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DOOM returns

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Christmas of 95 or could have been 96. I bought my son a PlayStation, subsequently shortly after that I bought the PS Doom version for him to play on it. He really enjoyed it, so I bought a second PS and we hooked up (me on the portable tv, and him on the main lounge tv) and had many great hours hunting each other down. My daughter joined in, ended up the whole family was doom players including the wife.

Good memories.

Did the same with F1, playing hooked up.


That said. Having to have two of everything.. It wasn't a cheap way to do things.

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Well, I bought Doom and I'll play it until Apex arrives.

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Played it in the 90's. Not sure I need to play it again.

No.. to be more specific, I'm sure I don't need to play it again.


It was good the first time around though. ;)


It's defintly a game worth picking up and playing today. I bought the Doom 3 BFG Edition which contains Doom 1, 2 and 3, it got tons of gameplay. I'm halfway through Doom 2 now. A great experience with a unique pace and challenging levels. I will finish Doom 3 next and then maybe get Doom 4.  

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Doom 4 is a blast in solo ;)

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Played through 1 & 2, stopped playing 3 because it scared me shitless :D


Gonna get 4 soon.

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Late reply.

My buddy has his own utube channel he started earlier this year and played Doom, he recorded 29 30-45min episodes from start

of the game til he completed it, check it out:


He goes by the name of Digital Ravager

I seen every episode, its pretty interesting game, alot of weapon upgrades, and unique monsters, and the melee part is different based on

the position of the creature and weapon you use.

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