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What is your favorite newly released game?

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I downloaded a movie for it and was left unimpressed.

Here's a great link, it's a search engine called google smile.gif


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Hitman 2 is pretty good. I think Resistance and Hitman 2 are the only good games released this year.

I just tried Battlefield 1942 yesturday again. It wasn't fun. BF1942 is the worst game ever released. Now, i'm sure.

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hitman 2 is very sweet, Eidos has already approved for a 3rd sequal to hitman smile.gif

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I love Hitman2, espacially since the developers is danish(like me) i can appreciate the easter-eggs in the game, like the newspaper in the start of the intro wich is in danish (well you have to stand on your head to read it but wtf)

The developers seem to not like a danish football team called "FCK" smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ Oct. 24 2002,07:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I've been flanked many times in Opf  confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Yesterday in MP OFP, we were attacking a village head on when a squad (or part of a squad), ran into the woods. I saw them go into the woods, and the way they were headed, they would come out directly to our left, so I positioned myself with my M60 and waited for them. Sure enough, 1 minute later, they came out of the woods to our left rear (we were advancing on the town). My team was surprised when I told them about that squad. I don't think they were following waypoints, that squad was patrolling the side of the village when we attacked, and they must of saw us and tried the flanking move they did.

And I did see AI use the M60 to cover an escape. I was attacking a US inf squad boarding a chopper, and while the majority of the men were clibming aboard the chopper, a M60 maching gunner went prone a few feet to the front of the chopper and was spraying the forest I was in. I said to myself 'this is so cool, he's shooting at me!'

-=Die Alive=-

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Die Alive @ Oct. 09 2002,01:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well, I bought NHL 2003 on Friday, and I'm not too pleased with it.  I was playing the EA sports NHL series since, I think, 1994, and every year, they'd make the graphics a bit better, or add some feature.  I didn't buy NHL 2002 (last years) because I heard you needed a "good" computer to play it, and I didn't have one then so I just played with NHL 2001 for an extra year.  It doesn't matter, since I was playing a franchise so after 8 seasons, teams were messed up anyways.  

So when I got my new P4 2.2, GF 4 4400 and 512 Mb ram, I thought I could play this new installment of NHL 2003 no problem.  haha, I start out with Max GFX settings, and the thing is a slide show.  Fine, I turn off some of the crowd detail and it's still poor fps.  I turn down the player details, still poor.  I put everything at 50%, and only then it's playable, but I still get poor fps when an line change icon pops up during play.  The box says Min requirements are PII 350 with 64mb Ram anda 16Mb vid card.

I think I'll put away this game for a few months, maybe until after the super bowl, I'm still very much playing Madden 2003 (with MAX gfx settings with no problems at all) where the play is much slower (god I hate all the button pressing in NHL, Madden is so much a slower/thinking man's game).

-=Die Alive=-<span id='postcolor'>

Die Alive, I have a PIII 733 MHz CPU with 256 MB PC 133 RAM, and a GeForce 2 32 MB video card, and NHL 2003 runs just fine.  So I'm not quite sure when you are experiencing the problems you are.  I've played 2001, 2002, and 2003, and I see very little difference in terms of performance and frame rates.  Your PC is far superior so this is kinda perplexing.  You might try calling EA Sports Tech Support and see if they have an ideas.


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In terms of newly released games, after completing Cold War Crisis and Red Hammer, I'm still playing the Resistance campaign.  I'm also playing Medieval Total War, Madden 2003, and NHL 2003.  I will be playing Front Office Football 4 once it arrives.   wink.gif


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Medieval, BF1942, NOLF2 and Mafia are all loads of fun but NOLF2 is just FAR too short to be worth Å29.99. Not tht Mafia and BF1942 are big games but at least they have some more replay value.

The shame is that I now have nothing to look forward to until Breed and IL2 add on, both of which could be well into next year.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dadster @ Oct. 24 2002,12:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Die Alive, I have a PIII 733 MHz CPU with 256 MB PC 133 RAM, and a GeForce 2 32 MB video card, and NHL 2003 runs just fine.  So I'm not quite sure when you are experiencing the problems you are.  I've played 2001, 2002, and 2003, and I see very little difference in terms of performance and frame rates.  Your PC is far superior so this is kinda perplexing.  You might try calling EA Sports Tech Support and see if they have an ideas.

Dadster<span id='postcolor'>

I pretty sure the problem is with the video drivers, and right now I'm not going to start getting new drivers that might mess up other games. Right now, I've put away the NHL for another 2 or 3 months, I usually get into hockey after the Superbowl, so I'm deeply into my madden right now that is running fine.

Hey, when does that new CS game come out.

-=Die Alive=-

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CFS has been released!

from PC gameworld.com

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Microsoft Game Studios today announced that Combat Flight Simulator 3: Battle for Europe has gone gold and is scheduled to ship to stores in North America on October 24.

Combat pilots will soon have the opportunity to fly in the historical framework of the tactical air war in northwest Europe starting in mid-1943, but with a significant difference: The skill and perseverance that pilots and their squadron or Staffel bring to each battle can alter the tactical situation and the timeline of the campaign.

This open-ended dynamic campaign engine allows pilots to influence events and the front line. If they can persevere in the war, squadrons can even add new technology to their arsenal.

Combat Flight Simulator 3: Battle for Europe delivers a brand new, ground-breaking graphics engine designed specifically to show-off highly detailed and enhanced 3-D models and textures while flying in fast, low altitude action. Combat Flight Simulator 3 also updates the franchise with more than 34 realistically rendered World War II aircraft with stunning 3-D cockpits.

