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 HCC - High Command Converter


 Version : 1.5.5





This addon enables a leader player to convert any unit(s) of his squad into a controllable HC group. Conversely, any HC group under player's command can join the leader's group.

The game's default High Command system has been heavily modified to allow thoughtful plans and coordinated execution via the addition of numerous commands and menus to the original interface. 

You can turn every Coop into a SP playable HC mission by using the embedded 'Add Vacant Groups of Side' command (menu 6-7). 'Add Curator Groups of Side' allows a curator owner to add Zeus created groups in the HC bar.


Large groups formations and waypoints synchronization can also be used to handle movement at squad, platoon or company level or to plan ahead troops embarkment / disembarkment.


Hit LCtrl+Space to switch to High Command. Make sure that your 'Open Menu' commands are bound to some key and hit the number keys (1...0) to open the custom HCC menus.



Leading a platoon (v.1.4.1).


       More videos :


Convoys (1.5.4).



Group status menu :

9. Create HC Group - creates a new HC group made up of selected squad units.
0. Execute HC plans - gives an option to launch execution of all HC plans from the regular group mode (not HC).

HC group root menu :

* effective doWatch command (Left Alt by default).
* active suppression system (doWatch + suppress).
* Regroup / RTF => 1. Regroup Subgroups - 2. Form Back on Me - 3. Regroup Convoy/ 4. Return to Formation - 5. Form Back on Player - 6. Return to Convoy.

HC menu move :

4. Join group and wait - Selected HC groups join the player's group and stay where they are.
5. Join group and regroup - Selected HC groups join the player's group and regroup.
6. Wait - Stops the selected HC group(s) while setting up plans.
7. Execute - Selected units proceed to their next waypoints.
8. Define Array As => Squad/Platoon/Company/Convoy => Positional /Directional : Selected groups will follow the most ranked element of the array (formation).  

                                    => Not Defined : resets the selected groups and remove them from any previously defined array.                                                                         
9. Stop Following - Frees selected groups from following their leader.
0. Follow Me - Gives the player direct leadership over any selected group, whatever its rank.

HC menu engage :

3. Suppression = > parameters : duration + dispersion.
4. Combat mode => Red/Green/White/Yellow/Blue.
5~6 . Engage/Disengage target -Unavailable.
7~8. Enable/DisableAI AutoCombat : enables/disables autonomous switching to COMBAT when in danger.
9~10. Enable Attack true/false : Team leader send their units engage their targets or keep them in formation.

HC menu speed :

1. Limited - 2. Tactical - 3. Normal - 4. Full - 5. Automatic.
6. Vehicle Speed : limits selected vehicle's speed so that unloaded cargo troops can follow.
7. Fly in height : forces an helicopter's next waypoint flying height.
8. Dive in Depth : works for either divers or submarines.
9. Allow GetIn true : allows unloaded cargo troops to get in their assigned vehicle when moving toward a distant waypoint.
0. Allow GetIn false : prevents unloaded cargo troops from mounting their assigned vehicle when moving toward a distant waypoint.

HC menu transport :

1~3. Land/Sea/Air = > empty/crewed => returns a list of empty/crewed vehicles in a 200 m radius sphere. => assign/embark as crew/cargo.
4~5. Embark as crew / Embark as Cargo : enabled when HC cursor is on a vehicle.
6~7. GetIn assigned / GetOut assigned : assigned crew/cargo will get in/out.
8~9. Cargo load / Cargo Unload : cargo troops will get in/out but the driver/crew stay in vehicle.
0. Unassign current.

HC menu action :

1. Vehicles => 1~2. Engine ON/OFF - 3~4 : Helicopter land (in/out/off)  - 5 :  Sling load cargo - 6 : Drop off cargo (Position/Coordinates) - 7 : Cancel action.
2. Weapons = > 1~2. Unpack/Pack static weapon - 2~4. Fire/Repeat Artillery. 

3. Movement => 1. Convoys => 1. Display Convoy Leaders - 2. Regroup Convoy - 3. Return to Convoy.
4. Subgroups Mode = > 1~2. Positional/Directional. Changes the formation mode.

