foxsch 3 Posted July 12, 2015 As the title suggests - anybody know how I could go about raising and lowering the ramp without the player action? I checked the forums I know about, but couldn't find any reference to the correct animation trigger sequence. This: this animate ["LCVRamp", 1]; is probably close, but that doesn't work because 'LCVRamp' is not the correct name for the door/ramp on the craft :mad: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4081 Posted July 12, 2015 Hey Foxsch! I'm thinking maybe something like this script could do the trick: but you would need to change the tailgate classname for the ramp for the LCVP boat aka Higgens boat, one idea. Another idea, this could help too, codes for opening doors, and hatches: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxsch 3 Posted July 13, 2015 Heya : -) They do both look useful, but unfortunately it is the class name of the ramp I'm going to need to get the actions to work. I read through what I could of the LCVP .pbo in the DLC but couldn't find any obvious reference, just the animation dialogue in the .xml - strange that it isn't common knowledge! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4081 Posted July 13, 2015 Classname is ---> LIB_LCVP Refer to the Allies page of the IF wiki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sander 14 Posted July 13, 2015 Hi, It takes these steps to get an AI controlled boat to drop the ramp: (1) Place a LCVP and name it boat (2) Provide the LCVP with a waypoint and put into the On activation field: [boat, "Ramp_Open"] call {(_this select 0) setVehicleInit (getText (configFile/"cfgVehicles"/(typeOf (_this select 0))/"UserActions"/(_this select 1)/"statement")); processInitCommands}; Regards, Sander Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxsch 3 Posted July 13, 2015 @Gunter - Thank You! @sander - I've entered that into the triggers On Act. field, but I cannot close the trigger? When I select 'OK' a blank interface opens. These would normally contain an error message but this one is completely blank. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sander 14 Posted July 13, 2015 (edited) Hi, I just tried it out in the vanilla game (ie Iron Front Liberation 1944 plus the D-Day DLC), placed a player unit, then an AI manned landing craft, named it boat and copied and pasted the exact line into the on act. field of the waypoint, then pressed preview and it worked. Are you using Vanilla IFL or the A2 or A3 port? The method above works in the Vanilla version, but since I do not use the ported versions I cannot vouch for those. Regards, Sander Edited July 14, 2015 by sander Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxsch 3 Posted July 13, 2015 (edited) Ah, maybe a problem - I am using the A3 Port. And as far as I know, there isn't an LCVP available without running IFA3? Damn :9 Also tried: [i]boat[/i] animateDoor ["LIB_LCVP_RAMP",1,true]; > [i]boat[/i] animate ["LIB_LCVP_RAMP",1,true]; > [i]boat[/i] animate ["LIB_LCVP_RAMP_OPEN",1,true]; "LIB_LCVP_RAMP_OPEN" and "LIB_LCVP_RAMP_CLOSE" I found inside the LCVP.pbo .xml - not any help though, none of those has worked. I am really surprised that this hasn't been made common knowledge - for an AI to open the LCVP in the DLC :confused: Edited July 13, 2015 by Foxsch Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4081 Posted July 13, 2015 And as far as I know, there isn't an LCVP available without running IFA3? DLC requires IF. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxsch 3 Posted July 16, 2015 I'm stuck now...:( I had planned on a large-scale Beach Landing Mission, on vandevoorde's D-Day Beach template, but without being able to at least have the LCVP Ramps open, even if they are motionless, I can't proceed with it. Thankfully, I hadn't put much in. All I had set was for players to have vastly increased level's of damage tolerance, for the move up the beach. That didn't take very long. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sander 14 Posted July 17, 2015 Some considerations for setting up a beach landing mission: * due to the large number of objects (the obstacles) in the area AI crew of landing boats will get confused and take a long time deciding their path to the waypoint. To avoid them deciding to take a detour it is useful to cheat and use a setVelocity statement in the boat so it will already move in the right direction. In Vanilla IFL1944 it strangely enough took a negative value for the landing craft to go forward. * an alternative to increased levels of damage tolerance one can also use the setCaptive statements, with the units in question considered neutral by AI till a certain point is reached after which their status is set to false. This avoids the suspension of disbelief breaking player experience of taking a direct 75mm PAK hit to the chest and continuing on without trouble. Regards, Sander Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxsch 3 Posted July 17, 2015 That's excellent