A.I.M 32 Posted March 12, 2016 A.I.S.S. 3 : Feat of Arms V2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////// ///////////////// ////////////////// /// /// /// /// /// /////////// /// /// ////////////////// /// /// /// /// /// /// // ///////////////// // /// /// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// We were happy with the original FOA, but over time there were things that we wanted to see happen. So in spring 2015 after FOAs initial release, we started talking... First and foremost, we wanted a realistic human behaviour to the AI. This didn't mean robotic and patterned behaviour, but certain things that we felt people would do in a given situation that may have been missing from the default AI. The default AI has improved and it became more about meshing our expectations with the improvements in BiS vanilla AI routines. -Moving to cover upon contact -More active use of cover in combat -better use of stance in Combat -Less to little Ramboing, no charging -an impression the AI value it's life -Use of smoke -Continued use of given waypoints despite changes in reactions to contact -Ai using prone in a more realistic manner -Much less predictable behaviour -Flanking and alternate routing in combat (flanking not fully implemented yet) -Garrison of buildings and building searching, really ... just use buildings lol When you gain in one area you tend to lose in others. We wanted an AI that could accomplish this in Open ground and Cqb situations and that became a trade off game. How far will they go for cover, how often should that be and on and on it goes. FoA evolved into A.I.R which then was reworked back into FoA for this edition. In the end we are happy with where it is at for this initial release. We built test missions that were shared across the testing group to see if we could see the same things and then we each tried within our own Arma Environment. This is the result. Hopefully you like it. There are more features we would like to add. -AI suppressing and a few others. -menu for adjusting Foa parameters to eliminate -filepatching issue. This particular build was about getting the cover mechanics working, building searching working and making it all adapt to the changes in BIS ai. -Modules Module Instructions and Example Missions You can always highlight the Parameter title for the description in any of the modules !!! -FoA SP respawn - Allow player to respawn in SP -Apply to - who the module is applied to -Respawns - number of total respawns available (quantity) -Respawn Delay - respawn time delay (time in seconds) -Respawn Postion -location of respawned unit -Respawn Radius - radius around respawn postion Video link -FoA AI respawn - Great for Waves of AI. -Apply to - who the module is applied to. - one module can be synched to multiple groups -when a unit is killed or wounded very bad like 1 unit left with damage or .9 or so it respawns that 1 uni. The module does not respawn battalion at once. -Strength - Strength of force. This affects AI respawn rates. Platoon = 40 men,Company = 160 men, Battallion = 480 men. So Platoon = 40 divided be size of group. -Respawn Postion -location of respawned units, module or group postion -Respawn Radius - radius around respawn postion Video link -FoA Garrison -Use to force units into Garrison postions at mission start after slight delay. - Garrison Radius - radius that units will use to search for garrison postions. - Garrison timeout - min/max value determines random time then units search for new position in radius - sync the module to group leader and the units will garrison nearest structures. -Units will prioritze nearby static turrets and empty vehicle turrets. See Vid 2 Video link -FoA Exclude - Exclude Units from FoA control. - sync the module to group leader to exclude from Foa Control. Video link -FoA Patrol - Units will patrol the area automatically. - sync this module to the group leader to have the units patrol the surrounding area. - Radius of patrol in min max values for synced unit types [infantry,vehicle, air] Video link -Battlelines Modules -Add stategic Location -Battlelines Sector HQ -Sector Tracking more documentation coming soon Credits A.I.M Mikey74 StTosin CosmiC10R Froggyluv Feat of Arms Logo by Graeme Shute VO by -Froggyluv -Pulstar Testing thanks - in alphabetical order -ebarstad -Evil Organ -Incontinentia -Kremator -redarmy -RedGameR -GigaS aka jCae2798 This is WIP, The roadmap is to optimize and troubleshoot this version for v2.0.1 and then release new features in v2.0.2 - We have seen some fps drop in some situations, and in particular in Battlelines when air, arty, tanks and infantry are running around. - Look, the ai isn't perfect, there may be the odd janky crap... let us know and we will do what we can :) -You may be expecting some heavy duty AI changes, at this time the effects are subtle. We have not added single pistol shot, dive roll, curved bullet through a window, down a corrider, then 90 degree headshot AI 14 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A.I.M 32 Posted March 12, 2016 Release Links v2.0.0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/b8yuifdeydi4htq/%40Feat%20Of%20ArmsReleasev2.0.rar?dl=0 Test missions from Feat of Arms Instructional Series https://www.dropbox.com/s/nirhv9t5ik083gy/FoaTestMissions.zip?dl=0 Roadmap 2.0.1 - performance and troubleshooting 2.0.2 - a few New features Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A.I.M 32 Posted March 12, 2016 Issues to be looked at in v2.0.1 -Pla units and mysterious russian units compatibility -Sp respawn , vehicles, name issue, equipment gone -Modules working when spawned in zeus -Remove dependence on userconfig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1212PDMCDMPPM 200 Posted March 13, 2016 I'm not sure I understand: is it released (not DL link ?) or is it WIP (so may be this thread should be in addon discussion section). Thx ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A.I.M 32 Posted March 13, 2016 I'm not sure I understand: is it released (not DL link ?) or is it WIP (so may be this thread should be in addon discussion section). Thx ! I'm getting there lol.... Im trying to get all the video links in but i think i have too many and its not displaying them properly links to videos are there... its coming... ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikey74 188 Posted March 13, 2016 Its coming. As soon as we are finished with the forums. I'll begin working on Steam version. :) Keep in mind some features may not work with other mods. I've not tested this yet, but I'm assuming FOA single player respawn and possibly AI respawn may not work with Veterans mod. Taking cover works great with Veterans mod though. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sharpie7051 18 Posted March 13, 2016 I'm just going to say now, congrats on the upcoming release; always have been a fan of your work Mikey74. I have one question for you, previous versions have had problems in under certain conditions for example I use Alive CAS module and Big Wilk's: Combat Support Menu in a lot (all) of my missions and is always broken by AISS due to automatically being given orders by AISS. I suggested a year or so ago that your exclude module to have two options in a drop down menu "Exclude all synced units" and "Exclude all Non Synced units", can you add this in please? I would love to use this mod again when you release 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikey74 188 Posted March 13, 2016 FOA does not control anything but infantry at the moment. We have found a bug right before release. I'm a bit frustrated so it may be another day or two before release is completed. Exclude works in this version btw, but will be no need with air units. NOW Battle lines module may interfere with Alive if you have air units synced to the BL modules. Other than that should be good to go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
