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Hi, sorry if this has been asked already.

Is it possible to allow zeus to place down zombie waypoints modules as found in the editor, as currently I can only make them follow zeus commanded waypoints semi-successfully by placing down a zombie group, ungrouping all the zombies then giving them the waypoint.



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I`m use Blood Lust with this addon and It does not affect  zombies. No gibbing >no blood spatters..(by default Blood Lust  affect all RHS units)

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I love your work so far. This mod is amazing. The options you give people make it so valuable. Hope to see ACE3 and this mod playing nicely once again too   :^)

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Hi Guys.


Just want to say, love the mod!

Not sure if this has been posted, but i seem to have an issue with damage being applied to a player while running Ace 3.

I'm not 100% if being hit is meant to damage a players limb like a bullet would.


The issue I'm having is player gets hit by zombie, player makes screaming sound, no damage to fix in the medical menu.


I've attached a few screen shots of what happens when a player gets hit.




The reason I'm asking is because i want the game to flow in a set kind of order.

1) Players contact Zombies
2) A few players would take some damage

3) Players secure area and treat wounded

4) Repeat until mission end.


I do assume the player takes damage from the hits, as i changed the attack value to 1 and the zombies kill the player in 1-4 hits, its just not applied to anything via Ace.


Cheers for any reply.

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"Error Type number, Not a number, expected number"...


Yeah... I think the problem comes from Arma, in this case.

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Hey guys,


First of all, thank you. This mod is amazing, superb job!


I've got a slight problem though. Is there a way to have the zombies chase multiple players, all the way over the map.

Basically, i want them to spawn, and target the nearest player. No matter how far he is, the nearest player should always be the target. Is there any way to do this?


Kind regards, 



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 No matter how far he is**


Maybe need increase zombies Line Of Sight in module..

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Hey sammael, thank you for the tip!

I've tried setting it high, however they still do not automatically move towards the nearest player.

Anyone else have any idea how to do this?

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No i am not. I have just opposite problem that yours.

Zeds are always moving to nearest enemy, kill him and than moving to nearest one again.


In my case if there are some obstacles as walls where player can climb at, remains untouchable and  all zeds are standing below him.

Even if there others extremely near around. In that situation other guys can kill every zeds without any attack. You need to carry about to get no closer that the climbed one are.

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to be fair though. climbing is not a vanilla feature so it's up to the devs, if they want to go as far as supporting that.


the main problem with that is creating a solid condition for the zombies to give up. i've been thinking about handling this in my own projects myself. height alone is not a good criteria since any slope would ruin that approach because you are higher than the zombie but still reachable.


so the question arises. what IS the right criteria? (most likely a combination of things). best i could come up with so far is tracking distance to target and seeing, if it's close and doesn't change much over time. but there are probably countless other/better ways. still need to dig deeper.


just some food for thought. not saying at all that it's impossible. i'm just suggesting that, if you could come up with a clever condition you might help out the devs fix this faster (and i'll be watching closely too :lol: j/k).

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I'm talking about very long range though. if a player is in Kavala, and the zombies are at Molos airfield, i want them to start heading there. A waypoint would do this but i need them to track players constantly, the closest one preferably. Does it matter that they're blufor? Indi forces are set as enemy.

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Here you go for anyone interested here is the first episode for season 2 of Day Of The Dead - A Hard Landing. Of course featuring Z&D, the mission is almost entirely made in Zeus and features an on going storyline.

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Hmm, even when the groups of zombies are placed 50 metres away, with the detection range set to 100000, i still need to fire my gun at them multiple times before they respond.... What's the use of the detection range setting if they won't detect you properly in the first place?

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If you want to force ZEDs to move in certain direction use zombies waypoint module or
If you want multiple of it use "switch" by creating/removing trigger like that:
initialize gathering point

        Ryanzombieswaypoint = 1;
        Ryanzombieswaypointdemon = 1;
        ryanzombieslogicwaypoint = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "marker1"];
        ryanzombieslogicwaypointdemon = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "marker1"];

remove gathering point

{deleteVehicle _x} forEach [ryanzombieslogicwaypoint, ryanzombieslogicwaypointdemon];
Ryanzombieswaypoint = nil;
Ryanzombieswaypointdemon = nil;
ryanzombieslogicwaypoint = nil;
ryanzombieslogicwaypointdemon = nil;

 initialize gathering point2

        Ryanzombieswaypoint = 1;
        Ryanzombieswaypointdemon = 1;
        ryanzombieslogicwaypoint = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "marker2"];
        ryanzombieslogicwaypointdemon = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "marker2"];

and so again

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If you want to force ZEDs to move in certain direction use zombies waypoint module or

If you want multiple of it use "switch" by creating/removing trigger like that:


initialize gathering point

        Ryanzombieswaypoint = 1;
        Ryanzombieswaypointdemon = 1;
        ryanzombieslogicwaypoint = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "marker1"];
        ryanzombieslogicwaypointdemon = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "marker1"];

remove gathering point

{deleteVehicle _x} forEach [ryanzombieslogicwaypoint, ryanzombieslogicwaypointdemon];
Ryanzombieswaypoint = nil;
Ryanzombieswaypointdemon = nil;
ryanzombieslogicwaypoint = nil;
ryanzombieslogicwaypointdemon = nil;

 initialize gathering point2

        Ryanzombieswaypoint = 1;
        Ryanzombieswaypointdemon = 1;
        ryanzombieslogicwaypoint = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "marker2"];
        ryanzombieslogicwaypointdemon = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "marker2"];

and so again

Hey Davidoss, thank you for the reply!

Although this does seem like a good way to do it if what i really want is impossible, it's not exactly what i'm looking for!