Combat missions are created dynamically with tactical objectives changing each time the enemy is engaged. Cooperative multiplayer missions and free-for-all dogfights via the Internet and LAN also bring a heightened sense of excitement and challenge to Combat Flight Simulator 3.

<span id='postcolor'>

Check out the screens:

V-1 Launching Pad

My favorite plane, check out the detail.

P-47, w/ nose art

Awesome cloud and terrain detail.

It looks as if they have even made seasonal changes to the maps, looks like we will see winter and summer terrain.


I am getting this game ASAP. smile.gif


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">CFS has been released!<span id='postcolor'>

Perhaps, but after IL2 I find it kind of hard to care. Obviously I'll have to see reviews and a demo but even as a fan of CFS2 I still don't expect too much.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Assault (CAN) @ Oct. 25 2002,06:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">CFS has been released!<span id='postcolor'>

And me without my wallet. It looks pretty good, but I think Il-2 has it beat in the visuals department, if for no other reason than Il-2's planes and terrain are much more smooth looking, even if the textures arent quite as good.

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Well, I never bothered with IL2. I wasn't in to flight sims when it came out, I was too busy with OFP. Besides, both the Russians and the Germans were equaly evil in WW2. I would have no desire to fight for either evil empire in real life, so why do it in a game. LOL. I never thought political reasons would be a factor in game purchase for me. Wierd.

Besides, the Eastern front never really saw the large formations of bombers that were in the Western front at the time. That is a factor for me as well.

I know CFS 3 will have superb realism and flight characteristics. I'm not really after graphics since most of the sims I play are older now. It will also be a nice change from the rather bland graphics of CFS 2, not because of the game, but because of the Pacific theater. All you really have there is: Palm trees, sand, volcanoes, lots and lots of ocean.

It will be nice to see Europe again. smile.gif


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I'm sure it'll be a nice sim, but really, Il-2 has just about every other WW2 flight sim ever made whipped, no matter what your political orientation is smile.gif

And MS kind of pissed me off in CFS2, and I dont know if I want to go back- their last "Improvement" to campaigns was me getting my ass shipped off to a burial detail on Peleilu Atoll just because one too many of my dumbass wingmen wandered into AA fire... despite the fact that I had a kill sheet that would make Richard Bong green with envy.

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I have IL-2 AND CFS 3

I like them both, and they are quite different.

IL-2 is much more difficult then CFS 3.

Terrain and detail is brilliant in CFS3, i m pleased it s back at european setting instead of pacific.  It s sooooooo cool to go on strafing runs and not that hard at all.

Still, i like the damage model much more from IL-2 it s just awesome.

Tyler, if you re into flightsims you should definately also try IL-2.  German and Russian side might not appeal that much but the flight and damage model of IL-2 is from another world.


*heads off to reinstall IL-2 again*


Here is the pic page of IL-2 **Pics**

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*cant wait to fly the ME262 or HE111 in the IL2 expansion*

Well hey, at least now in the expansion you can fly P51's, Hurricanes, P41's and some French planes for good measure. Plus the FW190D9 and a whole slew of other planes. And they're also adding searchlights in! Wo0t!

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What kind of scale are the engagements in CFS3? Are they like quadron size (6-20), or are they really big furballs a la EAW or BoB? Also, is there a dynamic campaign, and if so, what's it like?

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i am playing NOLF 2 at the moment and it is the funniest and best game I have played this year in the FPS segment.

It has so many humour moments. The chase of the pantomime killer on his bike with a kiddy toy is great. I am currently underseas and it all reminds me of Pink Panther, old Bond movies and has a  great atmosphere. The dialogues and gimicks are extraordinary. As in part one of this game I am totally delighted.  biggrin.gif

Grooovy babieeee !  tounge.gif or at least shackadellic  biggrin.gif

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Hasbro is releasing a life-size inflatable Barbie. You might wanna add that to your game list up there as that's what would get my vote. They should throw in a year supply of lubricant to uhm, you know, make her skin shine when she's tanning tounge.gif

No wait, the box has a big warning sign: not for men of any age !

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Also, is there a dynamic campaign<span id='postcolor'>

It's pretty dynamic. You can even change the outcome of the war, so Germany might win.

As for size: Don't know yet. But in CFS 2, it wasn't uncommon to have several flights of bombers in one area, usually 30-40.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Assault (CAN) @ Oct. 25 2002,20:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Also, is there a dynamic campaign<span id='postcolor'>

It's pretty dynamic. You can even change the outcome of the war, so Germany might win.

As for size: Don't know yet. But in CFS 2, it wasn't uncommon to have several flights of bombers in one area, usually 30-40.

Tyler<span id='postcolor'>

like tyler said, campaign is dynamic.

You get a pic of the front, and you can select a grid on that map, and then you get a list of possible missions to fly around that grid.  You choose which one.  When you return and complete the mission, it move along a few days/weeks and adapts the frontline depending on won strikes and lost strikes.

You get points ( squadron and personal ) and with those points you can "buy" your own plane.  Also with squadron points you can select to start a groundwar at a certain grid.

It s pretty cool and much more alive then IL2.(makes it a bit of a system hog on full detail )

I m beginning to like it smile.gif  Hell, i might even think it s better than IL in a week or so.

There are big cities and flak everywhere while on bombruns, you can fly bombers too, switch to gunpositions and even operate the bomb bays etc....


/edit :

As for encountering flights, the map is pretty alive when on a mission, although you can almost always skip till objective without interruption. More ground than airunit, really ALOTTTTTTTT of groundtargets. I just started with campaign so that could soon change to airsuperiority for germans, i m still UK based atm. Damn crossing of the channel every time tounge.gif

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