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Number of Civs Killed > 5 end mission

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Hi Guys.


Im new to mission making, not very good at scripting, but i am using the eden editor. i want to try and stay in there, and have a trigger that activates the end mission when a certain number of civilians are killed in an area.  Is it possible or do i have to make little sqf files and all that wierd stuff that scares me. can i do it in eden or is it impossible?  this is for a multiplayer coop scenario.


Cheers for your help in advance.

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Try this, put it in init.sqf in mission directory


if (isServer) then
	FNH_civilians_killed = 0;
	addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", 
		_killed = _this select 0;
		if (side group _killed == civilian) then
			FNH_civilians_killed = FNH_civilians_killed + 1;
			if (FNH_civilians_killed > 5) then
				failMission "LOSER"; //or any other ending
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Am I right in assuming that won't work if you're spawning in civilians by using ALiVE or COS?

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Am I right in assuming that won't work if you're spawning in civilians by using ALiVE or COS?


Why do you think so?

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Why do you think so?

I was just asking. In the past I've looked and found it hard to find a script that does that when the units aren't present at initialization.

If this will do that then that's awesome.

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Since you count any civilian after initializing the mission it works in alive.

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just place 2 triggers

trigger1 - this one will cover the area you want civillians counted

conditions are: CIVILLIAN, PRESENT

note that it doesnt matter if the trigger fires or not, you just need it to monitor the list of civillians within the area

trigger2 - this one checks how many civs are alive in trigger1

condition field: {alive _x} count (list trigger1) < 15

result: when the amount of civs in trigger1 area drops below 15, trigger2 fires


you could just have one trigger to check how many civs are on the map like {_x side CIVILIAN} count allunits == 0

there is a few more ways to go around that depending what you actually want to do

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Try this, put it in init.sqf in mission directory


if (isServer) then
	FNH_civilians_killed = 0;
	addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", 
		_killed = _this select 0;
		if (side group _killed == civilian) then
			FNH_civilians_killed = FNH_civilians_killed + 1;
			if (FNH_civilians_killed > 5) then
				failMission "LOSER"; //or any other ending

Thanks, KK!

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On 5/28/2016 at 7:32 AM, killzone_kid said:

Try this, put it in init.sqf in mission directory


if (isServer) then
	FNH_civilians_killed = 0;
	addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", 
		_killed = _this select 0;
		if (side group _killed == civilian) then
			FNH_civilians_killed = FNH_civilians_killed + 1;
			if (FNH_civilians_killed > 5) then
				failMission "LOSER"; //or any other ending


Hi killzone_kid, your code works great. How do I run this code only if "WEST" units kill civilian ?
Thank you 😃

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