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You'll like this one Tov- looks like you've got another Russian fighter that's got the mad dogfighting skillz... now let's see it dodge an AMRAAM biggrin_o.gif


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Good lord!

that is so sweet! can the real thing actually do that? Or is it a case of 'We'll try it in a sim because we dont have to worry about leaving a smoking black hole on the tarmac'?

I see how this is gonna go. I'll just get ok at FB, and have to drop it when LOMAC comes out. Evil flight sim peoples!

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It would appear that Ubi-Soft has a lock on the flight sim genre and general tactical type stuff as well. FB, Lomac, Harpoon 4 (whenever it actually comes out), etc, etc...

Heh, patriotic simmers who are conducting boycotts against French companies are in for a tough summer tounge_o.gif

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@ June 20 2003,05:51)]You'll like this one Tov- looks like you've got another Russian fighter that's got the mad dogfighting skillz... now let's see it dodge an AMRAAM  biggrin_o.gif


I'd be more worried about the AA12 'Adder' , or AMRAAMski.

Its got a longer range than the AMRAAM, plus better terminal homing. And a Flanker can carry a hell of a lot of them!

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lol, AMRAAMski- I like it. That's the one that the Flanker can use for off-bore targeting, right? Or is that the Archer? I always get NATO designations mixed up.

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The Archer is the off bore one, and it is bloody good at it! Its got a decent range for a IR missile, and a reasonable warhead. If you hear a Archer inbound call, your fucked basically! I'd still prefer one over the AIM9X, and I rank the Archer with the ASRAAM.

The Adder is a MRM, like the AMRAAM, and standard Russian practise is to fire them in pairs! Yikes!

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The Archer is the off bore one, and it is bloody good at it! Its got a decent range for a IR missile, and a reasonable warhead. If you hear a Archer inbound call, your fucked basically! I'd still prefer one over the AIM9X, and I rank the Archer with the ASRAAM.

I loved that missile when using the Shlem (Helmet mounted targeting) in Su-27 1.5. Basically, if you could turn your head and look at a bandit, anywhere within your frontal arc, and you had R-73's, you could lock on and fire. You didn't even need to have radar enabled, so you could be a sneaky bastard (AND it would work if your IRST was inoperable - The way it works is it slaves the missile's seeker to the pilot's head movements). My only problem was, except for the odd time when I  came across NATO F-15's and F-16's, I was usually coming up against Ukranian MiG-29's and Su-27's armed with these same missiles biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]The Adder is a MRM, like the AMRAAM, and standard Russian practise is to fire them in pairs! Yikes!

Just remembered the main reason for this, other than effectively guaranteeing a kill (The classic Soviet tactic was to fire one Radar Guided missile, followed shortly by an IR guided missile of similar range - the target would increase throttle trying to beat the Radar guided missile, and would be more vulnerable to the IR - hence the reason that the R-27 comes in so many different IR and radar guided variants). The R-77 AFAIK only has a radar guided variant, but it's a pretty sizeable missile, and firing off one without firing it's twin, might cause some significant asymetrical weight problems during any serious maneuvering.

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@ June 20 2003,06:51)]You'll like this one Tov- looks like you've got another Russian fighter that's got the mad dogfighting skillz... now let's see it dodge an AMRAAM  biggrin_o.gif


What did it do?The files bit big for me to download just to see.

Whats up with novalogic and flightsims they used to do the sem- realistic F-22 and mig(?) range of flightsims.

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@ June 20 2003,06:51)]You'll like this one Tov- looks like you've got another Russian fighter that's got the mad dogfighting skillz... now let's see it dodge an AMRAAM  biggrin_o.gif


What did  it do?The files bit big for me to download just to see.

A Flanker on final approach flares past 90 degrees to the tarmac right before touch down.

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Whats up with novalogic and flightsims they used to do the sem- realistic F-22 and mig(?) range of flightsims.

LOL yeah, realism, an F-16 that could outturn a MiG-29 at low speeds and a MiG-29 with F-16 type avionics and a useless gunsight not connected to it's radar...AND no Shlem mad_o.gif . Good one! biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif. Not to mention the F-22 with the turning radius of a 747.

*edit* No Badgerboy, he is definitely not talking about Falcon IV smile_o.gif

*edit again* The "P" key is stuck on this C...lol - PC  crazy_o.gif

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I think it is Falcon 4 or something like that. I just know that it was about an F-16 because of the huge F16 on its front cover. Most likely F4.

