Meat2432 1 Posted May 16, 2020 Thanks for responding to me, even though at first I didn't really understand what to do I'm still quite new to scripting and what you're able to do seems like magic to me lol, I had to do a little bit of playing around to get it to work, instead of the driver fire off the depth charges I gave it to the the commander as when it plays its cutscene you can't see where you're going, I've not tested this in multiplayer yet hopefully it's only the person who fires the weapon gets the cutscene and not everyone on the server lol but that's a problem for another day, so I put all this into my mission init.sqf frigate1 addEventHandler ["fired",{if (_this select 1 == "sab_depthcharge_launcher") then{drop1 spawn sab_sw_fnc_launch_depthcharge;};}]; drop1 = createVehicle ["Land_HelipadEmpty_F",position frigate1, [],0,"NONE"];drop1 attachto [frigate1,[1, -55, 0]]; drop1 allowDamage false; frigate1 addMagazineTurret ['sab_16rnd_depthcharge_mag', [0]]; frigate1 addMagazineTurret ['sab_16rnd_depthcharge_mag', [0]]; frigate1 addMagazineTurret ['sab_16rnd_depthcharge_mag', [0]]; frigate1 addMagazineTurret ['sab_16rnd_depthcharge_mag', [0]]; frigate1 addWeaponTurret ['sab_depthcharge_launcher', [0]]; also recorded a little video showing it working alongside with the original weapons as before I was unable to get it working, it would fire depth charges when any weapon was fired thanks for helping me out and thanks for these great mods look forward to seeing what you do next. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Paolo G. Posted August 3, 2020 You should include some prototype helicopters like these Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whirlybirds 12 Posted February 18, 2021 In the mod there are "torpedoes" under submersibles with assault divers in them. Does anyone know how are what they can be used for? I've tried placing them in the water and dropping them from the air under 20m in front of enemy ships but they don't seem to do anything in the form of attacking at all. Sometimes they float to the bottom or the divers get out of the torpedoes or they go forward and turn around avoiding the enemy ships directly in front of them, or just sit in the water. Do these torpedoes require some special scripting/code to activate the tetet script or command to use them in order to attack? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSabre 2332 Posted February 18, 2021 That is the actual torpedo which is spawned in the script. Should not be available in editor actually. If you want a live torpedo you need an aircraft, submarine or boat to spawn it. Perhaps there are ways to trigger it with scripting somehow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whirlybirds 12 Posted February 23, 2021 On 2/19/2021 at 2:46 AM, DSabre said: That is the actual torpedo which is spawned in the script. Should not be available in editor actually. If you want a live torpedo you need an aircraft, submarine or boat to spawn it. Perhaps there are ways to trigger it with scripting somehow. Thanks for the reply. I'll have a look at what I can do, though I suspect it will require some very complex scripting to achieve. I had ported some helicopters from Arma and Arma 2, one of the primary roles of one of these helicopters, in particular being submarine search and destroy, the torpedoes where the ideal weapons that could be used to do this. On a side note about those helicopters and some other helicopter mods ported over, they have a gamebreaking issue where upon landing they have a tendency to drift either to the side or backwards and sometimes drift until they roll over and explode, making them almost unusable in game. The only solution to prevent this was using your 'parkingbrake' script used for the DC3 in the 'civil aviation' mod. The helicopters and the use of your script are for my own personal use in single player missions only. Just wanted to say thanks too for creating that awesome 'parkingbrake' script. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSabre 2332 Posted February 23, 2021 (edited) I have completely forgotten about the parking brake script. Glad it helps. It does not stop an aircraft 100% if I recall correctly. If you want you can try and improve it and publish your own version. Regarding torpedos: -Make naval legends mod a requirement -add the following to your aircraft config: // inside config of the aircraft, or some other way inside a mission/init class EventHandlers {fired = "_this spawn sab_nl_fnc_fired_torpedobomber;";}; This watches the weapons and triggers the script part if it detects the launch from the torpedo bay/pylon -the aircraft will need to have the correct proxy weapon attached: One of the pylons has to be readied for the torpedo by adding to the hardpoints array: //inside class components of the config. No idea if it can be added via script/init hardpoints[] = {SAB_NL_TORPEDO}; That