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GEISTA3L - A pack of uniforms and vehicles textures for IFA3 Lite

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Hi Catsy and Joarius, me and my group have been enjoying the Geist lite pack since it first came out on PwS..its a real gift to the ww2 community and we definetely recommend it to everyone...its a must if u re a ww2 fan and you re looking for a wide uniform variety! For everyone that is reading this...GO download it immediately!
We recently noticed an expansion on Steam Workshop that focuses on reskins of FoW mod's wonderful assets but there is no description, photos or information..what does it contain?  And the main question, could you upload it on PlayWithSix too for all of us? (we re all pre-guessing we ll love it)

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Will the U.S get more variety in uniforms such as different hbt's or maybe even early war units with older equipment, and would it be possible perhaps  to add early war units for the other factions?

Edited by superdude22

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Hi everyone,


We are pleased to announce the release of our new version 3.4.0 of the GEIST for IFA3 Lite.


Download v3.4.0:

This version mainly fixes compatibility issues with the latest version of IFA3 Lite v31.

We also add many new contents in this version. Below is a non-exhaustive list of changes:


- Add: Brown vests for Finnish soldiers

- Add: Pioniere and Artillerymen for Großdeutschalnd Division

- Add: Infantrymen, Aufklârung, Pioniere, Artillerymen for "generic" Division of Heer

- Add: German Gebirgsjaeger

- Add: German Fallschirmjaeger with FG42

- Add: Waffen-SS with "Kharkov" Parka

- Add: supplementary elements for german Helmets from IFA3's helmets

- Add: Soviet Cavalry (Kavaleriya) and Cossacks (Kazaki)

- Add: Soviet Partyzany

- Add: Soviet caps for Kavaleriya and Kazaki

- Add: White Kubankas

- Add: MP40 of Iron Front

- Add: textures of K98 from Iron Front

- Add: Antiaircraft Guns Flak 30 & Flak 38 (additionnal textures)

- Add: Funnies OpelBlitz (Opelblitz + Flak 30 & Flak 38)

- Add: Funnies SdKfz 7 AA (SdKfz 7 + Flak 30 & Flak 38)

- Add: Funnies SdKfz 7 AT (SdKfz 7 + Pak 40)

- Add: variations textures for StuG III

- Add: variations textures for JS-2

- Add: variations textures for GazM1 (german et soviet)

- Corrections: variations of the uniforms' textures for soldiers of Großdeutschalnd Division

- Corrections: Belt Buckles for Finnish soldiers, Luftwaffe soldiers, Flak soldiers and Fallschirmjaeger


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Hi everyone,


We are pleased to announce the release of our new version 3.4.0 of the GEISTA3L FOW.

Download Faces of War extension v3.4.0:


Below is a non-exhaustive list of changes:


Version 3.4.0:
- Add : caps for Gebirgsjaeger
- Add : caps for Heer : Artillery, Pioniere, Sanitater
- Add : caps for Fallschirmjaeger Sanitater
- Add : caps for Waffen-SS : Infantry, Panzergrenadier, Pioniere, Sanitater
- Add : compatibility with GRAD SlingHelmet


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FYI, a fix for an issue with the PAK-40. As is, it seems it is overriding the default IFA PAK-40 weapon settings so it is working as a cannoncore copy. Fires with no effects or sound, and a near instant reload. In the file "geistl_assets_c_gun_pak40.pbo", Config.cpp, the first bit of cfgweapons is the culprit.

as is:


class cfgWeapons
    class CannonCore;
    class LIB_Pak40_base: CannonCore
    class LIB_ger_Pak40_base: LIB_Pak40_base
    class LIB_ger_Pak40_Camo00: LIB_ger_Pak40_base
    class LIB_ger_Pak40_Feldgrau: LIB_ger_Pak40_base
    class LIB_ger_Pak40_Winter: LIB_ger_Pak40_base


Fixed simply by changing the first bit to


class cfgWeapons

    class LIB_Pak40_base;
    class LIB_ger_Pak40_base: LIB_Pak40_base
    class LIB_ger_Pak40_Camo00: LIB_ger_Pak40_base
    class LIB_ger_Pak40_Feldgrau: LIB_ger_Pak40_base
    class LIB_ger_Pak40_Winter: LIB_ger_Pak40_base


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Hi BvB1,


Thanks for your feedback, we have already corrected this bug on our development version and we will try to push to public as soon as possible with some new content.


Thanks again for your feedback ;)


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Hi everyone,


We are pleased to announce the release of our new version 3.4.1 of the GEIST for IFA3 Lite.


Download v3.4.1:

This version mainly fixes compatibility issues with the latest version of IFA3 Lite v32.

We also add many new contents in this version. Below is a non-exhaustive list of changes:


- Add : medical vest for medics, as Vests, but Glasses and NVGoogles too
- Add : new textures for SdKfz 234
- Add : gerrman general officers for Heer (generic, Großdeutschland, Panzer Lehr, Gebirgsjaegern, Afrikakorps), Waffen-SS (generic and Frundsberg) and Allgemeine SS
- Add : Kubankas for Wehrmacht's Cossacks
- Add : finnish artillerymen
- Add : finnish Pe-2
- Add : Kubankas for R-KKA's Cossacks
- Add : french kepi of Foreign Legion
- Add : bachi of French Navy and Marines
- Add : Soldiers of RMLE of French Foreign Legion
- Add : flag of Foreign Legion
- Add : texture for T34-85 of ROHA
- Add : new textures for T34-85 (Berlin 1945)
- Add : new textures for SU-85 (Berlin 1945)
- Add : new textures for M8 Greyhound (2°DB & RBFM)
- Add : markers of german divisions
- Corrections : add of the Kragenpatten on the uniform of Feldwebel and Unteroffizier of the Pionier
- Corrections : Kazaki are now with Kubankas showing german eagle or red star
- Corrections : the eagle on the chest of the Waffen-SS uniform with rolled sleeves has been erased
- Corrections : the uniforms of SS have been reworked (less brightness)
- Corrections : the picture for SS have been reworked
- Corrections : french RBFM
- Corrections : new texture for "MAS 36"
- Corrections : us vest for M1 Garand
- Corrections : the old 3D model of the Kar98K has been replaced by the new 3D model, so no more problem of vision
- Corrections : the old 3D model of the Kar98K has been corrected too
- Corrections : sound of the Pak40
- Corrections : "full auto mode" of the Pak40
- Corrections : the bag Panzerschreck's rockets can now contain 5 rockets
- Corrections : winter camo for finnish infantry


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Didn't make an exhaustive search but on the face of it your dependency on CBA seems redundant. Only GEISTL_ASSETS_C_GER_BOX requires it (CBA_XEH) but nothing within seems to utilize it.

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CBA is used in some other place. We're working to remove the dependency in the future.

In my opinion, CBA stay a mod use with almost all mod set so it isn't a big deal to have a dependency this it...

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Instantly fell in love with this addon when i first saw it. Loved it even more when the Wehrmacht and SS generals were added. Any plans on adding Model 1936 uniforms for the Germans? I really want to see an early rendition of their uniforms and helmets. 🙂



If you've got time on your hands, can you make a correction on the SSH helmets for the Polish and replace them with the proper wz.37 helmet? And since you've started with the Adrian helmets, do you have plans in adding French army uniforms pre-occupation? Though i know you're busy and not gonna take this comment seriously. Just would love to see some earlier versions of each country's combat uniforms. More power to you! 😄

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