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So, anyone find out the reason the mod hates me so much yet?

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I have tried putting the addon in the res addons folder and the normal ofp addons folder but everytime i go to run the game i get this message "Cannot memory-map file 'dta\music.pbo'". What do i have to do to fix this

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (mads bahrt @ Oct. 13 2002,05:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Miles Teg @ Oct. 12 2002,21:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I just made a awesome mission with Adammo's Little Birds and Fransden's U.S. Marines.  I got the Black ops (simulating U.S. Navy SEALs taking off from the deck in a MH-6 along with two AH-6 gunships as escorts and then a Chinook full of Marines....  all of them taking off from the deck.  It looks so incredible!!!!!!


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD><span id='postcolor'>


1: It's spelled Frandsen

2: USMC doesn't have Chinooks. They have UH-1N Huey, CH-46E Sea Knight, CH-53D Sea Stallion, CH-53E Super Stallion and AH-1W Super Cobra. Of these I know the following is available for OFP:

UH-1N Huey:

Several flavours of Hueys are available. I dont know if any of these are the N version, but either that can be ignored or someone can modify the existing Hueys.

CH-46E Sea Knight:

On http://www.concept-5.com/ballistic/ you can follow the work being done on a sea knight.

CH-53D Sea Stallion and CH-53E Super Stallion:

I'm not avare of these being developed for OFP. Anybody?

AH-1W Super Cobra:

You could use the original Cobra in the game (don't know which version it is) or have it modified to be a better representation.<span id='postcolor'>

Yes I know all that. But there are NO U.S. Marine helicopters. Even the Cobra is not the right model as the Super Cobra is a twin engine gunship.

However the U.S. Army and airforce do sometimes launch operations off of Marine/Navy ships. The U.S. Airforce Special Operations units for example could conceivably operate Little Birds off of helicopters in support of U.S. Navy SEAL operations. The Chinook I used is meant to simulate a CH-46 Sea King until that addon is complete.

Also there are NO UH-1N's out right now and using a U.S. Army UH-1 wouldn't be much better the me using the Chinook instead of a CH-46. Again the UH-1N is a twin engined version of the UH-1.

As for Frandsen's name, I apologize for misspelling it. He's a cool guy.

So right now while I'm waiting for the CH-53 and the CH-46 USMC assault helicopters, I have to use the ones that I mentioned. Plus I can stick a whole squadron of Little Birds on the deck of the ship.


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Awesome mod. I was more excited for this mod then I was for Resistence biggrin.gif I'm amazed at the size of the interior. There are rooms everwhere, I can't wait to see what the mission makers come up with.

Are there any plans to add weapons to it? They embark two MK38s (25mm), two CIWS (Phalanx), and six .50 cals. It would be nice to be able to at least keep the Mirage at bay until we can get our surface warfare helos off the deck.

My only complaint about the mod itself (OFP's engine limitations are a seperate issue which has nothing, of course, to do with your mod) is the size of the well deck. The ship itself is something like 600 feet long, and the well deck is 450 feet long. That would be my only pet peeve, just lengthen the well deck so that when we get our LCACS someday (hopefully) we'll be able to park all four aboard.

Right now I'm using Mars Higgens Boat to simulate LCUs, and LCMs, any aspiring addon-makers take note!

Anyways, as I said at the beginning, this is just awesome. Definately what the OFP community has been in need of. Any idea what your next project is going to be?

-One happy squid-

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Othin @ Oct. 13 2002,11:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Awesome mod.  I was more excited for this mod then I was for Resistence biggrin.gif  I'm amazed at the size of the interior.  There are rooms everwhere, I can't wait to see what the mission makers come up with.  <span id='postcolor'>

Too bad the ship interior has little use for mission makers since AI has trouble moving inside buildings (and ships in this case).

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Eviscerator @ Oct. 13 2002,00:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">JESUS CHRIST!!! 8000 vertices and no lods!!!! i think you seriously need to get some distance lods done before any next version<span id='postcolor'>

I agree, this is a little too much confused.gif

They really need more lods this is just too much..

The textures are good and the model is also good...

It is great fun to bomb tounge.gif

Overall it is a nice addon but plz fix those lods.. all of them

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Has anyonoe made any missions with this ship yet??

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this is a really top quality addon. Could someone please quote for me the setpos command, I had it a while ago, but i have forgotten it now. sad.gif

also, wots a lod?

I love this addon,

and one more thing........ well, 2 actually.........

why is it so easy to walk through walls?

why do enemy ships not attack this beast?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Othin @ Oct. 13 2002,10:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">My only complaint about the mod itself (OFP's engine limitations are a seperate issue which has nothing, of course, to do with your mod) is the size of the well deck.  The ship itself is something like 600 feet long, and the well deck is 450 feet long.  That would be my only pet peeve, just lengthen the well deck so that when we get our LCACS someday (hopefully) we'll be able to park all four aboard.<span id='postcolor'>

Increasing the size of the deck will only increase the clipping problems. So that is why the deck is a bit shorter then in the real version of the ship.

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I still can't find the static version! Its not under empty/objects/LSD and I cant seem to find it anywhere else!

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u have to put both the pbos in ur normal addons folder and not Res/addon thats y. I had same problem

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I put them both in Res/addons and they work fine.

The static version is under empty/armored.

A top quality addon. But I keep getting lost inside it confused.gif

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Actually the static version is under empty-objects.

The version in empty-armored is the one you can drive -- just without a crew, so you could get in and move it around.

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Amazing! A few glitches, but an absolutely awesome addon - for me, right up there with DKMs Bronco and the Mirage East Patrol Boat as best addons ever!

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ale2999 @ Oct. 12 2002,23:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ok the addons go in the normal folder addon folder and not the resistance addon folder (thxs Snoopy)

this is the best> Someone make a cool mission, like free the ship or departing from ship cough miles cough ^^<span id='postcolor'>

I've got it in my Res/Addons directory, and it works fine...

-edit: just noticed Tex said the same thing a few pages back..oops -

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Hi BillyClub01 i got this message too before,(cannot memorymap music or so) and i think it has something to do how many addons you have and how much memory you have left-either on the HardDisk where flashpoint is, or your main-Windows HD, or your RAM-Memory, for me it helped to simply delete some Addons.

hope it helps you. biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tracer18 @ Oct. 13 2002,06:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Increasing the size of the deck will only increase the clipping problems. So that is why the deck is a bit shorter then in the real version of the ship.<span id='postcolor'>

Not the landing deck, the well deck inside. I meant make it run longer inside the ship. Unless thats what you meant also biggrin.gif

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Wonderful addon, trully brilliant.

2 Questions and a few suggestions

Q1. Is there a door / way to move to the main (interior) of the ship after you have parked you tank / M113 in the garage area?

Q2. How do I move to the flight deck area when I have been a cargo on the vessel? (Get out dumps me to the beach)


S1 - Have "You are here" textures on the walls inside the vehicle  tounge.gif stops me getting lost all the time.

S2 - Make the turning circle tighter, the speed is fine (although perhaps a little slow to accelerate / slow down), but the turning circle is far to large, the vessel has bow and stern thusters so it can certainly turn much quicker than in the game. See the Wake in the photo below


Favourite features

1. The galley / kitchen.

2. The Radar circling.

3. The realistic sea-sickness affect when you are below deck - stop and look at the walls - they go up and down as they do in real life !!

Brilliant addon!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Q1. Is there a door / way to move to the main (interior) of the ship after you have parked you tank / M113 in the garage area?

<span id='postcolor'>

Yes, walk into the room in front of the ramp and along the left side there is a door.

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a way to let AI kind of "land" at the LSD (satic):

Place LSD make a helicopter,flying,facing to the LSD, an set it behind LSD, make a waypoint over the LSD and do preview to figure out when the heli is over the landing zone (he will stop a little bit before your Waypoint.), go back and make an other waypoint, write in the "on activation"? field "this flyinheight 12" and move it ontop the first Waypoint.

Now the Helicopter schould come in from behind the LSD and land on the Flightdeck. It still has its rotors on but i dont know how to tell them to turn the engines off, maybe  with "this setfuel 0" ?

It is not perfect but looks good for me. remember that i have no clue about mission editing at all so please correct me or give hints ive you know something.


Flyinheight 12 works for chinook, 11 works for apache, maybe you use 9 for all helis

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (MarcusJClifford @ Oct. 13 2002,20:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Found it thanks  biggrin.gif

Why is the US Flag (at top of ship flying) at half mast ?  confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Because someone onboard is about to die! biggrin.gif I'm going to download it now and then tell you all what I think tomarrow. Bye.

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