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I sure wish Arma 3 had terrain deformation, mud and raging torrents like SpinTires

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This is the coolest stuff I've seen in a game in a long time. The vehicle physics are really complex and immersive. You feel like you're wallowing in the mud.

In particular go to the river fording sequence at 9:14 to see the excellent water physics in game real time.


Test it out in this free demo;


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The terrain resolution in that game is way higher than what you'll ever see in any ArmA 3 map. Perhaps in ArmA 4.

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not gonna happen in arma 4 or 9999 unless they change the 15 years old engine..its not possible

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not gonna happen in arma 4 or 9999 unless they change the 15 years old engine..its not possible

Change the code to enable high resolution mud displacement and vehicle slippage? Of course that is the standard response to an "Why can't Arma do civ towns like GTA, air combat like dcs, cqb like splinter cell, guns like bf" etc etc. Those games are built with entirely one purpose in mind, so even if its 20 years old, no Arma won't do it as good as a game dedicated to one thing.

Try asking "Why can't CoD let me walk 10 miles THAT way -shit OFP did it 15 years ago". Point is, why is Arma always asked to live up to other games but rarely other games asked to live up to Arma?

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Try asking "Why can't CoD let me walk 10 miles THAT way -shit OFP did it 15 years ago".

;) :D

Have to say it's quite impressive, though. If this were really implemented, I think we'll start appreciating tracked vehicles :P

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Except spintires is a specialist simulation, and Arma isn't. You could cheat by using parallax mapping for threadmarks like Warthunder does, though.

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Change the code to enable high resolution mud displacement and vehicle slippage? Of course that is the standard response to an "Why can't Arma do civ towns like GTA, air combat like dcs, cqb like splinter cell, guns like bf" etc etc. Those games are built with entirely one purpose in mind, so even if its 20 years old, no Arma won't do it as good as a game dedicated to one thing.

Try asking "Why can't CoD let me walk 10 miles THAT way -shit OFP did it 15 years ago". Point is, why is Arma always asked to live up to other games but rarely other games asked to live up to Arma?


That pretty much sums it up.

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Cool video, although I'm not sure all that is really needed in ArmA. The ability to dig holes in the terrain would be a pretty amazing addition, though. I've always felt that digging in is one of the core aspects of real-world infantry combat that ArmA has always more or less ignored.

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Never mind the trucks, the terrain deformation alone would be crazy awesome. Think holes in the ground after artillery, in stead of what we have now; black texture over an unaffected piece of land. Could be used for cover, whole new tactical aspect. And it would lend itself much more to ditches and micro-alterations of the landscape. Would be gorgeous AND useful tactically


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