All i want is for the zombies to detect any player on the map, and as such attack said player. There will be multiple players on the map, hence why the waypoint system doesn't work well for what i need! 

I've set their detection range high but they remain stationary, even when i'm about 60 meters away they will not attack unless i fire my weapon at them.. 

Does anyone know what the detection range value in the module is for? It doesn't seem to do anything in regards for them detecting enemies, they don't even attack.

In arma 2 we used to play a mission with a zombies mod quite similar to this, but with that mod zombies would simply go after players, as if they had always spotted them, no matter where on the map said players were. This made for a very good and challenging mission, not like dayZ where the zombies just stand around until somebody comes close.

This is all i really want to happen, i can't use waypoints since there's multiple players so it'd depend on who is closest.. Detection range doesn't work at all, and the zombies are appereantly blind as a bat even with it set to 100KM, still requiring a player to be 50m away and SHOOTING at them.

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I think the distance of detecting are over cowered by BIS default AI knowsAbout values.

My point was to spawn zeds faraway besides players capabilities of seeing the spawning processes

and force zeds to move in certain direction across the players.

At some point they detect players and the slather begins.

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I get you, that could work! It's just that the map is large, and the mission i'm trying to get to work has a free roaming survival idea for the players. 

So far i've not seen the zombies attack anything over 50 meters without the player close firing at them. 

So to have 5 groups of zombies with random waypoints crossing the map actually encoutering a player, and close enough to start attacking is a small chance, i'll keep the idea in mind though. 

Is there a way to force set the know about? The wiki says it's a value that comes back to tell you if they know, but it doesn't say if you can set it higher.

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You can try playing around with reveal

This would have been the solution. They do indeed instantly see me when i use reveal in a trigger, unfortunately the zombies from the mod don't seem to attack unless target is in visual range. 

Thank you for the help anyways! I guess this is impossible to get done with this mod.

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You could write a small script that would loop through all zombies, do a loop through all the players for that zombie to determine who's closest to him, tell the zombie to doMove to that player.

Should work pretty reliably.

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Thank you for the advice.

I'll see if i can find somebody who wants to help me with that, my scripting knowledge on a scale from 0/10 would be 0.



I've found this after a google search: 


    _dist=vehicle _x distance civ1;
    if (isPlayer _x and _dist<_nearestdist) then {
} forEach playableUnits;

if (!isNull _nearest) then {civ1 doMove getPos vehicle _nearest};



If i were to replace civ 1 with Z1, and found a way to repeat this every 10 seconds, would this work?

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Every spawned zed executed a script with a huge loop where  the targeting are defined.

Maybe you need to brake this first to allow other behavior

Otherwise it will be interfere each other.


there are part of it where is going about "MAN"

				if ((vehicle _target iskindof "man") && _zombie distance _target < Ryanzombiesattackdistance) then
					_zombie setdir (_zombie getDir _target);
					[_zombie, "AwopPercMstpSgthWnonDnon_throw"] remoteExecCall ["fnc_RyanZombies_SwitchMove"];

					_Attack = selectRandom _AttackArray;
					playsound3d [format ["%1",_Attack], _zombie, false, getPosASL _zombie, 1, _soundpitch];

					_target allowfleeing 1;
					sleep 0.3;
					if (_zombie distance _target < Ryanzombiesattackdistance && (alive _target) && (alive _zombie)) then
						if (_class == "Ryanzombiescrawler") then {_CrawlerHit = selectRandom _CrawlerHitArray; playsound3d [format ["%1",_CrawlerHit], _target, false, getPosASL _target, 1, _soundpitch]} else {playsound3d ["ryanzombies\sounds\zombie_bite.ogg", _target, false, getPosASL _target, 1, _soundpitch]};

						if (isnil "ryanzombiesdisablebleeding") then {[_target, 10] remoteExecCall ["fnc_RyanZombies_Bleeding"];};
						if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_medical")) then {[_target,'manNormal'] execVM "\ryanzombies\acedamage.sqf"} else {_target setdamage (damage _target + Ryanzombiesdamage)};
						if (!(alive _target) && !(isnil "Ryanzombiesinfection")) then {[_target, side _group] execVM "\ryanzombies\infection.sqf"};
						if ((alive _target) && !(isnil "ryanzombiesinfectedchance") && (_target getvariable ["ryanzombiesinfected",0] == 0)) then {[_target, side _group] execVM "\ryanzombies\infected.sqf"};

						_Scream = selectRandom _ScreamArray;
						[_target, format ["%1",_Scream]] remoteExecCall ["say3d"];

						_vel = velocity _target;
						_dir = direction _zombie;
						[_target, [(_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * Ryanzombiesattackstrenth), (_vel select 1) + (cos _dir * Ryanzombiesattackstrenth), (_vel select 2) + random 1]] remoteExecCall ["fnc_RyanZombies_Velocity"];
					sleep Ryanzombiesattackspeed;
					if ((alive _target) OR (isnil "Ryanzombiesfeed")) then {breakTo "findtarget";};

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I havent got a clue how to though :D I hope the script i'll have to use to make em target nearest player overrules that one..

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I don't have the time to script it but you'll need to loop the script every 10 seconds or so for all zombies. I wouldn't recommend changing anything in the mod pbo as david suggests, unless you want to privately redistribute a modified pbo to everyone you're playing with (quite annoying).

If you disable the roaming mode, zombies will stand still until targets are spotted or waypoint is given. Using doMove on a zombie standing still should work.


For what you want you need scripting knowledge, if you don't have that then I don't think you'll be able to get what you want, unless you find someone that can do it for you.


edit: The script you posted used playableUnits. playableUnits only returns a filled array in MP. If you're testing in SP use switchableUnits.


Kind regards,


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