Ryan807 4 Posted May 18, 2017 Hello fellow naval aviators, I'll get right to the point so you wont need to skim through a wall of text, so let us begin. With the addition of the USS Freedom CVN-83, I began creating a multiplayer mission centered around carrier ops, the idea being that you launch and complete several objectives in a random order, sort of like the "Pilot" series on the steam workshop. Of course to have a workable multiplayer mission, you need respawns, I only have a very basic knowledge of the 3DEN editor and even less for scripting, I would like to know if anyone could at least provide any sort of way to make a working respawn on the CVN-83? I'm not a scripting god like norrin, so I might need any explanation to be broken down into baby terms. Thanks, Ryan807 32nd Tactical squadron "Hellhounds" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TeTeT 1523 Posted May 18, 2017 Hi Ryan807, while not specifically tailored towards the Freedom, we have a working sample respawn mission for the Nimitz that can be found in the USS Nimitz example missions on http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23049 . Feel free to adjust it for use on the Freedom and good luck with your mission. TeTeT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ryan807 4 Posted May 18, 2017 Alright, I'll have a look at the mission. I'll get back after poking around and scratching my head for a bit. Thanks Ryan807 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ryan807 4 Posted May 18, 2017 Okay stupid question, how do I import the mission into the editor? I cant seem to find a way how to view it in 3DEN. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TeTeT 1523 Posted May 18, 2017 You need to unpack it and store it in your mission folder. There are multiple de-pbo unpack programs available. I personally use Mikero's ExtractPBO. The free version can be downloaded from here: https://armaservices.maverick-apps.de/Products/MikerosDosTools/FileBrowserFree If you plan to get deeper into arma modding I recommend using Mikero's paid tools. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ryan807 4 Posted May 18, 2017 Reveal hidden contents After starting updating your example mission in a multiplayer server, i tried jumping off the ship and respawning. I only end up respawning in the exact position I died in which was in the water, I dont know if its an addon that affecting it or what but no joy on the respawning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fletcher235 0 Posted May 18, 2017 (edited) Heya boss I too am new at the editor but I'm slowly learning :) I'm also working on a multiplayer mission too. To get a respawn on that carrier go to your modules list to the right of the editor go down to "Multiplayer" choose 'Respawn Position' Place that where you want to spawn your peeps. In that module you can name it anything, type:infantry, choose the side, I usually disable notification. Now also check at the top left of your editor click "Attributes" then "Multiplayer". In the 'Respawn' section you choose 'respawn on custom position dropdown' then check the 'select respawn position'. There ya go :) Also check the other options in Attributes too. Should be good. :) I'm scratching my head at the moment trying to figure out how to make virtual arsenals with the items of a select faction. Trying to make a pvp map but I don't want one side to have access to other sides gear. Learning by trial by fire lol Edited May 18, 2017 by Fletcher235 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ryan807 4 Posted May 18, 2017 Alright after looking into the sample mission and following Fletcher's instructions, I managed to create a working respawn in the CVN-83's bridge. It turned out that I was an idiot and forgot to designate the check box indicating players can choose the spawn point in attributes. Only problem I had was putting a point down next to the ready five. I would respawn normally but i would be put below the flight deck on one of the starboard observation areas not normally accessible. I'm guessing that BI took the same approach to constructing the Freedom like the Nimitz, which means that there are invisible cracks in the structure. Other than that, its a success so thanks you guys, I would have lost my mind trying to find a way. P.S. TeTeT, do you have any plans to improve upon the Freedom in the future or will you stay dedicated to the Nimitz and aircraft development? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TeTeT 1523 Posted May 19, 2017 On 5/18/2017 at 9:55 PM, Ryan807 said: ... P.S. TeTeT, do you have any plans to improve upon the Freedom in the future or will you stay dedicated to the Nimitz and aircraft development? Glad you got something working! Right now there's simply not enough time to pursue yet another project, the Nimitz, Hornet, Flanker, MAAS and Unsung keep me busy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ryan807 4 Posted May 20, 2017 New question, so i got the aircraft to respawn on deck just fine, how do i make them respawn with their wings folded? Still using BI's Black Wasp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ALPHIVE 14 Posted May 20, 2017 Go there and follow this script : http://armadatabase.wixsite.com/armadb/c9 ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ryan807 4 Posted May 21, 2017 Thank you for pointing me to resource base, the scripts worked like a charm. Although I'm still stumped on the wing folding respawn bit. What I'm looking for at the moment is a way to respawn the black wasp with it's wing already folded. Here's what i have in the Init box for the black wasp, this animate ["wing_fold_l",1]; this animate ["wing_fold_r",1]; /\This being the script for the wings to be folded at the start of the scenario, /\ this addAction["<t color='#f9ff03'>Edit Payload</t>", {[vehicle player,"PILOT"] call GOM_fnc_addAircraftLoadout}, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "true", 1, false, ""]; /\This script being Grump Old Man's aircraft loadout editing script, pretty damn awesome script, you should check out its release thread./\ What I need is a way to get both of these scripts to be present on any aircraft that have respawned after the one present at the start of the scenario. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strider42 64 Posted February 26, 2018 On 5/21/2017 at 3:39 AM, Ryan807 said: What I need is a way to get both of these scripts to be present on any aircraft that have respawned after the one present at the start of the scenario. I know this is a bit old but I liked the idea of solving this problem than sorting issues out on my current mission. Just concentrating on the folding the wings and the addAction. Create your mission and save it (e.g. WaspRespawnFolded). Go to your mission directory. Usually: C:\Users\<pc-user-name>\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\<profile-name>\mpmissions\WaspRespawnFoleded or C:\Users\<pc-user-name>\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\WaspRespawnFoleded Create a text document jetRespawn.sqf with the following it it: // Get the passed parameters. params [ "_newJet", "_oldJet" ]; // Fold the wings. _newJet animate ["wing_fold_l",1]; _newJet animate ["wing_fold_r",1]; // Add 'Edit Payload' action to aircraft. _newJet addAction["<t color='#f9ff03'>Edit Payload</t>", {[vehicle player,"PILOT"] call GOM_fnc_addAircraftLoadout}, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "true", 1, false, ""]; Add the Black Wasp(s) where you want them to respawn. Add a Vehicle Respawn module and sync the aircraft to the module. Double click the module to open the edit menu. In the Expression field add: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "jetRespawn.sqf"; This code will be run each time the jet respawns. Good luck - S. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordfrith 405 Posted February 26, 2018 i ran into problems using "animate", consider newer command "animateSource" instead, optimized and better in MP environment, and very similar syntax :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites