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Distance to Bounding Box

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On 04/03/2018 at 11:26 AM, Tankbuster said:

I updated this slightly so it can accept other input;


pdth_fnc_pointIsInBox = {// original by pedeathtrian. returns true if unit is in objs bounding box
	params ["_unit","_obj"];
	private ["_pos"];
	switch (typename _unit) do
			case "STRING": {_pos = getMarkerPos _unit};
			case "OBJECT": {_pos = getpos _unit};
			case "ARRAY": {_pos = _unit};
	_uPos = _obj worldToModel _pos;
	_oBox = boundingBoxReal _obj;
	_inHelper = {
		params ["_pt0", "_pt1"];
		(_pt0 select 0 <= _pt1 select 0) && (_pt0 select 1 <= _pt1 select 1) && (_pt0 select 2 <= _pt1 select 2)
	([_oBox select 0, _uPos] call _inHelper) && ([_uPos, _oBox select 1] call _inHelper)



Hello , i'm testing this script but it doesn't seem to work everytime 

for example here it returns false : 


And here it returns true 


I just changed the chair's height between the screenshots 


I would like it to return true as soon as one box collides with the other 

edit : you'll understand the problem with this video 


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I changed this line 

        case "OBJECT": {_pos = getpos _unit};

to this 

        case "OBJECT": {_pos = ASLToAGL (getPosASL _unit)};

And i have better results. 

It would be even better if i could use the geometry lod instead of bounding box though

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Are you trying to get this info in 3den editor (like the video) or in game?


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The video is actually ingame, i just draw the boundingbox and move the chair with a script (while in spectator mode) :)

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If you're expecting something while in game, you could test the event handler "epeContactStart". Something like:


yourPot addEventHandler ["EpeContactStart", {
  params ["_object1", "_object2", "_selection1", "_selection2", "_force"];
  hint str [_object1, _object2, _selection1, _selection2, _force];


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The physx eventhandlers only work with objects that support it (I don't know for sure chairs etc do) and even then, it's a nasty system to work with.

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Just now, Tankbuster said:

The physx eventhandlers only work with objects that support it (I don't know for sure chairs etc do) and even then, it's a nasty system to work with.

I have tested that before posting. Not saying that works at 100% but it worth to be tested. A good approach is to see what happen when you're running the preview with too close objects. In this case, the flowerPot falls. So, there is an epe contact.

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Your way is way better than trying to compute bounding box collisions then. Madness lies that way, surely?

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