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Adjust RVMAT values of stock model?

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I'm doing a reskin of the Karts driver coveralls (because they have gloves, and the heli coveralls do not) but, the Kart driver model is a lot more shiny than the heli coveralls, even with the exact same textures. I'm guessing this is because the RVMAT values are different. I've tried adding an RVMAT into my pbo referecing the .paa files, but no luck. Am I doing something wrong, or is there no way to adjust these values on a stock model without getting into the model itself? (which I understand isn't allowed)



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This is my custom rvmat for the A3 Nato uniform. Change texture path to suit your needs



Also in config.cpp it goes like this:

	class laf_u_combat_circa_rolled: B_Soldier_SL_F
		scope = 1;
		model = "\A3\characters_F\blufor\b_soldier_03.p3d";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo","insignia"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"laf_units\sof\data\u_combat_co_circa.paa"};
		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"laf_units\sof\data\u_combat.rvmat"};

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After checking out the model, it would appear there is a "camo" named selection, so setObjectTextureMaterial should work.

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Does replacing .rvmats with hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] or setObjectMaterial still stop wound/damage textures from appearing on the model when you shoot it? I haven't checked recently.


Vests, helmets, weapons etc. don't have damage textures so it was always fine for things like those, but was deemed to be be less desirable on uniforms and vehicles.

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Does replacing .rvmats with hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] or setObjectMaterial still stop wound/damage textures from appearing on the model when you shoot it? I haven't checked recently.


Vests, helmets, weapons etc. don't have damage textures so it was always fine for things like those, but was deemed to be be less desirable on uniforms and vehicles.

Not on the stuff I've made for my group ;)

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Sorry I return to the old subjects:


Hello Jackal326,

you made how to solve the problem?

Blood textures that will not be displayed. ;)

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It would appear I was incorrect in my previous statement about wounds not being affected - it turns out they are and I just hadn't noticed.

However, I'm surmising that by defining a new 'class Wounds' section in the unit(s) using 'hiddenSelectionsMaterials' you can indeed get wounds working again. I'm going to check it out now and I'll post up my findings later (assuming it works and I don't rage-quit in frustration at it not working :P) - Sadly, this didn't work


EDIT: OK, after a little bit of trial and error (and a lot of swearing) I'm still no closer to finding a way to fix this.

	class SSQN_CryeCombatUniform_MIX2: B_Soldier_F


		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","insignia"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_clothing_mx2_co.paa"};
		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\SSQN_Equipment\Data\crye_clothing.rvmat"};

		class Wounds
			tex[] = {};
			mat[] = {

The above is essentially what I have tried (with 'crye_clothing_injury.rvmat' being a carbon copy of 'crye_clothing.rvmat' except with Stage3 pathing to the wound_mc.paa file), however when hit the unit still doesn't bleed.

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you made that confirm my work, and I actually did the same thing without result.
That's why when you read above I asked myself the question.  :P 

Thank you for your involvement :)
Sincerely GMC

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