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Hey folks,


would it be possible to display a line or bar graph or similar inside a dialog?

Which ui elements should I use for that? A simple bar or line graph would do just fine

Wanted to track some values over time and display them with a graph or similar.


Any ideas?



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Draw line seems it might do the trick.

Gonna take a look into that, bars might be needed for a different graph but could work as well if the line doesn't work out.



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No need for the map control if not needed, just use a RscLine via ctrlCreate.

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Ok, with the risk of resurrecting an old thread....and the fact I've never created any GUI elements before does anyone have example code? I'm trying to create a scatter plot of some data.....




Edit: I've just read Killzone_Kid's tutorials and some of the wiki... will keep trying..


Edited by atmo

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Ok. Another weekend lost to Arma.... Sort of like this then....! I'll work on it a bit but this is the basics.



class RscTitles
    class Atmo_fpsMonitor_Background
        idd = -1;
        duration = 1e+1000;
        class controls
			class Atmo_fpsMonitor_BackgroundControl
				idc = 10000;
                type = 0;
                style = 96;
                x = safeZoneXAbs + safeZoneWAbs - 0.8 * 3/4;
                y = safezoneY + safeZoneH - 0.6;
                w = 0.8 * 3/4;
                h = 0.14;
                font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";
                sizeEx = 0.05;
                colorBackground[] = {,0.7,0.7,0}; // ignored but throws error if omitted
                colorText[] = {0,1,0,1};
                text = "Client fps";
	class Atmo_fpsMonitor_Line
        idd = -1;
        duration = 120;
		fadein = 0;
		fadeout = 0;
		class controls
			class Atmo_fpsMonitor_LineControl
				idc = -1;
				type = 0;
				style = 176;
				x = "missionNamespace getVariable 'Atmo_fpsMonitor_LinePosition' select 0"; 
				y = "missionNamespace getVariable 'Atmo_fpsMonitor_LinePosition' select 1";
				w = "missionNamespace getVariable 'Atmo_fpsMonitor_LinePosition' select 2";
				h = "missionNamespace getVariable 'Atmo_fpsMonitor_LinePosition' select 3";
				font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";
				sizeEx = 0.05;
				colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; // ignored but throws error if omitted
				colorText[] = {0, 1, 0, 1};
				text = "";

and in  Init.sqf or initPlayerlocal.sqf

[] spawn {
	scriptName "Atmo_fpsMonitor";
	sleep 0.1;
	private _stepX = 1/60;
	private _stepY = 1/80;
	private _monitorWidth 	= 0.8 * 3/4; 
	private _monitorHeight 	= 0.14;	
	private _monitorXpos 	= safeZoneXAbs + safeZoneWAbs - _monitorWidth;
	private _monitorYpos 	= safezoneY + safeZoneH - 0.6;
	100 cutRSC ["Atmo_fpsMonitor_Background","PLAIN"]; // Show the background
	private _frame = 0;
	private _fpsOld = 0;
	while{true} do {
		private _fps = diag_fps;
		private _x1 = _frame * _stepX * _monitorWidth + _monitorXpos; 			// Start line X position
		private _y1 = (1 - (_fpsOld * _stepY)) * _monitorHeight + _monitorYpos;	// Start line Y position
		private _y2 = (1 - (_fps * _stepY)) * _monitorheight + _monitorYpos;	// End line Y position
		private _cx = _stepX * _monitorWidth;									// line X length
		private _cy = _y2 - _y1;												// line Y length
		Atmo_fpsMonitor_LinePosition = [_x1, _y1, _cx , _cy];					// position the Rsc references
		(101 + _frame) cutRsc ["Atmo_fpsMonitor_Line", "Plain"];
		_frame = (_frame + 1) mod 60;
		_fpsOld = _fps;
		sleep 1;

// 'First style' - shifts the whole array - and the whole monitor slides.
	// Create the fpsArray
	private _fpsArray = [];
	for "_i" from 0 to 60 do {
		_fpsArray pushBack 0;
    while{true} do {
		for "_i" from 0 to 59 do {
			_x1 = _i * _stepX * _monitorWidth + _monitorXpos; 
			_y1 = (1 - ((_fpsArray select _i) * _stepY)) * _monitorHeight + _monitorYpos;
			_y2 = (1 - ((_fpsArray select (_i+1)) * _stepY)) * _monitorheight + _monitorYpos;
			_cx = _stepX * _monitorWidth;
			_cy = _y2 - _y1;
			newPosition = [_x1, _y1, _cx , _cy];
			(101 + _i) cutRsc ["myDrawTitle", "Plain"];
		sleep 0.5;
		private _dummy = [_fpsArray] call Bis_fnc_arrayShift;
		_fpsArray pushBack diag_fps;
		_frame = _frame + 1;
  }; */

My first GUI! Any comments appreciated.

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Wow looks really good! :thumbsup:

Do you think there is a way to make the line appear like the Task Manager in Windows? Also labeling the axes would be amazing ;)


I'm going to try out some stuff too :wink_o:

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@7erra - yes, look at the commented out code - that's what that is..


I've got a few more things going like showing and hiding with User1 action key. I'm still investigating the GUI so I might be a bit slow here!


I'm registering all the layers etc at the moment, just trying out a few other things.


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Ah nice. You've helped me along a little bit . I like the macro. Thanks for sharing. I'll keep experimenting. 

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5 hours ago, 7erra said:

Okay got it (kind of).


7erra that was really great!!

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