                                        = >  3~4. New Positional /New Directional : Changes the formation mode and redefines groups positions.
5. Subgroups Formation = > 1.Line 2.Column 3. Wedge 4. Circle. = > Interval : 20 - 200m.
6. Chain of Command = > 1~2. Enable/Disable CoC for subgroups.
7. Add Vacant Groups of Side :
. In SP, adds every vacant playable unit's group to the player's HC bar.
. In MP, adds every vacant playable unit's group to the HC bar of the most ranked player of a side.
8. Add Curator Groups of Side : adds all groups that belong to a Curator player to his HC bar.
9. Remove Group from HC bar.
0. Display : gives access to all available display Modes.

HC menu combat :

6~10. Stand/Crouch/Prone/Auto/Copy : groups stance management.

HC menu team :

1~5. Assign Red/Green/Blue/Yellow/Main.
6~11. Display Red/Green/Blue/Yellow/Main. - The player's group is always team Main.
Display All => All groups/All leaders.

HC menu reply :

5~6. Sentences On/Off : allows sentences or mutes all groups.
7~8. 3D Icons On/Off : Shows or hides the 3D icons.

9. Rename Group : change a group ID via GUI.



(standard features) :


0. Right click on a group icon to select/deselect the group.
1. LCtrl + Action MseBtn lets you place several successive waypoints for several groups at one time.
2. Right click on a waypoint to edit its parameters.
3. Place a "Cycle" waypoint close to another waypoint to create a loop (patrols).
4. Place a "GetIn" waypoint close to an empty vehicle to make a group board the vehicle.
5. An "Unload" WP will disembark cargo troops (e.g mechanized infantry). A "GetOut" WP will disembark the whole crew.
6. A "Load" WP will embark assigned cargo troops. A "GetIn" WP makes a crew re-embark their vehicle.



(HCC features) :

1. Synchronization :

1. Deselect all groups.
2. Hit and release Action MseBtn (MMB by default) on a WP, drag the sync line to another WP, hit and release Action on the second WP.
3. To un-synchronize a WP, just synchronize it with itself.

2. Embark/Disembark :

1. Select an infantry group (G1). Stop it (1-6). Place 2 WPs. WP1-1 MUST be a "move" type WP (default type). Set WP1-2's type : "Get in" (right click to edit). Deselect the group.
2. Select a crewed vehicle (G2) with cargo capacity. Stop it. Set WP2-1's type : "Load".
3. Synchronize WP1-2 with WP2-1.
4. Select G1 + G2. LCtrl+ActionBtn : place 2 new WPs for the two groups at once. WP1-3 = "Get Out". W2-2 = "Unload". WP1-4 = "Move". WP2-3 = "Move".
5. Deselect all groups and synchronize WP1-3 with WP2-2.
6. Select G1 + G2 and execute (1-7).

Note that you can synchronize your own waypoints to trigger other groups movement, provided you follow your own plan.

Mission or mod makers : To turn groups into HC controllable units with this addon, just put the following line in the proper trigger, waypoint, script or group leader's init field. :
player hcSetGroup [groupname, "", "teammain"];
Options are : "teamred", "teamgreen", "teamblue", "teamyellow", "teammain". The player's group is always the main team.
More info in this post.

In a MP mission just replace 'player' by the playable unit's variable name.



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Nice work. The only thing is that how do you make a new HC group?


Make an AI unit/group. Put down the "High Command Module" from "Misc". Sync the group's leader with the module.


Now put down as many AI groups you wish to be controlled by this high command ai leader. And sync all these subordinate groups' leaders with another module "Subordinate Command" (i believe that is the correct name. You will find it right below High Command module in Misc category.


Then finally sync this Subordinate command module with the previously placed High Command module. And you are done.


