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Skip briefing in MP Mission

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All I am looking to do is just skip the briefing screen when you first join the mission and go straight into the game. Before anyone suggests I did try KK method and script and all it did no matter how I did it was CTD. I have tried a few other methods and still I get the briefing loading up. So is there a script out there or some way to bypass the briefing that I did not see when I attempted to look it up here, google, armaholic, etc?

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Are you talking about a briefing that you've made for one of your own missions? Or for one that you've downloaded?

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Thats the one that crashed my game.

Are you talking about a briefing that you've made for one of your own missions? Or for one that you've downloaded?

Briefing = the briefing, map, cba information, etc. Occurs right before you jump into the game.

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Briefing = the briefing, map, cba information, etc. Occurs right before you jump into the game.

I think he means are you asking how to skip the briefing of a mission you have downloaded, or how to skip the briefing of a mission you have made.

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In KKs script old idds have been used. I updated his version:


CfgFunctions: (to execute that preInit):

class CfgFunctions {
	class eXperienceMod {
		class preInitCalls {
			class myFunction {
				preInit = 1;
				file = "client\preInit.sqf";


//Much kudos to killzonekid. Nice workaround.
//Just the thing, that idd 53 is not anymore the Diary briefing..
//The addition to the config, will deal with that and will always take the correct idd.
if (hasInterface) then {
    if (!isNumber (missionConfigFile >> "briefing")) exitWith {};
    if (getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "briefing") == 1) exitWith {};
    0 = [] spawn {
        private ["_d"];
        _d = (getNumber (configfile >> "RscDisplayServerGetReady" >> "idd"));
            if (getClientState == "BRIEFING READ") exitWith {true};
            if (!isNull findDisplay _d) exitWith {
                ctrlActivate (findDisplay _d displayCtrl 1);
                findDisplay _d closeDisplay 1;
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In KKs script old idds have been used. I updated his version:


CfgFunctions: (to execute that preInit):

class CfgFunctions {
	class eXperienceMod {
		class preInitCalls {
			class myFunction {
				preInit = 1;
				file = "client\preInit.sqf";


//Much kudos to killzonekid. Nice workaround.
//Just the thing, that idd 53 is not anymore the Diary briefing..
//The addition to the config, will deal with that and will always take the correct idd.
if (hasInterface) then {
    if (!isNumber (missionConfigFile >> "briefing")) exitWith {};
    if (getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "briefing") == 1) exitWith {};
    0 = [] spawn {
        private ["_d"];
        _d = (getNumber (configfile >> "RscDisplayServerGetReady" >> "idd"));
            if (getClientState == "BRIEFING READ") exitWith {true};
            if (!isNull findDisplay _d) exitWith {
                ctrlActivate (findDisplay _d displayCtrl 1);
                findDisplay _d closeDisplay 1;

Thank you. Asked this a while back at a few places and got no responses. It is nice to get an answer even if it worked or not. Thankfully it worked. I however did it slightly different.




author = "Polish Martyr"; 

onLoadName = "Warfare Altis"; 
loadScreen =  "USAvsRUSSIA.paa";
onLoadMission = "Enemy Occupation System by BangaBob"; 
Respawn = 3;
RespawnDelay = 4;
RespawnDialog = 0;
briefing = 0;
debriefing = 0;
#include "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_respawn.h"
#include "CHVD\dialog.hpp"
class CfgFunctions
#include "CHVD\CfgFunctions.hpp"
class eXperienceMod {
class preInitCalls {
class myFunction {
preInit = 1;
file = "preInit.sqf";
#include "voiceControl.cpp"
//Much kudos to killzonekid. Nice workaround.

//Just the thing, that idd 53 is not anymore the Diary briefing..

//The addition to the config, will deal with that and will always take the correct idd.

if (hasInterface) then {

if (!isNumber (missionConfigFile >> "briefing")) exitWith {};

if (getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "briefing") == 1) exitWith {};

0 = [] spawn {

private ["_d"];

_d = (getNumber (configfile >> "RscDisplayServerGetReady" >> "idd"));


if (getClientState == "BRIEFING READ") exitWith {true};

if (!isNull findDisplay _d) exitWith {

ctrlActivate (findDisplay _d displayCtrl 1);

findDisplay _d closeDisplay 1;







just encase someone else was having the same issues.

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It's a long shot, and indeed a hideous necropost, but is there any way this can be adapted to autoskip the "Cannot connect to the positioning system" screen?

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In Eden Editor >> attributes >> states >>uncheck show briefing

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15 hours ago, Mr H. said:

In Eden Editor >> attributes >> states >>uncheck show briefing

Yes, this works! No more scripts for this. Excellent. Thank you!

Reports were that it only worked in SP, but I can confirm it works in MP and server environment.

Thanks again.

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Nerver trust rumors, always check  yourself :f:

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description.ext method also works now.

briefing = 0; // skip briefing - tested in MP

Not sure which one has higher priority, I would assume description.ext but you never know with ArmA. :happy:

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Any pending clients (awaiting load to the briefing screen and probably downloading mission as well) will halt anyone ahead. These users will see the briefing screen until everyone is at that stage.

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