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1 hit kills mod?

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All im after is a mod that basically kills AI (body and head) with a single shot. Its annoying as hell when you pump 3-5 rounds in them and they seem to twitch like you just poked them under their ribs. Im not even bothered if you can shoot them in the arms and legs that cause them to do the first aid animation but I dont want a full makeover mod like ace, i just want one that sorts this out. Any ideas?

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Create a gun that does that, reality offers otherwise for "magical bullets that kill with one shot" and even us gun modders can't always ensure guns will kill with one shot. That or carry a Barrett .50 cal and have fun... or improve your accuracy.

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you could add this to the mission init.sqf of any mission you want one shot kills in.

{if ((side _x) == east) then {_x addEventHandler ["hit", {_this select 0 setDamage 1}];}} forEach allUnits;

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That should work.

You can also remove all ballistics vests, and set their damage/health at start.

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I create custom AI in virtual arsenal that usually use only chest rigs, bandoliers, bandanas, beanies etc. But it is time consuming.

Or simply you could play against BLUFOR FIA, If I remember correctly they have zero armor by default.

BTW, every factions rifleman - light, snipers and spotters have no armor. (Opfor might have some, at least the default fatiques have armor).

Also I believe recon units have at least less armor, some might carry helmets.

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Sakura_Chan once made a pack with few fixes, one of them being the damage fix, making people die after 1-2 shots.

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