                                                                             O (Leader AI unit)


                                                                             O (High command module)


                                                         ________O (subordinate module)________

                                                         |                                                                                        |

                                                       O (subordinate groups' leader unit)                     O (subordinate groups' leader unit)


Then this script will kick in, I suppose as I havent tried it already. Was clarifying your question. :D

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Dude this is absolutely awesome.... I found a bug though. I'm using RHS combined with your addon for a Zeus mission. I found out that due to your addon the RHS factions don't show up in Zeus, so I can't spawn them. I know that your addon is the issue because I tried all the other addons combination and the only one giving me this issue is the one with the HCC. Anyway your mod is really good mate!!!!!

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Version : 1.1 - First post updated.



  Changelog :


. fixed : a subordinate player could take control over his group leader.

. fixed : execution couldn't be launched through the Status menu for groups created externally.

. changed : 'Join' option in HC move menu now split into two separate entries :


  6. Join group and wait

  7. Join group and regroup


 @ Mission and mod makers : to make a group HC controllable via this addon, just add the following line in the proprer trigger, waypoint, script or group leader's init field.  :  player hcSetGroup [groupnamehere];






Dude this is absolutely awesome.... I found a bug though. I'm using RHS combined with your addon for a Zeus mission. I found out that due to your addon the RHS factions don't show up in Zeus, so I can't spawn them. I know that your addon is the issue because I tried all the other addons combination and the only one giving me this issue is the one with the HCC. Anyway your mod is really good mate!!!!!



Edit : RHS works just fine on my side. Make sure that RHS, ACE and other config addons always come before HCC in your mod library.

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Version : 1.1 - First post updated.



  Changelog :


. fixed : a subordinate player could take control over his group leader.

. fixed : execution couldn't be launched through the Status menu for groups created externally.

. changed : 'Join' option in HC move menu now split into two separate entries :


  6. Join group and wait

  7. Join group and regroup


 @ Mission and mod makers : to make a group HC controllable via this addon, just add the following line in the proprer trigger, waypoint, script or group leader's init field.  :  player hcSetGroup [groupnamehere];







Hey, thx for your pm :)


Since this mod is nothing but a script addon and runs fine with vanilla units, you can be pretty sure it's a config bug related to RHS units, most likely this one or something similar. Alive also uses HC modules afaik, so it looks like there's a compatibility issue somewhere between third party units and High Command. They have a bug tracker in the RHS thread. Try there maybe ?

Thank you... The issue might be RHS config related but I found other compatibility issues with the MCC Sandbox Zeus modules. Same as before, they don't show up in the Zeus modules section. Hope this helps.


EDIT: I analyzed the group configs from the RHS mod and saw a parameter called RarityGroup=0,75. This parameter is the only valuable difference between the RHS group configs and the vanilla ones. Might this be the issue?

Mind that I have no idea of what I'm talking about. I hope I'm not letting you waste time.

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Thank you... The issue might be RHS config related but I found other compatibility issues with the MCC Sandbox Zeus modules. Same as before, they don't show up in the Zeus modules section. Hope this helps.



I think you'll understand I cant vouch for every other third party addon out there.


Are you experiencing troubles running this addon with the vanilla game, or not ? I have zero interest in MP personnally, so admitedly I didn't test that game mode (as mentionned in the OP), nor did I test Zeus, and there might well be some scripting tricks for those modes i'm not even aware of. I'll take a look.


If you're running a server and are willing to help, we can try and fix those issues (if any). Feel free to pm me.



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I think you'll understand I cant vouch for every other third party addon out there.


Are you experiencing troubles running this addon with the vanilla game, or not ? I have zero interest in MP personnally, so admitedly I didn't test that game mode (as mentionned in the OP), nor did I test Zeus, and there might well be some scripting tricks for those modes i'm not even aware of. I'll take a look.


If you're running a server and are willing to help, we can try and fix those issues (if any). Feel free to pm me.



I'm not running any HCC server atm, i discovered those incompatibilities in the editor and local mp. I just wanted to report the issues with other addons, so no worries 'cause the mod works perfectly on her own. ;)

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Version : 1.2. - First post updated.