katipo66 94 Posted March 13, 2016 Cool cool, it all sounds great, look forward to testing it! also glad itll be on steam :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sharpie7051 18 Posted March 13, 2016 That's great to hear Mikey I can't wait to try it out!! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GSTAVO 169 Posted March 13, 2016 Hi, it's amazing addon, since the first version. I'm not sure I understand, the addon is avaliable? I did not find the link to download .. Thx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikey74 188 Posted March 13, 2016 We are working on a fix we found when we were building this thread. I think its about fixed. It still has a bug conserning compatibility with Veterans mod. I'll fix that next update. But Download link should be up in a minute and steam will be built tonight or tomorrow morning depending on how long I can keep my eyes open. lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cosmic10r 2331 Posted March 13, 2016 :o what year is it now ? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A.I.M 32 Posted March 13, 2016 Links in post 2 now... still some things we want to look at including some performance stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikey74 188 Posted March 13, 2016 There is now a steam versions http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=644291283 @Sharpie Thanks man I'm glad you enjoy. :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1212PDMCDMPPM 200 Posted March 13, 2016 Links in post 2 now... still some things we want to look at including some performance stuff. Thx for the info ! Testing time now ! ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sixt 26 Posted March 13, 2016 im getting an "include fil userconfig\foa\foa.hpp not found error" when trying to launch the mod? i have -filePatching in my start parameters, and put the foa userconfig in the userconfig folder? Im launching the game through play with six. Also tried it via steam, the same error occures. Also does this work on a dedicated server? Thank you for your great work to make this game better Sixt Nevermind, used the wrong userconfig, now it works thanks :-) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikey74 188 Posted March 13, 2016 Eventually usersonfig will be weeded out. In fact I think most of the variables are used in the modules now. FOA need to run on server as well as client. It wont work with just client. Its alos not signed yet. I havent signed a mod in a while so it may be a bit before we sign it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sixt 26 Posted March 13, 2016 Like the new battleline module, the only thing i have problems with is the debug markers showing the units wont disapear, even if i had set the show markers to false in the battleline module. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kecharles28 197 Posted March 13, 2016 New mod v0.1 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking: Hey A.I.M , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now! Make your own promo page, get the power to release your work at your own point of choosing. To learn more, follow this guide. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikey74 188 Posted March 13, 2016 Like the new battleline module, the only thing i have problems with is the debug markers showing the units wont disapear, even if i had set the show markers to false in the battleline module. Are you talking about the sectors? So far in my test Debug markers is working correctly. If false they do not show up and if true they do show up. As to sectors. I've not hidden those makers at all, but in future updates I do want to add that. If I can figure it out. lol thanks to foxhound and kecharles28 for releasing FOA on the great sites. :) FOA now has links in Armaholic and Playwithsix. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cosmic10r 2331 Posted March 13, 2016 The main thing we were attempting to deal with here was AI getting stuck while under fire. They should generally go to cover, stay off roads, use smoke once engaged. They will roll, stay low while moving at times and use the cover more effectively. You should see them use gls a bit more... or at least I did. Several of the testers pointed out they were expecting something more noticable to the behaviour. That was before Mikey burned everyone out with a version a day :p What you will see as well is the ai climbing to get high points on some buildings. This has been hit and miss as well as they have gotten stuck at times on top of ladders or little metal bridges between storage containers. I'm not sure those areas were ever structured for the ai as they generally don't do this in vanilla. We will try to get more instructions up for BL as well. It was really an internal thing that just kind of evolved so Mikey thought it would be be cool to include it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sixt 26 Posted March 13, 2016 Are you talking about the sectors? So far in my test Debug markers is working correctly. If false they do not show up and if true they do show up. As to sectors. I've not hidden those makers at all, but in future updates I do want to add that. If I can figure it out. lol thanks to Foxhound and kecharles28 for releasing FOA on the great sites. :) FOA now has links in Armaholic and Playwithsix. Its fine with the sector markers, its the unit debug markers that shows, even if i set the "show markers" to false. I have tried on two maps with different factions, the markers still occures Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikey74 188 Posted March 13, 2016 Its fine with the sector markers, its the unit debug markers that shows, even if i set the "show markers" to false. I have tried on two maps with different factions, the markers still occures Sounds like maybe a conflict with another mod? What other mods are you running? FOA BL is not compatible with Veterans mod. Blufor units from Veterans mod spawn, but get errors off Opfor side from Veterans mod. Not sure why. So if you use Veterans mod. Make sure you do not sync Veteran mod units on east side, set Module start count to 0 or Sync a different faction to the module that's east side. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted March 13, 2016 Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. A.I.S.S. 3: Feat of Arms v2.0.0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites