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Is 8GB no longer enough memory for 64-bit update? Locking up/crashing consistently since update

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Could you check in the windows eventlog what the cause of your reboot was?

It's possible that the cause of your problems could be hardware related.

The sudden change in color of video can point to hardware failure (heat/faulty memory/powerloss).

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Same problem with :

i7 6700 k 4.0 mhz
Zotac 1080 gtx 8gb
16 gb Hyper predator 2400mhz
ssd 500gb evo samsung
Supernova evga 850 gold plus
Watercooling corsair h100iv2
Temperature 40°  normally

ram usage run with mod or not 10gb
All in ultra ,max distancie view

Same proble with autodetect i can play a 30m more

out of memory .

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so much text but nearly no information (used hw/driver versions etc), i think your problem is HW/OS related, not arma.


i just checked all your uploaded rtp files and all your "newer" try&errors rtps contains a shitload of loaded mods. not a single one without any mod, so stop complaining.


p.s for a new installed system you got a lot of installed applications...

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Most out of memory problems are caused by lack of pagefile space. Please set your pagefile to at least your RAM size or system managed (especially when using large mods).


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9 hours ago, yxman said:

so much text but nearly no information (used hw/driver versions etc), i think your problem is HW/OS related, not arma.


i just checked all your uploaded rtp files and all your "newer" try&errors rtps contains a shitload of loaded mods. not a single one without any mod, so stop complaining.


p.s for a new installed system you got a lot of installed applications...


If my problem was hardware or OS related, why does everything else on my computer work perfectly fine, including other very resource intensive games? I also never claimed I had a newly installed system, my computer is about 3 years old, but I reinstalled Arma from scratch to attempt to fix the issue, so where you got that claim is a mystery to me. Also your "stop complaining" attitude is a perfect example of why the majority of the Arma community is garbage. I'm not in some kind of minority using a few extremely popular modifications; if I were using a bunch of abstract stuff then you might have a point, but I'd say the majority of non-life Arma players use all of the mods I use. If loading a map, one weapons mod, two RHS mods, one faction mod, a small NVG mod, and CBA is considered a "shitload" then I guess the majority of Arma players must be loading a "mega-shit-metric-ton-load" compared to me...


I have an i7 3.4 Haswell, 8GB ddr3, 770gtx, 1tb 7200 hdd, Win7 64. There you go, the specs you so immensely desired...


8 hours ago, ozzbik said:

Most out of memory problems are caused by lack of pagefile space. Please set your pagefile to at least your RAM size or system managed (especially when using large mods).



I did as you suggested previously and changed it. I was trying having Windows auto manage it recently as well. I also don't know that the out of memory problem is an accurate description because I'll be the first to admit I'm not a computer expert, I'm simply using common sense that if it locks up randomly after some time has passed that's the issue. I appreciate your help thus far, unlike whatever his name is up there telling me to "stop complaining" to solve my problem...

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you were told several times to run the game without any mod, this has a background (steam downloads often corrupts, some mods are incompatible with others etc)


if you really care about this problem and not only blaming the community for your incompetence do the following:


- set windows pagefile to auto, restart.

- start the game _WITHOUT_ any mods/startup parameters and try to reproduce the error


- upload a log of your newest rpt if it still occurs

- check eventvwr.msc (win+r) > windows logs > system for stuff like disk errors


optional: update your drivers (gpu/chipset/audio etc)




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As I stated previously, the last time it locked up on me when I was running vanilla, it crashed my system and I could not retrieve an updated rpt file.


When I have time to play it again then I will do exactly that as it was already my plan. I've also not blamed the community once for my problem, because that makes absolutely zero sense. I'm not incompetent, I'm simply ignorant to the deep knowledge of how computers work as I've already made clear many, many, many times...


I'll take whatever help I can get, but I don't want your help if you can't assist without being a complete dick about it.

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Did anyone ever come up with a fix for this issue been having same issue since 1.68 update and have tried everything to fix it?

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On 4/19/2017 at 0:20 AM, wolfpak420 said:

Did anyone ever come up with a fix for this issue been having same issue since 1.68 update and have tried everything to fix it?


Here is my thread if that helps any. I still haven't been able to play since they updated to 1.68. With 1.68 we went back to 1.66 legacy and it was awesome... nope, then Jets and then fricking nothing... total bs so I can here and there are a lot of things to check on this thread, but I didnt get anything to work, which really really sucks. Can't even play A2OA on internet with others... jerks. 


linked it to you so you can try some of these solutions. 


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So sick of Dev's blaming hardware for their crap development. I have the same problem. I have done a clean install after removing all mods, I have tried every fix google had to throw at me, including changing the page file size, (I have 24gb or ram, wtf would the pagefile even matter but hey, I tried it). 


I have just submitted a request for a refund, in my country this product is currently in a state that makes it against the law to sell. When will developers take issues with their work seriously. 


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In a state of relative rest, Windows uses 3 - 3.4GB of RAM.
At you remains freely 4.60 - 5Гб RAM.
Arma3 min \ recommended requirements https://arma3.com/buy
Free RAM - min 4GB, 6 GB recommended.
If the game settings are minimal, the distance of drawing the landscape is 1.5 kilometers, then problems with vanilla Arma3 should not arise, since you have 4.60-5 Gb of RAM free.
In a relatively simple mission, at the start of the mission, Arma3_64x with the maximum graphics settings, the distance of drawing the terrain is 4 kilometers, the game uses 4.5-5 GB.

For a comfortable game in Arma3_64bit + Mod, you need to increase the amount of RAM on your PC.


I do not recommend using Arma3 32 bit + Mod. Arma3 32 bit can access memory RAM 3.2GB, this is a limitation for all 32bit applications. When a mission or Mod starts using 3.2Gb of RAM, there are errors in accessing RAM.


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This thread keeps getting dragged up every few months, better add what my solution was so people stop PM'ing me thinking I can solve it for them...


Patience was my solution. I had to wait until 1.72 was released before I could reliably play the game. 1.68 I couldn't play period, 1.70 I could play a little bit if I got lucky, but 95% of the time it would crash right away during any in-game activity. Every other fix that was recommended to me didn't work. Something about 1.68 and 1.70 didn't agree with my computer and I never uncovered a cause. I just had to wait it out. A good solution? Nope. A solution I'm satisfied with? Not at all, I couldn't play for like 4 months. But I can play now for whatever reason.


Every update now is a flip of the coin in my mind. Either it'll improve the game or I won't be able to play it anymore.

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16 hours ago, Mynock said:

This thread keeps getting dragged up every few months, better add what my solution was so people stop PM'ing me thinking I can solve it for them...


Patience was my solution. I had to wait until 1.72 was released before I could reliably play the game. 1.68 I couldn't play period, 1.70 I could play a little bit if I got lucky, but 95% of the time it would crash right away during any in-game activity. Every other fix that was recommended to me didn't work. Something about 1.68 and 1.70 didn't agree with my computer and I never uncovered a cause. I just had to wait it out. A good solution? Nope. A solution I'm satisfied with? Not at all, I couldn't play for like 4 months. But I can play now for whatever reason.


Every update now is a flip of the coin in my mind. Either it'll improve the game or I won't be able to play it anymore.

Welcome to software development. It's called regression. IMHO BIS doesn't do enough regression testing. IMHO the whole 3 fps bug really dented their reputation for almost 6 months. Good to see that it's resolved now.

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