Changelog :

  • fixed : 'Radio' and 'Custom' entries were mixed in the 'Reply' HC menu (ingame bug).
  • fixed : you couldn't create HC groups with units in vehicle.
  • changed : entries order in HC move menu.
  • Added :  effective doWatch command (Left Alt by default).
  • Added :  active suppression system.
  • Added :  3D icons selection (ON/OFF).
  • Added : groups stance management (stand/crouch/prone/auto/copy).
  • Added : groups speed management (copy + slow vehicles).
  • Added : groups combat mode management (Blue, Green, White, Yellow, Red) + engagement behaviour (enable Attack true/false).
  • Added : transport system (menu 5) : Land/Sea/Air + cursor selection.


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This would be absolutely lovely if you would make it Zeus compatible, so that Zeus can connect multiple teams into bigger units using high command.

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This would be absolutely lovely if you would make it Zeus compatible, so that Zeus can connect multiple teams into bigger units using high command.


I'll have to give a try to that Zeus thing.

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First of all, thanks for this mod. I play SP most of the time and this really has the potential platoon-size and larger ops playable. The add-on works like a charm except for movement in my case. For some reason, I cannot place waypoints in game for my HC units when this is running. I have the units and modules synced in the proper manner in the editor and I am able to carry out all other tasks (assigning to vehicles, etc), but waypoints do not place when I select that command in the communication menu. At first, I thought Alive, bCombat, or one of the other few mods I run was the culprit, but I have this problem running the game vanilla as well. Am I doing something wrong?

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First of all, thanks for this mod. I play SP most of the time and this really has the potential platoon-size and larger ops playable. The add-on works like a charm except for movement in my case. For some reason, I cannot place waypoints in game for my HC units when this is running. I have the units and modules synced in the proper manner in the editor and I am able to carry out all other tasks (assigning to vehicles, etc), but waypoints do not place when I select that command in the communication menu. At first, I thought Alive, bCombat, or one of the other few mods I run was the culprit, but I have this problem running the game vanilla as well. Am I doing something wrong?



Thanks for your post. I think you're indeed doing sth wrong, but it looks like you've spotted a bug in the move :) .


First off : you dont have to place and synchronize modules in the editor at all. The mod does that automatically for every client, allowing you to play any mission out there in High Command. You'll start with your own squad by default, which you can split, command and regroup at will using the HCC interface. But nothing prevents a mission designer from adding new groups under player's command via scripts, waypoints or triggers using the simple code line  : player hcSetGroup [groupname]. That means one should be able to build entire HCC missions without placing a single HC module in the editor.


However, the mod should work flawlessly with additional HC modules. I thought I got it right, but you proved me wrong. A fix is ready and will be released in the next update, along with waypoints synchronization, Zeus compatibility, static weapons deployment and a few new entries in the HCC menus. Stay tuned, it's a matter of days. 



Edit :



  ...  but waypoints do not place when I select that command in the communication menu.


There might also be some misunderstanding here. To place waypoints, you just have to select one or several groups and hit your Action mouse button. Hold LCtrl  to place several successive waypoints. Right click on a WP to edit its parameters.



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Thanks for your post. I think you're indeed doing sth wrong, but it looks like you've spotted a bug in the move :) .


First off : you dont have to place and synchronize modules in the editor at all. The mod does that automatically for every client, allowing you to play any mission out there in High Command. You'll start with your own squad by default, which you can split, command and regroup at will using the HCC interface. But nothing prevents a mission designer from adding new groups under player's command via scripts, waypoints or triggers using the simple code line  : player hcSetGroup [groupname]. That means one should be able to build entire HCC missions without placing a single HC module in the editor.


However, the mod should work flawlessly with additional HC modules. I thought I got it right, but you proved me wrong. A fix is ready and will be released in the next update, along with waypoints synchronization, Zeus compatibility, static weapons deployment and a few new entries in the HCC menus. Stay tuned, it's a matter of days. 



Edit :



There might also be some misunderstanding here. To place waypoints, you just have to select one or several groups and hit your Action mouse button. Hold LCtrl  to place several successive waypoints. Right click on a WP to edit its parameters.




Thanks for your reply. I suspect I am not using the player hcSetGroup [groupname]  command properly. The examples on the wiki haven't been much help. Would you post an example of what that would look like in the init lines of the player and the groups added to HC in the editor?