allows to select a torpedo in eden pylon management. (keep in mind that Naval Legends is getting its entire armament system changed. The hardpoint name will stay, just dont mess with weapon or magazine names). If you like the torpedo you can also leave TeTeT a note on his youtube channel. It's his invention after all and in fact in the first concept he dropped it from a heli: Edited February 23, 2021 by DSabre Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whirlybirds 12 Posted February 24, 2021 Many thanks for this. This is a great starting point. When I get a chance I'll reopen the configs and see what I can come up with, will require some trial and error. What TeTeT did in his test in the video is exactly what I'd hope to achieve with the torpedoes regardless of the slight drift. Just to mention again about the 'parkingbrake' script. After some trial and error, what I came up with to solve the drift problem with those helicopters and without the need for any user action was two repeatable triggers, the first which activates the parkingbrake with the conditions 'not isengineon heli && isTouchingGround heli' and the second trigger to release the parkingbrake with the condition 'isEngineOn heli' which terminates the parkingbrake after about 15-20 seconds (standard flight model), so the engines have reached enough rpm in that time to take off without the helicopter beginning to drift, works seamlessly in the background and I've played for many hours with these helicopters using the script with those trigger conditions and it hasn't failed yet. But I guess this all only applies to old helicopter mods of yesteryear ported in. Appreciate the help and thanks again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSabre 2332 Posted March 20, 2021 Today's patch has added a torpedo script spawn object to Naval Legends (for spawning in the water, for aerial launch the procedure described above is necessary). Perhaps that is useful to you too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whirlybirds 12 Posted March 24, 2021 On 3/20/2021 at 7:16 PM, DSabre said: Today's patch has added a torpedo script spawn object to Naval Legends (for spawning in the water, for aerial launch the procedure described above is necessary). Perhaps that is useful to you too. I had noticed that but didn't get a chance to test that out yet. Will check this out along with trying to set up the aerial torpedoes in my next Arma project. Thanks Sabre. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted March 28, 2021 @DSabre Question for you the pylon bk 37mm cannons you can attach to the wings of the Ju87 Stuka is there a way to converge the rounds shot with those? Do i need to rotate the pylon proxies slightly inward on the aircraft through the plane's config, or adjust them with the model? i dont know what can i do to enable convergence as i fly this plane all the time, its a waste of rounds to shoot two and only one of the rounds will only land on the target if your aim is good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whirlybirds 12 Posted March 30, 2021 Quote // inside config of the aircraft, or some other way inside a mission/init class EventHandlers {fired = "_this spawn sab_nl_fnc_fired_torpedobomber;";}; On 2/23/2021 at 4:02 PM, DSabre said: //inside class components of the config. No idea if it can be added via script/init hardpoints[] = {SAB_NL_TORPEDO}; I wasn't able to get the torpedo script to activate through the config edits. However, activating it through a simple script works incredibly well. Added an addaction into the heli init to activate the script torp = heli addAction ["<t color='#FFCC00' size='2' align='left'>Launch Torpedo</t>","tor.sqf", [],1,true,true,"","_this in heli"] tor.sqf _torp = createVehicle ["ttt_nl_torp_spawner ", getPosASL helip, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _torp setDir (getDir helip); torpedoprop hideobject true; heli removeAction torp; This fires the torpedo once and then in order to reload the torpedo, the pilot must return to a base, to an object which has a reload addaction placed in the init. One torpedo will take out a Uboat. The 'torpedoprop' is the 'WWII Torpedo' object in Secret Weapons, and is attached under the helicopter/aircraft just for aesthetic purposes. reloadtorpedo = reloadobj addAction ["<t color='#FFCC00' size='2' align='left'>Reload Torpedo</t>","reload.sqf", [],1,true,true,"","player distance _target < 1.6"] reload.sqf torp = heli addAction ["<t color='#FFCC00' size='2' align='left'>Launch Torpedo</t>","tor.sqf", [],1,true,true,"","player in heli"]; torpedoprop hideobject false; Due to a lack of scripting knowledge I haven't yet been able to add into the tor.sqf - ...createVehicle.... getPosASL....