sander, cheers. My main consideration was lag, what with the amount of landing troops, inert units (corpses), the number of LCVP's involved, and of course the German troops ashore, I had expected to experience a more-or-less game-stopping lag. I have experienced what you referred to as AI confusion. In one mission I eventually gave up trying to get the crews off the landing craft and get ashore and recognise their way-points quickly enough for a realistic landing. And I eventually settled for them being ashore already, with the boats just nearby with dropped ramps on the shoreline. That was for an IFA2 Mission and setVelocity I hadn't considered, thanks for that. setCaptive I have been very wary of, since a bug emerged in ARMA 2 that left the unit affected completely unable to shed the status. ie you set a unit to setCaptive, and whatever you tried, that was how he remained. Good thing you reminded me as it is very likely that has been ironed out and now it would be possible to; set this for a SIDE, and also specify an area (that would be the beach) that this would be safe to traverse, after which the status would be removed for ordinary combat. Thanks again. This would be a particularly appropriate method to use as I had begun to look into how to create the withering cross-fire expected. One effect I tried, which did work really well was placing charges in the shallows. Placing these in the editor, without specifying an altitude would have them resting on the sea floor. Triggered by LCVP's moving ashore [OnAct = explosivename setDamage 1;] the explosions in the water were excellent. Also, a continuous barrage of AI heavy MG fire would (I'd suggest) best be done via a script, with playable units that needed to be protected from this fire. The rest of the AI would be beach defence fodder, which is the effect I was aiming for. In a nutshell, a survivable but clearly devastating inferno. I couldn't be sure, but I would expect that an AI gunfire script would recognise setCaptive status and you would get to the Bangalore's at the wire unscathed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mad_cheese 593 Posted August 6, 2016 Only reason I am necromancing with this thread is that it"s a dedicated subforum :ph34r: In order to open the ramps on the LCVP, use this code: {_veh animate [_x, 1]} foreach ['shutter_rotate','ramp_rotate']; I found those in the vehicle's "animation sources" sub-config. Working with A3+ IF-LITE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryanqfleming 0 Posted September 16, 2016 Hello everyone. I could not find anything that works for IFA3LITE so I copy and pasted a bunch of code from other people together. Name your LCVP boat. Paste on the way point on activation. boat animate["ramp_rotate",1]; 0 = [] spawn {{unassignVehicle _x ; _x action ["Eject", boat]; sleep 1;} forEach (assignedCargo boat);}; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
endbored 10 Posted May 27, 2017 hello, this works with in editor placed waypoints, but im having problems getting this to work with scripted waypoints _boat = createVehicle ["LIB_LCVP", getMarkerPos ("boatspawn"), [], 180, "FORM"]; _driverguy = [[26761.4,24593.4,0.000909805], resistance, ["LIB_US_pilot"],[],[],[],[],[],300] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; ((units _driverguy) select 0) moveInDriver _boat; {_x allowFleeing 0} forEach units _driverguy; _wp1 = _driverguy addWaypoint [_posLand,0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp1 setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; _wp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "_boat animate[""ramp_rotate"",1]; hint 'goodbye'"]; it works till the goodbye without any warning, but it doesnt animate best regards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
za0 3 Posted May 18, 2021 I don't know if anyone solved this problem, but I did it and I'll leave it here the way I found it ... First you need to be aware of which boat you are using, I used the [US] marine corps "fow_usmc_lcvp" Name the boat. example: b1 Place a trigger with area and on activation paste this: b1 animate ["Ramp", 1];b1 say3d "fow_lcvp_ramp_lower"; Remember to place boat b1 as the trigger holder. I hope I helped someone 🙂 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damberg 0 Posted April 1, 2023 On 5/18/2021 at 9:51 PM, za0 said: I don't know if anyone solved this problem, but I did it and I'll leave it here the way I found it ... First you need to be aware of which boat you are using, I used the [US] marine corps "fow_usmc_lcvp" Name the boat. example: b1 Place a trigger with area and on activation paste this: b1 animate ["Ramp", 1];b1 say3d "fow_lcvp_ramp_lower"; Remember to place boat b1 as the trigger holder. I hope I helped someone 🙂 Hey man, sorry for asking after 2 years :D That script u sent sadly doesnt work. Any other ideas? It works for every other Landing craft boat, but not for the LIB_LCVP one Share this post Link to post Share on other sites