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Rabbits, snakes, birds 'n stuff

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Unfortunately, enableEnvironment false still cuts off the rain and thunder sounds.

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Yea, i checked the wiki..I can't convince the admins to turn it off if it also disables rain, wind 'n stuff..That's no good. Why are these value actually linked together.. I mean what does rain sound have to do with rabbits ? :)

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There is a trick that could work, although I haven't tested it.

Each animal type has a configured "maxCount", meaning that the game can't spawn more than let's say 5 rabbits (can't remember the exact count, but it is configured in "class CfgWorlds > class Altis >class AmbientA3").


Knowing that, you could spawn as many rabbits as the max count, disable their AI & simulation, hide them, and attach them to the player so they don't despawn. The game should stop spawning them and you won't see any.

Keep in mind that you would need to do this for each player, since wildlife is spawned client-side (...).

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it#s alrady fixed in the dev built ;) so now you can separately adjust them in an array

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On 29/01/2017 at 0:31 PM, StomachCramps said:

Animals are fucking awesome, why would you wanna remove them

Just sparing some CPU's load with all that wildlife. And scope zoom on dragonflies or bees are just ugly.

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On 1/14/2017 at 8:47 PM, fruity_rudy said:

Yea, i checked the wiki..I can't convince the admins to turn it off if it also disables rain, wind 'n stuff..That's no good. Why are these value actually linked together.. I mean what does rain sound have to do with rabbits ? :)

Maybe when they hear the sound of rain, they stay in their burrows and reduce the CPU load? :smileee:

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On some servers you can get rid of animals etc by simply clicking the "Disable environment effects" button, I always click it because they're a bloody nuisance cluttering everywhere up..:)

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 They are simply too common to the point that they are a nuisance. Was playing Farcry 3 the other day and was about to climb a tower zip line when a cobra starting hissing and lunged at me. Scared the shit outta me. Then the Great Whites -I turned the PC as one approached lol. Make them rare, and interesting, not as clutter that dont make sense ie Snakes around an Airport (insert Samuel L. quote hear)

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