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What kind of server I'm playing on?

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Hi everyone,

My 2 cent question:

I'd like to define in a script, what kind of server I'm playing on. The aim is to make a versatile addon disabling capabilities when gaming on public servers but with better latitude when the mission is hosted (LAN, or even SP).

So far, i can't use isServer, isDedicated... just because the client returns always false (except for the hosting PC but it's a particular case).


I tried:

 {missionNamespace setVariable ["dedicated",isdedicated];
  publicVariable "dedicated"} remoteExec ["call",2];

but it seems uncertain with some public servers.

Any idea to have this data by a more accurate way?


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Thanks but initServer.sqf runs... on server. And I'm not on server but on a client PC. That's the reason why I remote exec this variable to the server and wait for a feedback as publicVariable. That works! The challenge now is to catch the info thru the publicVariable, each time. Some servers are returning "any", then "true" after a passage into the lobby for choosing another unit.

Furthermore, I'd rather use a BI function for that, if any, instead of declaring something remotely on a public server. It's not a big string but If this could be avoided...

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// initServer.sqf
missionNamespace setVariable ['isDedicated',isDedicated,TRUE];

I'd avoid using reserved words as variable names. Madness lies within.

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Thanks but initServer.sqf runs... on server. And I'm not on server but on a client PC. That's the reason why I remote exec this variable to the server and wait for a feedback as publicVariable. That works! The challenge now is to catch the info thru the publicVariable, each time. Some servers are returning "any", then "true" after a passage into the lobby for choosing another unit.

Furthermore, I'd rather use a BI function for that, if any, instead of declaring something remotely on a public server. It's not a big string but If this could be avoided...


ahh i see, for addon compatibility

// -- on client
if (!isMultiplayer) exitWith {missionNamespace setVariable ['tag_var_isDedicated',FALSE,FALSE];};
if (!isNil {missionNamespace getVariable 'tag_var_isDedicated'}) exitWith {comment 'variable exists, use the value';};
[[],{missionNamespace setVariable ['tag_var_isDedicated',isDedicated,TRUE];}] remoteExec ['BIS_fnc_call',2,FALSE];
_t = time + 10;
waitUntil {
     (!isNil {missionNamespace getVariable 'tag_var_isDedicated'}) ||
     (time > _t)
if (time > _t) exitWith {missionNamespace setVariable ['tag_var_isDedicated',FALSE,FALSE];};
if (isNil {missionNamespace getVariable 'tag_var_isDedicated'}) exitWith {missionNamespace setVariable ['tag_var_isDedicated',FALSE,FALSE];};
comment 'your variable exists';

maybe isdedicated command should be extended to support query from client machine as well.


The only issue is if the server doesn't whitelist your function/command for remote execution. If a server is using the RE whitelist, they will most likely not whitelist call, but in most cases they have to whitelist BIS_fnc_call in order to use the vanilla debug console, so less likely to be blocked.


There doesn't appear to be a native way to derive server type from the client

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Thank you mdcclxxvi . Yes, it seems there is no other solution other than ask the server to send a variable.

I'm about to release this addon, and i know some servers have B.E. filter which will kick the players with this addon.

So, I hope to satisfy SP, MP hosted and servers without such filter or servers enabling my addon with signature (MGI Tactical Pack V3).


I managed tools such icons or Halo jump, prisoners, sticking charges... along with contexts like MP/SP, hosted / dedi,  difficulty also.

Some stuffs are easy: you can teleport the player on SP, not on MP. But you can HALO jump on MP if a certain object is named on your map. It's a mission owner's choice.

Others are more difficult: making prisoner is hard to define: set with difficulty +    hosted "yes" / dedi "no"    context in MP.

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