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Since Tovarish found the Lomac thread and brought it back up, can we take this thread back to the Eastern Front, circa 1944? Thanks smile_o.gif

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my favorite recurring nightmare is the noob cannon that is the La-7 lol. Really tough to shoot the bugger down.

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@ June 20 2003,21:01)]my favorite recurring nightmare is the noob cannon that is the La-7 lol. Really tough to shoot the bugger down.

Well, after all it produced the Allies highest scoring ace biggrin_o.gif. During the fight where he scored his 62nd and last kill, he and his wingman attacked a formation of 40 Fw-190's. Now that takes guts!:

"On the evening of April 17, we went on a lone-wolf operation over the suburbs of Berlin. All of a sudden we saw a group of 40 Fw-190s with bomb loads, flying at an altitude of 3,500 meters in our direction. We climbed to the left and flew behind them under the cover of clouds. The odds were obviously not in our favor, but we still decided to attack since the enemy aircraft were heading for our troops. At maximum speed, we approached the tail of the formation, out of the sun. I opened fire almost point-blank at the wingman of the last pair of aircraft. The first Fw-190 fell into the suburbs of the city. Several planes turned to the west, while others continued their flight.

We decided to drive a wedge into the combat formation and break it up. Making a steep dive, we swept past enemy planes. As often happened in such cases, the Nazis thought that there were a lot of us. Confused, they started jettisoning bombs. Then they formed a defensive circle--each fighter covering the tail of the one in front of him--and began to attack us. Titorenko skillfully downed the plane that followed me. At that point, we saw our fighters and we turned for home. But suddenly, we saw yet another Fw-190 with a bomb. Apparently, the pilot had received a warning, for he made a quick dive and jettisoned his bomb over the suburbs of Berlin. But I still reached him on the recovery from his dive. The plane literally burst in the air. We made a good landing but our fuel tanks were completely empty. After that battle, I brought my personal score of downed Nazi planes to a total of 62."

WWII Ace Stories

*edit* incidentally, i've been having some hard luck with the somewhat lacking performance of the early Yaks in the campaign, coupled with almost nonexistent pilot protection (dont get killed much, but boy do I ever get wounded a lot) so I've decided to master the LaGG/La series next, started a campaign featuring everything from the 1941 LaGG-3 to the La-7. Damn things are a lot sturdier that's for sure, makes up for the crap roll rate.

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Well that was quite  gay, i managed to get myself kicked from a server.

The reason  it would appear that i was giving them a beating with my tailgunner in the  il-2   rock.gif

i hope the little bastards get abscesses in their guts and cancer in their heads so much so it pops crazy_o.gif

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See the 'What cheats have you been accused of' thread on the IL2 forums. Hilarious!

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See the 'What cheats have you been accused of' thread on the IL2 forums. Hilarious!

Yep, my favourite was "The cute Iranian girl across the street" biggrin_o.gif

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Here you go.

The Ubi forums are crap, and might time out intially. Hit refresh and it'll spring into life!

Oh, and looks whats going to be in the next patch!


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Wohoo! Long live Lavochkin, Gorbunov and Goudkov....what...they're dead? oh sad_o.gif. I just had two personal records in one sortie in the lowly LaGG-3 - Most planes shot down in one sortie - 3 bf-109E4B's and 2 Ju-88A4's - And it was the longest mission I ever flew (1 and a half hours real time, a bit over two hours taking into account time compression). I took off with a full fuel tank and had about a quarter left when I landed biggrin_o.gif.

How come it took so long? we were supposed to stop some bombers, but their escort kept us busy. It was a hell of a good furball - one of my 109 kills was an absolute beauty, going to make a guncam gif of that for my sig sometime biggrin_o.gif. After I ran out of gun ammo, I decided to stick around to keep the few remaining 109's occupied so they wouldn't have too easy a time with my wingies.

After a long while of dancing without anything really happening, the 109's must have run out of ammo as well and decided to RTB. I followed them back to their airbase, where the formation of bombers they had been protecting was landing. Right there I picked off 2 Ju-88's with my rockets, which I had kept the whole time (could have gotten 2 more if it wasn't for all the damn flak I had to dodge in addition to the gunners). By this time I was pretty shot up, my engine was overheating, I could just barely maintain 300km/h, so I navigated by the map and found a friendly airbase just past the frontline.

And what was I saying about durability? I love this thing!


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