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I will insert missing languages. Also new items will come in the next update.

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Thanks for this! Great work! I waits  the next UP with impatient!

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Version 1.3 (01.07.2016)

ADDED:      - New items; herl_o_Skeleton, herl_o_Skull, herl_u_tablet, herl_u_satphone, herl_u_ground_sheet
            - Added languages (I hope they are almost right ...)
            - New possibility to combine objects. Milk and antibiotics = antibiotics Zombie bite. (Was an idea, because I was bitten and had no cure.)
FIXED:      - Mission: Location 'Her_L_NoLoot'

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Well done and no issue so far. Will be testing more thank you for doing this :) !!!

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No. There is no video.
Downloading and testing makes more fun.  ;) 

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Thanks for yr work - niceeee

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Very cool!!! Author of great respect!!! (heros,if You're interested-willing to offer my help in translation into Russian language)

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Very cool!!! Author of great respect!!! (heros,if You're interested-willing to offer my help in translation into Russian language)


Thanks for the request.

Is the Russian language so bad? Lol. Translated with Google.

I want to upload a new Uptate. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

A flashlight is integrated.

Then, the languages are to be rectified. Then I would be happy to get help with the languages.


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Version 1.4 (15.07.2016)

ADDED:      - New weapon; Flashlight (Her_Flashlight_01_F)

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Hello foxhound,
and once again: Thank you. :) :) :)

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Hey, great work! This mod is amazing for more realism in missions. 

Thank you for this! :D

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Thanks for the update   :627:

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Error found in Readme.txt

Original in readme:
- Her_L_Fieber              Integer, 0 or 1 (0 = no fever)
- Her_L_FieberRyanZombies   Integer, 0 or 1 (0 = no infection)

These are the correct values:
- Her_L_Fieber              Boolean, true / false (false = no fever)
- Her_L_FieberRyanZombies   Boolean, true / false (false = no infection)

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Hey Heros

We're enjoying your stuff allready on the first few tries in our mission. Yet, we have some requests/questions:

1. Do we need to define every single equipment class on their heat insulation or should base classes be sufficient?

2. Can some icons on the screen be disabled? We feel like the health and stamina bar are not so usefull. Neither the money, but thats just us. Can they somehow be disabled individually?

3. We cannot get rid of the 'remote Alarm' action. Can it be disabled somewhere?

4. Bug report: We noticed people instantly die when reaching <35% water and/or food. Tested without any other mods.

5. There seems to be no difference when the outside temperature is -20 or +50 celcius. Water/food always degrates at the same speed and body temperature aint changing even when super thirsty, warm clothing and running arround like a morron.

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Heros, we have found a JIP issue.

When anyone Joins-in-progress he is unable to eat/drink. The progress bar appears but doesnt run.

The players that were in the mission as it started, had no issue.

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Hey Heros

We're enjoying your stuff allready on the first few tries in our mission. Yet, we have some requests/questions:

1. Do we need to define every single equipment class on their heat insulation or should base classes be sufficient?

2. Can some icons on the screen be disabled? We feel like the health and stamina bar are not so usefull. Neither the money, but thats just us. Can they somehow be disabled individually?

3. We cannot get rid of the 'remote Alarm' action. Can it be disabled somewhere?

4. Bug report: We noticed people instantly die when reaching <35% water and/or food. Tested without any other mods.

5. There seems to be no difference when the outside temperature is -20 or +50 celcius. Water/food always degrates at the same speed and body temperature aint changing even when super thirsty, warm clothing and running arround like a morron.


1 Yes.

- Each garment has to be defined.

- It can not be defined a class of unit.

- There are too many ways of assembling clothes.


- The icon will not initially removed.

- For my mission I need all icon. I play with my own settings. Nothing is displayed on the HUD. Only my addon.

- And: Currently I do not know how can I achieve this.

3 We cannot get rid of the 'remote Alarm' action. Can it be disabled somewhere?

- I do not understand.   ???


Players die when:

- Thirst less 3

- Hunger less 3

- Body temperature less 32 (centigrade)

- Body temperature greater 42 (centigrade)

5a Ambient temperature:

- Temperatures below 0 degrees does not exist.

- Does it make sense? In Arma nothing can freeze.

5b Water/food always degrates at the same speed

- This is more or less correct. (Her_L_HungerVar=0.0058; Her_L_ThirstVar=0.009; / These values are adjustable. But are the same during the entire course.)

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Heros, we have found a JIP issue.

When anyone Joins-in-progress he is unable to eat/drink. The progress bar appears but doesnt run.

The players that were in the mission as it started, had no issue.


Very interesting!

I play the addon for Arma 3 was launched. Dedicated Server.

Only now the problem occurred. I have fixed it. Update coming soon.

Thanks for the information.

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Why the temperature cannot be under zero I do not understand. You can read the actual ambient temperature and it will go way under for sure.

Try chernarus during winter time.

I will fetch you a script that allows you to finf the actual ambient temperature.

Btw I meaned the 'remote alarm clock'. can this be removed somehome?

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Version 1.5 (24.07.2016)

ADDED:      - New Glasses: Gas Mask (G_her_GasMaskA)
FIXED:      - JIP. Now works correct
IMPROVED:   - Mission adjusted. A simple example of the gas mask.

For the gas mask breath sounds are implemented.

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Hi heros and thank you for this immersive and quite customizable mission enhancer!


I tried it 1st time today and most of the features seem to work flawlessly when trying the mission in Editor.  Only I get some script errors and on top of that, not everything works.  For example, the sleeping bag can be clicked, but doesn't do anything. 


I'm still testing around and I think alot of stuff will become clear by itself once I have meddled around a bit, but still, I'd like to know a few things that weren't in the documentation.  


1) What are suggested Eden params for revive and respawn with your medical scripts active? 


2) Can I entirely deactivate your medical system? I'm not talking ACE here, I want to use A3Wounding system by Psychobastard alongside your survival system but I guess yours simply deactivates A3Wounding System if both are in mission code. 


3) Do I really have to list ALL vehicles from my mods  that should get a repair and refuel in some sort of list? The list in HER_survive.sqf refers only to the refueling, although in param 4 there is a hint to repair: (4) Maximum distance from the vehicle for refueling with canister and repair - so is this list also the place to specify if a mod vehicle is repairable?


4) If I can repair the BIS Quadbike, why can't I refuel it with a gasoline canister?  Any "Sweet Spot" for that necessary or a siphoning item/hose? I am closer than 6 meters.


I hope you can help me with those questions and please keep on working on this great scripts!


Best Regards,



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