>

You mean he has more than one daddy? biggrin.giftounge.gifbiggrin.gif

-=Die Alive=-

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I wonder who they asked were these places are. Maybe a CPP school or a night school? I mean come on, more than 11 percent of the people in the US knows were the united states is.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hit_Sqd_Maximus @ Nov. 21 2002,00:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wonder who they asked were these places are. Maybe a CPP school or a night school? I mean come on, more than 11 percent of the people in the US knows were the united states is.<span id='postcolor'>

the percentage was of people who didn't know. Although I'm sure that they didn't exactly walk into an honors class when they were polling

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I am not a native US, so you should be happy with my english.

Do you know german language ? tounge.gif

At least I know where the US are.

Did you know that 11 percent of US schoolkids think that the Kanzler of germany is Adolf Hitler ?

Hollywood seems to be more influencing than school lessons.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (advocatexxx @ Nov. 20 2002,22:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Nov. 20 2002,16:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I go to school with people who can barely read or right<span id='postcolor'>

Lol, and you're one of them  biggrin.gif   (j/k)<span id='postcolor'>

Well all this just gets me pissed off.  God forbid I spell something wrong.  What do you want me to do?  Write a rought draft of a post then go into my Corel and spell and grammar check it for all of you.

Like I'm the only one who makes a damn mistake.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Among 18- to 24-year-old Americans given maps:

87 percent cannot find Iraq

83 percent cannot find Afghanistan

76 percent cannot find Saudi Arabia

70 percent cannot find New Jersey

49 percent cannot find New York

11 percent cannot find the United States

<span id='postcolor'>

I gotta find out where they took this poll. It's very, very off.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Nov. 21 2002,00:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well all this just gets me pissed off.  God forbid I spell something wrong.<span id='postcolor'>

Oh, come on. You have to admit that it was pretty humorous within the context smile.gif

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Well from what I hear from my american friends most of their classmates are basically morons,so these figures don't surprise me.The american public school system sucks and that's the cause,that,and the attitude of the students.

Lol,and I remember a girl in my class was ridiculed by everyone because she couldn't find the czech republic on a map(not even a blind one),wonder how that'd fare for a study :]

(oh and btw,it's natural for us to know more about european geography than you,of course,but i think most of europe can put new york on a map smile.gif)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">(oh and btw,it's natural for us to know more about european geography than you,of course,but i think most of europe can put new york on a map )<span id='postcolor'>

Of course you can put New York on the map. A lot of Americans can put Paris on the map. Same with Moscow, Berlin, and other famous large cities.

And Denior, ya it was pretty funny, but I hate taking shit from people.

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It's funny how most people cannot easily find ANY country on the map, jeez most maps are labeled and even if you dont know what region a place is in, just look at a name of a place and that'll probably give away the region (Saudi Arabia is obviously going to be an arab country!wink.gif. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Nov. 20 2002,19:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">(oh and btw,it's natural for us to know more about european geography than you,of course,but i think most of europe can put new york on a map )<span id='postcolor'>

Of course you can put New York on the map. A lot of Americans can put Paris on the map. Same with Moscow, Berlin, and other famous large cities.

And Denior, ya it was pretty funny, but I hate taking shit from people.<span id='postcolor'>

NO I don't think so Harnu. No way most American kids can put Paris, Berlin or Moscow on the map... well point it out. Especially Moscow.

And it was all about the context of your spelling error (err, wrong word). You will learn with time to be very careful about spelling errors when you are talking about others not being able to do it. smile.gif

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I dont like the American education system. Many kids think its "cool" to be stupid. Maybe that would explain why most of the popular kids are dumb?

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That's true, I call some kid an idiot and he replies "thanks". The saddest part is that they accept and think it's ok that they are dumb.

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Until about 8th grade it is not considered "cool" to be smart. Very few smart people are in the "popular crowd". But now in high school, it's a whole different matter. At least half of the student body in my school is looking towards getting into a college. And a lot of others want to join up with the United States Armed Forces. Most particularly the Marine Corps.

As for the rest of the students who are dumber than rocks, well they fill in the jobs that no one wants. Garbage men, morticians, fast food workers. So when you think about it, it all works out in the end tounge.gif

For world geography and countries/capitals and such, we don't emphasize that very much. In Junior high (Grades 7 and 8) that's when we did do that. Studying Europe, touching on East Asia. Now for high school (At mine) we have two "Global Studies" classes. One East and one West. West deals with Europe and Latin America. We study geography, culture, and sometimes politics. East covers the Middle East, Africa, now were on South and South East Asia. Later this semester we may go onto East Asia. People in these classes can definitely point out places on the map.

Although after you graduate and realize that for a career you may choose, none of it really applies to you so you forget it, because in that case you really don't need to know it. (But I still think they should/do have some of that knowledge locked up in there.)

BN880, what do you mean by kids? And I am careful with my spelling, one thing just happened to slip.

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Dennis Miller did a good rant on this awhile back..

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Is intelligence a liability?

ABC spent an full hour of primetime talking to [Michael and Lisa Marie Jackson]. Why does something completely inane like that fascinate us? Our culture has gone from GE College Bowl to the guy on Wheel of Fortune who asks, "Is there an ‘F,’ as in pharaoh?" Is intelligence a liability nowadays? I think we can answer that with one word: "Duh!" America has never been what you would call highbrow, but these days it seems our collective cranial ridge is sloping like the shoulders of the bar boy at the Kennedy compound.

