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Gunship -OFP-ZONE-

White and black lincoln for download!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gunship [OFP-ZONE] @ Oct. 27 2002,02:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Nope its in the news look on first place wink.gif

When i post this news the post was not online...


Gunship<span id='postcolor'>

aah my bad... maybe im too fast biggrin.gif

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Aren't they just the same as the ones Colonel_Klink released a while ago? confused.gif

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No these are new downloads. without the horns and the hood pic. Use these in your assassination missions or just for touring.

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When are you going to release the VIP version, with the top and the little flags at the front? wink.gif That is useful for the "assassinate [insert country here] ambassador" missions. biggrin.gif

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About the gunboats two suggestions:

1)it drives me crazy when people make miniguns explode:angry:

2)Make a version w/ a large gun(73mm )

Edit: On the 50cal. version in the scope view you can't move the gun up too much. The minigun goes through targets.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The minigun goes through targets.

<span id='postcolor'>

What do you mean?

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It goes through some of the targets like the East Patrol Boat and the bridge on Nogova. It doesn't go through all targets though confused.gif

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Hmm I think that is a problem of ofp rather than the ammo used as i used a stock ammunition set from cfgweapons. If you know how to alter that in the cpp. I'd be interested. As for exploding shells on the minigun.. I felt that having that would be more interesting than just a standard minigun.. but it was a personal choice, no more, no less:)

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Since the Tiger Boat thread was locked, I'll ask this here (since it's also by Klink):

The boats with the minigun fire ammo that explodes, which means damage is > 50 (I think?). I've notcied some other addons with miniguns do this as well. Miniguns should rely on ROF for their great destructive power...the actual rounds shouldn't do much more damage than an M60, and certainly not more than the ingame M2 .50 cal.

Just an observation.

---Edit: D'oh, it pays to read the whole thread first...didn't notice someone had pointed this out already---

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With the cars-the windshield on the white one turns totally white once you shoot it several times.

Edit:with black one the windshield and party of the sides go white once you shoot at them.

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Ok, I know the car windows turning white problem. The BIS Binarize utility doesn't copy textures such as damage over to the new addon folder. I will look into this and repost the cars. Thanks for the feedback on that.




Repost in the next 24 hours problem solved will add new functionality to BinarizeIT as an option to add other files to the addon folder.

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When ammo goes through the targets it is a problem of the addon not OFP. And make ammo not-explosiable. It sux.

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This is a great addon (Tiger boats), fantastic model and concept, but the minigun version is just to powerful to use in a mission.

I hope that a more realistic version gets released, otherwise I'll stick to the M2 version...

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I added a version using the minigun boat model that has a 73mm gun, but ingame the gun won't fire. confused.gif Also how do you keep ammo from exploding?

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You need to set the hit damage done by the minigun ammo to <50 to stop it exploding edc.

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Ok minigun problem nearly resolved. Adding different optics for the .50 cal as well. Probably upload version 2. in the next few hours.

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Excellent! Like I said, this is an awesome addon, and a few tweaks could make it one of the best! Nice work, Klink! smile.gif

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This issue was not a a bug as such but a fault with BIS binarize tool not copying damage textures into the new addon folder. It was reported in an earlier post on this thread.

It has been now been rectified and the updated cars are available on my website.

Also the Tiger boats have been re-released on the site as well.

Fixes include:

.50 cal optics included

minigun sound added

minugun ammo toned down

gunner & driver no longer bullet proof.

Please don't post bug reports here. send them to me at:


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