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Ghost Recon - Wild Lands

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We tried to play it for about 30 minutes. Two out of four clients kept crashing, while I was initially bored by the game until I had to fly the helicopter, which made me quit after I landed it. Also - what material are those cars made of? I basicly drove like a complete idiot directly down the hill and all those trees and stones didn't affect the car at all (apart from some visual stuff)... I had really hoped for more.

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Played the open Beta for four hours now. I can do whatever I want but still a "ghost". Annyways, besides the awful vehicle handling/physics and the above mentioned, a pretty cool/fun game. But I think we, the "Arma people" have waay to high anticipations on what's "tactical" gaming, considering this is a game that's gonna earn the studio a few bucks. For some reason I miss my wingsuit from Just Cause 3 when standing on those cliffs though :)

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definately set difficulty to extreme and go to that area that has full skull scale (i know right?) of difficulty. it's the more west one. that mortar base mission i actually pretty hard. atleast with two people. you will die a lot. almost a little like hitman.


but yea. overall i agree. most of it will be shallow and undynamic. i wish it was only those kind of bases with that difficulties and supply convoys between them. enemies feel to spawned in.

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We played the open beta for 6 or 7 hours now. Overall it's a disappointment, as was the closed beta. The game got a few strenghts though:

  • Bolivia is stunning. The music is very fitting, too.
  • The clothing and the weapon-customization are the best I ever saw in a shooter. The character-editor could need a few more options.
  • I didn't have any performance or connection issues. It was okay for a beta.

The issues:

  • The world doesn't feel alive. The civs are the typical mindless, retarted and undynamic robots which plague every Ubisoft open world title. There are not many ways to interact with the enviroment.
  • The AI sucks. Ubisoft promoted the "realistic behaviour" of the AI which is affected by the daytime. This means you got a few guards which will go to bed at night. Others stay at the same spot for the whole day. The AI of the allied rebels is even worser.
  • Gunplay feels dull. Cant realy point out why, but firing a gun doesn't feel satisfying. The sound is okay, nothing more.
  • I'm wondering if the dev's ever heard something about physics in videogames.
  • The driving and flying-mechanics are horrible.
  • The mission-design is Ubisoft-formula par excellence, except climbing on towers to discover areas. The map is clustered with "interesting" places to discover and bullshit to collect. The "story" is told via documents you can read or by radio.  
  • Enemies will recapture outposts you liberated. Means you will fight the same boring enemies on the same places ever and ever again as in Far Cry 2.
  • Bolivian drug-dealers buy choppers, flatscreens, Lamborghinis and miniguns for their trucks instead of such fancy things like doors, windows and beds. Sometimes you find more choppers then cars.
  • Animations look pretty weak.

We played on the highest difficulty. We had some fun when we attacked one of the heavy defended outposts in the west. We scouted the area, then started to infiltrate the weakest parts of the camp. We did good until this brainless rebels showed up and then deceided to attack with one of their minigun-trucks. At the end the cartel throw blackhawk after blackhawk at us. Goodbye, Mr. Imersion. Also sad that this was the only way to somewhat challenge us.


Compared to The Division and the beta's of The Division this game is cringeworthy. I thought Ubisoft learned some lessons about reptitive games. The already got a beating for The Division, and I think people will rip GRW into parts. It doesn't feel finished or good in any way and they wont fix any of those issues within 2 weeks. Thanks for the beta, this will save me 60 bucks.

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I always get excited with all the Ubisoft hype, nice trailers and gameplay video's etc....  but almost always i end up getting really disappointed.... a few exceptions would be Assassin's Creed: Black Flag and Watch_Dogs 2 which i really enjoyed playing.

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