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Auto Parachute Script

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Hello, I am looking for an auto parachute script, just like in King of The Hill.

What I want it to do is, even if the unit doesn't have a parachute, if the unit ejects from a heli, they will have a parachute AND their backpack. Or just like in King of The Hill when there is no parachute equipped but it opens automatically at a certain altitude.

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Don't Bump.. use a parachute

Here's a simple autoparachute script.

Stick this in your init.sqf

waituntil {!(IsNull (findDisplay 46))};  _keyDown = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if (_this select 1 == 57) 
then {
		if (!(isTouchingGround player) and (vehicle player == player))
			then {[] spawn {player switchCamera 'EXTERNAL';
				Player SwitchMove 'AswmPercMrunSnonWnonDf_AswmPercMstpSnonWnonDnon';
				addCamShake [4, 2, 20];sleep 0.7;
				playSound3D ['@SCS\Sound\Parachute.ogg', Player, false, GetPosASL Player,5, 1, 250];
				titleText ['', 'White IN', 0.6];
				addCamShake [2, 2, 10];
				chute = createVehicle ['Steerable_Parachute_F', position Player,[],0,'Fly'];
				chute setPos position player;player moveIndriver chute; chute allowDamage false;}; 

Basically what this does is for ANY player that is not touching the ground and THAT player is NOT in a vehicle, switch to the freefall animation. When the player presses the space bar, spawn a parachute, at the player, and move player into it. He keeps his backpack etc. When he lands parchute is replaced by the original backpack he jumped with. Simples..

*Credit for this stupidly brilliant and simple halodrop goes to ThunderBolt91 from ArmaHolic forums.

  • Haha 1

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Don't Bump.. use a parachute

Here's a simple autoparachute script.

Stick this in your init.sqf

waituntil {!(IsNull (findDisplay 46))};  _keyDown = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if (_this select 1 == 57) 
then {
		if (!(isTouchingGround player) and (vehicle player == player))
			then {[] spawn {player switchCamera 'EXTERNAL';
				Player SwitchMove 'AswmPercMrunSnonWnonDf_AswmPercMstpSnonWnonDnon';
				addCamShake [4, 2, 20];sleep 0.7;
				playSound3D ['@SCS\Sound\Parachute.ogg', Player, false, GetPosASL Player,5, 1, 250];
				titleText ['', 'White IN', 0.6];
				addCamShake [2, 2, 10];
				chute = createVehicle ['Steerable_Parachute_F', position Player,[],0,'Fly'];
				chute setPos position player;player moveIndriver chute; chute allowDamage false;}; 

Basically what this does is for ANY player that is not touching the ground and THAT player is NOT in a vehicle, switch to the freefall animation. When the player presses the space bar, spawn a parachute, at the player, and move player into it. He keeps his backpack etc. When he lands parchute is replaced by the original backpack he jumped with. Simples..

*Credit for this stupidly brilliant and simple halodrop goes to ThunderBolt91 from ArmaHolic forums.

Thanks, I'll be sure to test it and tell update if it meets my needs.

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from my rpt file....

Error in expression <if (_this select 1 == 57) then { >

21:20:32 Error position: <if (_this select 1 == 57) then { >

21:20:32 Error Type Script, expected Bool

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Tested and working.

Auto Parachute Script. Any player ejected from a plane/helo etc. (or indeed spawned in the air) will automatically be given a parachute @ 100m. Keeps backback and gear etc. No need to equip unit with a Parachute.

Put this in your init.sqf

//Auto ParaChute Proof of concept 							
//by Beerkan
//version Beta 0.82
[] spawn
  while {true} do
{private ['player','chute'];
	if ( (getPosATL player select 2 > 100) && (vehicle player IsEqualto player) && (alive player)) then
           waitUntil {(position player select 2) <= 100};
           addCamShake [8, 2, 20];
           chute = createVehicle ['Steerable_Parachute_F', position Player, [], 0, 'FLY'];
           chute setPos position player;
           player moveIndriver chute;
           chute allowDamage false;
       sleep 2;

Edited by Beerkan
Oppsl forgot to take account of water.. Edited

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Tested and working.

Auto Parachute Script. Any player ejected from a plane/helo etc. (or indeed spawned in the air) will automatically be given a parachute @ 100m. Keeps backback and gear etc. No need to equip unit with a Parachute.

