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[Nerdgasm] Longest possible string of scripting commands

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What is the longest syntactically correct string of scripting commands you can create?


To setup the rules:

- only scripting commands, spaces, brackets: ( ) [ ] { } and logical operators: = ! & | , ; ? : < > + - * / ^ %

- no functions

- no global, local or special variables (like _x, _forEachIndex etc.)

- no strings (meaning anything wrapped in quotes)

- no numbers

- no dull repetitions like infinitely long switch-case blocks or if (true or true or true or ... ;)



Let's make two categories:

1) number of words

  • only the number of words is important, not their length


2) number of characters

  • only the number of characters (excluding logical operators and spaces) is important, not how many words they come from


Here's a starter:

diag_log str ((getPosATL (allPlayers select floor random count allPlayers)) select floor random count getPosATL player)

1        2     3          4          5      6     7      8     9            10     11    12     13    14        15 words and 99 characters


The above code grabs the position of a random player and prints a random value of that position into the RPT log.


Have a nice Play!



PS: If you find any loop holes in the rules to create infinitely long strings, please let me know. ;)

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PS: If you find any loop holes in the rules to create infinitely long strings, please let me know. 


1. Unless I misunderstood something, without breaking above rules is doable virtually endless chain of conditions (repeating is allowed, isn't?). Like:


if (true or true or true or... etc. 


2. Similar way, via repeating, you can have "endless" switch - do lists, any number of empty loops/scopes in the loops/scopes levels,  etc.


There's likely more such cases.  

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Being allowed to use square brackets means could could easily create an infinitely long line by creating a huge array full of unused code:

[player, player, player, player,  ...  player, player] select 965775

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Being allowed to use square brackets means could could easily create an infinitely long line by creating a huge array full of unused code:

[player, player, player, player,  ...  player, player] select 965775


You may create infinitely long arrays, that's true ... and dull. :P But you can't select using a number, because numbers are forbidden by the rules. ;)

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1. Unless I misunderstood something, without breaking above rules is doable virtually endless chain of conditions (repeating is allowed, isn't?). Like:


if (true or true or true or... etc. 


2. Similar way, via repeating, you can have "endless" switch - do lists, any number of empty loops/scopes in the loops/scopes levels,  etc.


There's likely more such cases.  


Thanks! :) ... and yeah, rules updated. ;)

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diag_log str ((getPosWorld (allPlayers select floor random count allPlayers)) select floor random count getPosWorld player)

I win.

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Lol ok ill play..

What counts as a special variable other than the obvious _foreachindex and _x ?

if ( vehicle player isEqualTo player ) then [ { -( parseNumber true ) }, {  [ -( parseNumber true ), [ -( parseNumber true ), [ -( parseNumber true ), [ vehicle player currentWeaponTurret ( [ assignedVehicleRole player select true, [ -( parseNumber true ) ] ] select (driver vehicle player isEqualTo player) ), vehicle player currentMagazineTurret ( [ assignedVehicleRole player select true, [ -( parseNumber true ) ] ] select (driver vehicle player isEqualTo player)), vehicle player magazineTurretAmmo [ vehicle player currentMagazineTurret ( [ assignedVehicleRole player select true, [ -( parseNumber true ) ] ] select (driver vehicle player isEqualTo player)), ( [ assignedVehicleRole player select true, [ -( parseNumber true ) ] ] select (driver vehicle player isEqualTo player)) ] ] ] select ( count ( vehicle player currentWeaponTurret ( [ assignedVehicleRole player select true, [ -( parseNumber true ) ] ] select ( driver vehicle player isEqualTo player ))) > parseNumber false )  ] select ( vehicle player turretUnit ( [ assignedVehicleRole player select true, [ -( parseNumber true ) ] ] select ( driver vehicle player isEqualTo player )) isEqualTo player )  ] select ( count assignedVehicleRole player >= parseNumber true || driver vehicle player isEqualTo player ) } ]
If the player is in a vehicle and his current turret has a weapon it will return an array of [current weapon, mag, ammo count] else -1

Includes some repetition but is all needed for the final value with error checking. :shrug:

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@all, please don't feel discouraged by Larrow's response. He's playing in another league (no offense ;)) and I'm still curious about the community's creativity! :D

What counts as a special variable other than the obvious _foreachindex and _x ?

I consider as special variables basically any local variables, which do exist in certain code blocks or event handlers or whatsoever, because "the engine placed it there", like _this in basically any script/function or _x and _forEachIndex in the forEach loop or _pos, _units, _shift, _alt in the onMapSingleClick EH.

if ( vehicle player isEqualTo player ) then [ { -( parseNumber true ) }, {  [ -( parseNumber true ), [ -( parseNumber true ), [ -( parseNumber true ), [ vehicle player currentWeaponTurret ( [ assignedVehicleRole player select true, [ -( parseNumber true ) ] ] select (driver vehicle player isEqualTo player) ), vehicle player currentMagazineTurret ( [ assignedVehicleRole player select true, [ -( parseNumber true ) ] ] select (driver vehicle player isEqualTo player)), vehicle player magazineTurretAmmo [ vehicle player currentMagazineTurret ( [ assignedVehicleRole player select true, [ -( parseNumber true ) ] ] select (driver vehicle player isEqualTo player)), ( [ assignedVehicleRole player select true, [ -( parseNumber true ) ] ] select (driver vehicle player isEqualTo player)) ] ] ] select ( count ( vehicle player currentWeaponTurret ( [ assignedVehicleRole player select true, [ -( parseNumber true ) ] ] select ( driver vehicle player isEqualTo player ))) > parseNumber false )  ] select ( vehicle player turretUnit ( [ assignedVehicleRole player select true, [ -( parseNumber true ) ] ] select ( driver vehicle player isEqualTo player )) isEqualTo player )  ] select ( count assignedVehicleRole player >= parseNumber true || driver vehicle player isEqualTo player ) } ]
If the player is in a vehicle and his current turret has a weapon it will return an array of [current weapon, mag, ammo count] else -1


I must admit, I am fairly partly amazed since this massive script produces an output, but testing it as driver in the B_MRAP_01_hmg_F, it gave me a -1. I wonder if that's correct...

Includes some repetition but is all needed for the final value with error checking. :shrug:

As long as the repetition is needed for an actual purpose and can't be avoided, I'd say it's fine. :rolleyes:

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I must admit, I am fairly partly amazed since this massive script produces an output, but trying it as driver in the B_MRAP_01_hmg_F, it gave me a -1. I wonder if that's correct...

Default weapon of the driver of a Hunter is the horn which has no magazine/ammo, the HMG is turret [0] as used by the gunner in the backseat.

An Ifrit driver has smoke shells but these can not be switched to as a current weapon and are activated via counter measures.

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Beware of this trickery! 

hintSilent str str str str str str str str str str str str str str str str str (typeOf player);

(random ({true} count allUnits)) * true * true * true * false * true * false * false * true;

str can be infinitely stacked.

multiplying an output by true(1) or false(0) can be infinitely stacked.

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str can be infinitely stacked.

multiplying an output by true(1) or false(0) can be infinitely stacked.

To setup the rules:


- no dull repetitions like infinitely long switch-case blocks or if (true or true or true or ... ;)


Thanks Dreaded, rydygier and ceeeb made me already aware of such loop holes. ;)

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