Now, I don’t want to get off on a rant here, but we live in an era and a time where calling someone an Einstein is considered to be somewhat of an insult. Morons are out there in force making left-hand turns from right-hand lanes, trying to pay for drive-thru tacos with a fucking check, calling 411 to get the number for information, and in most of our fine metropoli, the reposed "Fuck off!" will get you a seat at the local Algonquin round table. What happened? I’ll tell you what happened.

First and foremost, as a matter of fact, numbers 1, 2, and . . . what come after 2, we didn’t pay enough attention to our education system. We gotta stop paying teachers like the kid who delivers grit! For Christ’s sake, these are the people who will lead us and our children into the century and they can’t even afford real Yodels, okay? They have to get those 144 count price-club steamer trunk size of Little Debby’s, the equivalent.

High school kids are entering the job market with an education that barely qualifies them to run the Tilt-A-Whirl at the traveling carnival. Even those fortunate enough to graduate from Ivy-League schools, well, they go to write movie scripts about, guess what . . . stupid people.

And that brings us to our next reason. Let’s face facts, the TV beast ate us whole quicker than a dog on a Dreamsicle, all right? Most talk shows are bimbomercials. Connie Chung actually hosted a network news show for a year, and many sitcoms need two longshoremen with a pipe wrench to twist the canned laughter dial. Bright people whom I really used to respect now stay home to watch "Beverly Hills, 90210." Why bother? You just know that every week Brandon and Dillon are gonna let Kelly jerk ‘em around for a while and Dawn and Ray are gonna be having yet another abusive spat at the Peach, but, oh, I hate Ray!! T.V. producers say Americans enjoy the stupid shit. But, hey, it’s the same reason Eskimos enjoy blubber; it’s the only fucking thing available at the Arctic buffet, okay? Pop culture has turned the brain into the body’s new appendix; no real function and it could quite possible blow up and kill you. As organs go, you just don’t need your brain anymore. As a matter of fact, I’m certain in the very near future people will go to the hospital, or should I say, turn on the hospital channel, and get their brain taken out just as a precaution.

Indeed, in the business of television brightness can often be taken from you and used as a semitarn to cleave your occupational head off. Our guest tonight, Jon Stewart, ran a pretty tight, and might I add, pretty intelligent little Keebler tree over there till it was chopped down last week. Now there are many reasons for the cancellation of a television show. I’m pretty sure Jon will tell you that the copability flow chart on the demise of his show read like the genealogy of the kid on the porch in "Deliverance." But, I’m reasonable sure it had something to do with Jon use of words like "genealogy," which I think most Americans believe to be when Barbara Eden visits her OB-GYN.

America, we are at a fork in the road. To the left you’ve got books, and to the right, the never-ending horizon of the new technology. I, myself, am taking a hard left because if they talk you into hanging that rico, the new technology is only gonna make it worse. Now they tell you it’s gonna make it better, but if you notice the voice they tell you that in is always the computer generated one and it’s digitally synthesized too. That means less expected from us, less striving, less brainwork, more stupid, and eventually the king will be the one who just doesn’t shit himself. You know, our reliance on technology is making us soft and if we’re not careful it will only get worse.

Scientists estimate that by the end of this century, via the means of Virtual Reality, a man will be able to assimilate making love to any women he wants to through his television set. You know, folks, the day an unemployed ironworker can lay in his Bark-a-lounger with a Fosters in one hand and a channel flicker in the other and fuck Claudia Schiffer for $19.95, it’s gonna make crack look like Sanka, all right?!

Of course that is just my opinion...

I could be wrong!

<span id='postcolor'>


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Nov. 20 2002,22:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">BN880, what do you mean by kids? And I am careful with my spelling, one thing just happened to slip.<span id='postcolor'>

Ok ok, let's just back off from the trigger here. smile.gif

(kids, maybe I was referring to their education level) tounge.gif

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Unfortunetly America is not the only place were people dont know geography. Most aldults in Australia and New Zealand know geography, but most childrens knowlage of geography down here is rather poor, although its starting to get better. Same with history, ask some people here when WW2 took place and they can say things like '1970?'. I dont think I have come across another kid under the age of 13 who can tell me why WW2 started.

Very sad.

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Thats a really sad statistics, US public schools are in very bad shape. I know when i was in school the only thing i did like was history and geography. Perhaps our government should be concentrating on Education then War.

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Well, when people are 18 - 24, can you really blame the schools? I mean, its not like you cant find the information yourself. Its not like CNN, NBC or whatever never ever blow up huge maps of the world, with arrows, pointing out Afghanistan or Iraq.

Bad schooling is not an excuse for being ignorant when you are 20 and older in our society. Information is to easy to access for it to be an excuse. Its friggin hard NOT to be aware of the world today.

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It´s hard to see the rest of the world if a stars&stripes flag is waved 20 cm in front of your head all the time as it is right now in the US.

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Reminds me of my high school teachers. I don't know how much these guys get paid but definitely not enough to be able to afford more than one shirt. We used to make fun of our physics teacher. He hardly knew the answers to any questions other than the ones on today's lesson. As if he read and memorized the chapter the previouis night only to be able to give this by-heart lecture the following day. I once asked him a simple question and the fucker said "it's not part of the topic which we're currently discussing". It's a joke.

Honestly, I remember absolutely, positively NOTHING from schools. NOTHING! I went to the high school of Art & Design and the only thing that has helped me is the basics in Adobe Photoshop and some basic 3D modelling we touched on there.

Everything I know and wanted to know I either watched documentaries on History/Discovery/TLC channels, read books or online encyclopedias.

That's really sad. Spending almost a full quarter of my life in a system that obviously does not work. Oh wait, I can read and write!

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