Regarding the last point, I used that same method to place waypoints in-game, but they simply will not place. This only applies to missions I make in the editor, so I'm sure this has to do with my misuse of the command above.

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Thanks for your reply. I suspect I am not using the player hcSetGroup [groupname]  command properly. The examples on the wiki haven't been much help. Would you post an example of what that would look like in the init lines of the player and the groups added to HC in the editor?


Regarding the last point, I used that same method to place waypoints in-game, but they simply will not place. This only applies to missions I make in the editor, so I'm sure this has to do with my misuse of the command above.


Your waypoints issue must be related to the HC modules you've placed in the editor. Delete them, they're not requiered at all. This bug is fixed in 1.3.

In the meantime, here is a step-by-step method to create a basic HCC setup with additional hc groups from scratch. You have several options :


      1. Units init lines : 

  •  Create a group, set the leader as player. If you want to give your own group a name, write this in the player init line  : MyGroup = group this; MyGroup setGroupId ["G1"];
  •  Create another group. In the leader init line, write : player hcSetGroup [group this];  
  •  Preview the mission and switch to high  command. The 2 groups should appear in the hc bar. Yours is called G1.
  •  If you want to give a name to the second group, in the leader init line write instead : Group2 = group this; Group2 setGroupId ["G2"]; player hcSetGroup  [Group2];     


      2. Waypoints, triggers :

  • Create a group, set the leader as player. Like above. 
  • Create another group. In its leader init line, write : Group2 = group this; Group2 setGroupId ["G2"];
  • Create a trigger. Activation = radio  alpha. In the OnAct field, write : player hcSetGroup [Group2];
  • Preview the mission and switch to high command. You have only your own group in HC.
  • Activate radio alpha (0-0-1). Group2 is added to you hc bar and is named G2.
  • It works with waypoints and synced triggers the same way. Just write : player hcSetGroup [Group2];   in their "OnAct" field.     


      3. Script : 

  • Create a group, set the leader as player. Like above.
  • Create another group. You can actually create it by script but that's another story. Give that group a name like above.
  • You can then use  : player hcSetGroup [Group2] when needed in your script. 


A more advanced usage of hcSetGroup allows for optional color assignment : player hcSetGroup [Group2, "", "teamred"];  Options  are : teamred, teamgreen, teamblue, teamyellow, teammain.


In a Multiplayer mission just replace 'player' by the playable unit's variable name.


I hope this helps. Version 1.3 should be released this week anyway. Feel free to report any issue when it's out :).



-  â€‹Edited to clarify the difference between a group's name and ID : Group2 is the group name while G2 is Group2's ID.

​-  Edited one more time to mention color assignment.

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That did the trick. Thank you for your detailed explanation. This mod makes SP so much more playable. Thank you!

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That did the trick. Thank you for your detailed explanation. This mod makes SP so much more playable. Thank you!



Thanks for the kind words, they're appreciated.


Version 1.3 is out now. Feel free to report any issue. Comments or suggestions are welcome as well.






Update 1.3 :   - First post updated.


Changelog :


  • Fixed : unloaded cargo troops were forced to walk when using 'Slow vehicles'; 
  • Fixed : additional HC modules prevented from issuing 'Move' orders;
  • Fixed : Watch and Suppress could not be executed from the map (the leader still needs a clear line of sight for suppression to work);
  • Changed : lists of nearest vehicles are now limited to the ten first items. I'll maybe add pages later;
  • Changed : lists of nearest vehicles are now filtered through a knowsAbout function;
  • Added : Speed menu : Fly in height + allow Getin/out;
  • Added : Actions menu : 1. Vehicles : engine ON/OFF + heli Land (in,out, off) + cancel landing;
  •                                               2. Weapons : Unpack/Pack static weapon + Fire/Repeat Artillery (limited to A3 vanilla dismantled weapons so far);
  •                                               0. Add curator groups : adds all groups that belong to a Zeus player to his HC bar.
  • Added : Team menu : color assignment + display functions;
  • Added : waypoints synchronization system. Check the first post for a detailed explanation.

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