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USMC Sniper

What are your thoughts on vice city

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Today I got a chance to play Vice City at my friends house. I have to say one thing: this game is amazing. It is a huge improvement on GTA3, the grahics, AI, and weapons being better and more releastic. I'm definetely going to get this ASAP for my PS2.  biggrin.gif

Goddamn, the game is so similar to Miami Vice and the A-Team! There are a lot of drug missions, a la MV, and your car and other cars flip over a lot like in The A-Team, and there is the Ruger Mini-14 like in A-Team! I love this game!

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Same. I really don't have any money now to pay for it anyway, so I'll just wait for the superior PC version. smile.gif

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i just got it today, im now just taking a break off to talk about it, problem is that my little TV doesn't really handle bright colors well so there is annoying glow around tommy, other characters, cars, and other objects in the game, o well. at least good sharp TVs are cheap up here:) . cool thing about the game is that there is real popular 80's music artists, and bands.

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Do the police chase others when they shoot or fight? I didnt have a chance to notice that at my friends house.

Yeah, finally they have real music and not some made up stuff! The motorcycles are cool too, you can fall off when you hit things. You can also leap out of your car, and one other thing: you can have only one of each gun type, although not too releastic, a very cool thing. Also, you sort of upgrade your weapons, say you have a TEC-9, then you can get an MP5 which is better and replaces the tec-9.

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I thought that the rights to Vice City were bound to PS2 for 5 years so it will be 2007 before we see it on PC....

Hope I'm wrong.

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Yup I recently read Vice City was going to be a PS2 exclusive...

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one thing that i heard about this "exclusive" thing is that when you hear this, it means that ps2 will be the only COUNSLE to have it, since PC is not considered a counsle, that rule doesn't apply, every GTA game has seen it self on PC so why would they decide not to put it on the PC? as for the police chasing other criminals, it was confirmed that they will do this, but i have yet to witness it. i love doing wheelies on the dirt bikes and super bikes, just gota becarful not to pull to far back, other wise you get a nasty wipe out. sweetest thing about the game is the ability to purchase multible hideouts, and clubs.

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Yeah, one of my friends preordered it and he got it earlier. I suppose Red Oct did the same.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (USMC Sniper @ Oct. 30 2002,04:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeah, one of my friends preordered it and he got it earlier. I suppose Red Oct did the same.<span id='postcolor'>

nope, i simply trotted on down to the nearest Best Buy had a dozen of them in stock when i had called them, by the time i showed up, 5 were remaining minus 1 (mine) totall cake walk. didn't have to pre order nothing! biggrin.gif

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Wow that's so cool, i still have to wait until 8 nov 2002, a little more than one week. I have gta3 and vice city looks so much cooler and a lot better.

I didn't preorder it, i don't like how it works, i just went to a shop in a city where i live close to, I asked the shop owner that when he gets vice city, he needs to keep one for me. So basically on Nov 8 i can play vice city when i return from the shop.

Aaaaah, i can't wait!!!

It's gonna be released on a friday here, so i have the whole weekend to enjoy the game smile.gif

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I want to buy it, but since I don't have my own PS2 I have to use the MWR (morale, welfare, and recreation) ones which means I would have to share sad.gif I'll just have to stick with Mafia for a little longer

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one other thing i forgot to mention was that you can buy property in the game. like you can buy additional hideouts, buisneses and collect revanew.

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Sounds cool!

Here iss oemthing strange, yesterday two things the same occured. I was on an online games store when I came across what they were calling 'GTA3:Vice City'

I heard someone on the radio say the same thing a little while latter..........

Maybe I'll become extremely rich soon and go and buy a PS2 so I can play it(looks like it will be a whiloe if ever that Vice City comes to the PC).

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Ps2 isn't that expensive anymore, you get a game console, a dvd player and a cd player and you don't have to pay that much...

I like my ps2 more than computers, comps are just a lot of trouble. When i go to the store and buy a ps2 game, i just put it in my ps when i come home and i play it. When i try to install a game for my comp i get a lot of fucking errors, i have to install the game before being able to play it and the games are always full of bugs.

Bah, i don't like computers... smile.gif

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Also a very cool thing, you can rob stores by aiming your gun at the boss. The longer you aim the gun at him/her the more money you get. But you have to make sure that you don't stay too long cuz the cops come after you the moment you aim at this guy.

This game is sooo cool. I really can't wait until i have it...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DarkLight @ Oct. 31 2002,11:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">There is no pc version...<span id='postcolor'>

... not yet I hope!

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I bought this game yesterday...

At first i was kinda surprised, not as happy as i wanted to be. The graphics look a lot different than the graphics from GTA3. GTA3s graphics are rather dark, VCs graphics our very flashy. At first it was weird, now i like it. You just got to get used to it.

The Bikes are great, I already drove a dirtbike, a racebike, a vespa looking one, and a pizza delivery bike.

And yes, you can do wheelies with them, there also is a dirtbiketrack...

In the game you can rob stores to earn some cash, there's just one problem, the longer you stay, the more stars (=cop wanted level => 6 is the most you can get, basically the army comes to get you when you have 6 stars) you get and also the more money you get.

The missions are rather easy at first, but they get a lot harder and better too. Missions are more varied, for example, you need to go to a group of men who are protesting and then you have to hit at least 4 of them to start a riot. So while the cops are confused, you can blow up some cars...

There are all kinds of missions, so basically that makes the game a lot more fun.

The amount of weapons is huge, i got the game yesterday, i've played on it for a couple houres now and i already got a lot of weapons. You get most weapons doing missions but there also are a lot of weapons in hidden places.

The weapons that you get are also impressive, i already got: Shotgun, Uzi, hamer, Ruger, screwdriver, butcherknife, one of those sticks that the cops use to hit you, pistol, chainsaw, etc

The houses and everything around you has changed a lot. In GTA3 everything you did was stay on the ground, in VC you can go up buildings, explore them, there's a mall where you can play around too. You can also go into (a limited amount of) buildings.

You can even buy these buildings when you have enough money, these buildings can earn some cash for you. For example, there's a building that gives you 5000$ each day.

Some of the buildings also have some special surprises, such as a helicopter or a boat.

The size of the level has increased a lot. You start in a big Island, it's East on the map. West on the map there's also another part of the city that's as big as the one you start in. And between these two parts there's a small Island.

You have to do certain missions before you can go to a new Island but the amount of missions you have to do is a lot smaller.

Well, i think i gave you a rather good idea what the game is like, if you have any questions just post them, i'll be glad to answer them.

I just thought i'd post this so the people who don't have a PS2 can imagine what the game's like....

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And the ULTIMATE VEHICLE rules too. I got all the way to vigilante level 16 before I got ran over by a tank... confused.gif

Too bad its not immune to small arms fire too like it probably should be. After all, it is the ULTIMATE VEHICLE. wow.gif

And the MP5 shouldnt be stronger than the MAC-10. Other than that, all the weapons are really cool. I really like the M4, but I wish it had an automatic aiming mode like the submachine guns in addition to its scope mode.

For the record, to get the ULTIMATE VEHICLE, you just need to beat the game or collect all 100 hiddden packages. It spawns in Baxter Air Force Base.

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