Put this in your init.sqf

//Auto ParaChute Proof of concept 							
//by Beerkan
//version Beta 0.82
[] spawn
  while {true} do
{private ['player','chute'];
	if ( (getPosATL player select 2 > 100) && (vehicle player IsEqualto player) && (alive player)) then
           waitUntil {(position player select 2) <= 100};
           addCamShake [8, 2, 20];
           chute = createVehicle ['Steerable_Parachute_F', position Player, [], 0, 'FLY'];
           chute setPos position player;
           player moveIndriver chute;
           chute allowDamage false;
       sleep 2;

Error Generic error in expression

16:20:53 Error in expression < while {true} do {private ['player','chute']; if >

16:20:53 Error position: <private ['player','chute']; if >

16:20:53 Error Local variable in global space

16:20:53 Suspending not allowed in this context

16:20:53 Error in expression <wDamage false; }; sleep 2; }; >

16:20:53 Error position: <sleep 2;

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private ['player','chute'];

Not sure that is correct... Remove this line unless "_player" and "_chute" exists in script then it should be:

private ["_player", "_chute"];

I think, not 100% sure. :P

Dirty Haz

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private ['player','chute'];

Not sure that is correct... Remove this line unless "_player" and "_chute" exists in script then it should be:

private ["_player", "_chute"];

I think, not 100% sure. :P

Dirty Haz

THANKS Dirty Haz and Beerkan (original script)

I added an eject to action menu So now players can eject from heli pilot positions :cool:

[] spawn
  while {true} do
   {private ['_player','_chute'];
       if ( (getPosATL player select 2 > 100) && (vehicle player IsEqualto player) && (alive player)) then
           waitUntil {(position player select 2) <= 100};
           addCamShake [8, 2, 20];
           chute = createVehicle ['Steerable_Parachute_F', position Player, [], 0, 'FLY'];
           chute setPos position player;
           player moveIndriver chute;
           chute allowDamage false;
       sleep 2;

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Morning! :)

private ['_player','_chute'];

You don't need this because "_player" and "_chute" does not exist in the script.

Dirty Haz


Instead of making a new thread, I'll ask here. There is no "Eject" EH that I can see (Wiki) and "GetOut" does not work (I don't think) when you just "Eject" from a vehicle so, is there any other solution without making another action?

Dirty Haz

Edit 2:

Haz_Func_Eject.sqf :

Haz_Func_Eject = compile PreProcessFileLineNumbers "Functions\Haz_Func_Eject.sqf";

// Created by: Haz

private ["_Vehicle", "_Position", "_Unit", "_Chute"];

_Vehicle = [_this, 0, objNull] call BIS_fnc_param;
_Position = [_this, 1, objNull] call BIS_fnc_param;
_Unit = [_this, 2, objNull] call BIS_fnc_param;

if (getPos _Unit select 2 >= 75 && alive _Unit) then {
_Chute = createVehicle ["Steerable_Parachute_F", position _Unit, [], 0, "FLY"];
_Unit moveInDriver _Chute;
_Unit allowDamage false;
_Chute allowDamage false;
waitUntil {getPos _Unit select 2 <= 25};
_Unit allowDamage true;
waitUntil {getPos _Unit select 2 <= 2 || !alive _Unit};
deleteVehicle _Chute;

player addEventHandler ["GetOut", Haz_Func_Eject];

Am I doing something wrong or does "GetOut" not work count for ejecting?

Dirty Haz

Edited by Dirty Haz
Edit 2

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Any one got luck with cutting parachutes to prevent wind from dragging players?

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On 14/1/2019 at 5:30 AM, Div3y3z said:

Any one got luck with cutting parachutes to prevent wind from dragging players?


If i remember right there is already this for :


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On 14/01/2019 at 4:30 AM, Div3y3z said:

Any one got luck with cutting parachutes to prevent wind from dragging players?

if (vehicle player isKindOf 'Steerable_Parachute_F') then {private "_para" = vehicle player; moveOut player; deleteVehicle _para};

put it wherever you want the parachute to be removed (untested)

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9 minutes ago, Mr H. said:

put it wherever you want the parachute to be removed


Nice Mr H. !  :f:

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