+ an array for [X,Y,Z} positioning so that the torpedo can be spawned precisely (safely) under the helicopter(aircraft) 'heli' itself - 'helip' is an invisible helipad which had be to attached 1-2 meters under the helicopter as a workaround, if the torpedo is spawned getPosASL heli, the torpedo will immediately detonate destroying the helicopter, killing the pilot etc. as it has spawned to close to the helicopter itself I created a mission (WIP), a Battle of the Atlantic scenario using the new updated Naval Legends, a helicopter I have ported fits very well into this theme. Destroying a Uboat wolfpack with torpedoes attacking a supply convoy of liberty ships. Ironically, one of the problems is that the 'ai' manning the Uboats will submerge and remain so and then they are unable to be attacked with torpedoes, so in order for the mission to work I had to use the config file for the sab_boat_u7 from an earlier version of Secret Weapons and now they will attack while surfaced, they have also been scripted to fire a salvo of torpedoes at the convoy at a certain range. Many thanks for the continued work and time you put into these mods Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSabre 2332 Posted March 30, 2021 On 3/28/2021 at 2:20 PM, Gunter Severloh said: @DSabre Question for you the pylon bk 37mm cannons you can attach to the wings of the Ju87 Stuka is there a way to converge the rounds shot with those? Do i need to rotate the pylon proxies slightly inward on the aircraft through the plane's config, or adjust them with the model? i dont know what can i do to enable convergence as i fly this plane all the time, its a waste of rounds to shoot two and only one of the rounds will only land on the target if your aim is good. In theory it would be possible to animate the pylon weapons, similar to the SE5A in Flying Circus, or align the proxy weapons accordingly (both in model and config). Both would have to be done inside the model and since the mod is not worked on anymore none of it is possible. 50 minutes ago, Whirlybirds said: ... Many thanks for the continued work and time you put into these mods Glad it helped. The option I described is for aircraft with a working pylon system. If that is not available improvisation is needed, nice it worked out. Submarines are not supported in Arma beyond the SDV. So the AI does not really know how to operate them. 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted April 8, 2021 You know DSabre, i discovered something and its my mistake, although you dont notice it when your within a 100-400m range that i usually fly in when i engage targets, depends sometimes more but the Bk37 rounds on the Stuka do converge but at 500 - 600+m. After doing some tests while flying, even watcing the videos i recorded of my combat with the plane in some ranges like 700m and under i did notice the rounds converging so yes they do converge, just not at a 300-400m like the littlebird with miniguns does. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSabre 2332 Posted April 17, 2021 That is a coincidence and kind of odd. The pylons in the model are pointed straight forwards and should never converge actually. Strange. If I ever pick it up again I will have a look at it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted April 18, 2021 11 hours ago, DSabre said: The pylons in the model are pointed straight forwards and should never converge actually. The rounds shot seem to come together at least at 600+ meters, but as you said the model is not set for convergance, so maybe its an optical illusion where the farther the rds are out, from my perspective in the cockpit it may look as if they are converging when their really just look like the converge because distance will make the rds look small and seem like they have converged. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSabre 2332 Posted May 5, 2021 After a year of hiatus this mod is back in development. A couple new aircraft (He 177, Ar 234 Helijah's IL-2 ( ) with working internal bays and more loadout options (including AT gun pods) updated interiors While working on Flying Legends a lot of the aircraft in this mod were redone for testing and fun. Accidently and without being planned we now have reached a good number so that a limited relaunch is possible. The new version will be a complete rework and will not be compatible with the old version. A warning will be given about 1 month prior to release. That is enough time to prepare your missions. This will of course affect retexture or other mods depening on this. Most of the popular aircraft will eventually end up in the new version again. While classnames will be changed the UV layouts wont be affected except for smaller details. So you should be able to update these mods over time. 3 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSabre 2332 Posted May 8, 2021 Helijah's Handley Page Halifax ( Helijah's Ju 87 being overhauled ( Helijah's Ar 234 ( ) testing the X-1 pleaese follow the new thread: 8 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites