rimblock 0 Posted September 1, 2015 Hi all, Used to use X-Cam when it came out and had the 1.05 patch working fine. Stopped using it and uninstalled due to other work with coding and now I come to reinstall following the video guide I am getting quite a few errors. Have installed v1.0 Have installed v1.05 over the top of v1.0 Have unblocked make_file.dll and iniDB.dll Have added the mods in the A3 Launcher (BI launcher). Have turned all other options off except 'showscripterrors' & 'windowed' Arma Details Type: Public Branch: Stable Version: 1.50.131969 I go in to the editor -> place playable character -> place game logic -> click Preview. Errors 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Active_1.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Active_2.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Active_3.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Active_4.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Active_5.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Active_6.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Plain.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array Then 23:37:22 Error in expression <this]; _data = call compile _data; if((_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the> 23:37:22 Error position: <_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the> 23:37:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _data 23:37:22 Error in expression <this]; _data = call compile _data; if((_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the> 23:37:22 Error position: <_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the> 23:37:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _data 23:37:22 Error in expression <Cam\xCamSettings" call iniDB_exists; and a few more (will post if requested to save spamming the thread). I suspect it is either a config item I have not set somewhere (possibly for inidbi) or something to do with A3 v1.50, although no one else has posted the same problem so probably not that. Would like to do some map building and there is no better way than with X-Cam. Any ideas ?. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted September 1, 2015 Hi, the warning messages are fixed with the upcoming X-Cam update and do not affect the execution of X-Cam (missing UI control property since version 1.5) When you get this "Error in expression" error? If you start X-Cam or if you export any data? I think it has something to do with inidbi. Please check the @inidbi folder for correct content and structure. Path to "inidbi.pbo": \Arma 3\@inidbi\Addons\inidbi.pbo Path to "xCamSettings.ini": \Arma 3\@inidbi\db\xCam\xCamSettings.ini Silola Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Herr_Pinkman 0 Posted September 6, 2015 Hi Siola, hi everyone, first many thanks in sharing XCAM. What a great product, appreciate. I have one question in understanding the "init code" insertion,as I am a beginner in this area related to .SQF. I would like to add the following code into an object to be further saved as .SQF via XCAM: this setObjectTexture [0,"images\unsc_flag.jpg"]; this addAction ["Spawn Helicopters", {[["helicopters"], [], "helispawn_1", 1199] execvm "ASORVS\open.sqf";}]; I have started with the simple setObjectTexture to understand the Syntax, but as i am even new to the .SQF coding at all, Its likely impossible for me to identify the correct syntax for XCAM. I would really asking for this little hint how to use the init code. Below the full .SQF file as example, but even the setObjectTexture command did not worked and I have no clue why, truly syntax related. Both codes above are working fine when i set those via the ARMA editor. private ["_obj","_dat","_cString","_adString"]; _obj = objNull;_dat = [];_adString = "CAN_COLLIDE"; _cString = {_obj = createVehicle [(_dat select 0), call compile (_dat select 1), [], 0, _adString];if((_dat select 4) == 0) then {_obj enableSimulation false};_obj setdir (_dat select 2);if((_dat select 3) == -100) then {_obj setposATL (call compile (_dat select 1))} else {_obj setposASL [((call compile (_dat select 1)) select 0),((call compile (_dat select 1)) select 1),(_dat select 3)]};if((_dat select 5) == 0) then {_obj setVectorUp [0,0,1]} else {_obj setVectorUp (surfacenormal (getPosATL _obj))};if(count (_dat select 6) > 0) then {{call _x} foreach (_dat select 6)}}; _dat = ["Infostand_2_EP1","[5657.879883,1795.839966,1.04712]",45,12.9371,0,0,[{_obj setObjectTexture [0,"images\unsc_flag.jpg"]}]];call _cString; Many thanks in advance, J.Pinkman Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Herr_Pinkman 0 Posted September 7, 2015 Hi Siola, another assistance would be necessary. I am building a complete city based on your provided XCAM objects where I am planning to use those via a MP scenario. At the moment the object count is about 14.000 object and i have saved all of those in a project. I started to use the VR map and my plan was to save all of those within a prefab to "transfer" those to the final XCAM prototype map to be used further. Here it becomes difficulty. I am not able to select all objects within the "T" brush, as the engine seems not be able to to handle such amount of objects properly at a time. I am simple not able to select all objects. The FPS will drop down to 1 and it seems nothing is happening. One time i was nearly rdy to select all the objects but then suddenly my selection reset and this after hours of waiting to get all selected... I have also verified the .ini project files if there would be an option to transfer the project saved .ini into the prefab .ini but i don't understand the formatting difference between project .ini and prefab .ini. Is there any option to simply select all objects within the project to create a new prefab ? Please help as i had spent a lot of days in creating such a great start of my spawn city. My plans are even much more to be created but somehow I am not able to go ahead now. Please help... below a screenshot of my work currently performed: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted September 7, 2015 Hi, no .. there is no option to save all objects of one project into one prefab. It's also not realy possible to select so many objects. You can try to group all objects by object type and save each type as a prefab. But then u have to bring all the different prefabs together ... don't know if this would help. To select only one object type, select the respective type and press [Return] in order to create a frame selection. Then save this selection as a new prefab and go on with the next object type. It's important to set "ASL on" for all objects before u save the prefabs, otherwise the objects will not hold their positions, if you load the prefab on not flat terrain. Silola Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted September 7, 2015 If I have a closer look at your first picture, then I can see 5 different buildings, but in my opinion these buildings are identical. If this is true, then it's a good idea to save only one building as a prefab, and maybe the wall incl. all the vegatation as another prefab. Then it's easy to insert the building prefab 5 times, and then fit them together. Silola Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Herr_Pinkman 0 Posted September 7, 2015 Yes, your right :-) exactly this way going forward i will use for now... :-) Many thanks Siola for your quick response. Need to be careful in creating such many objects. Will consider further and will directly building objects on xcam prototype map from now on and will use prefabs on dedicated buildings. Can you please provide me your advice on my prior topic on top on the init code line ? Would be very helpful for me. I would only need this little advice where i will use further those format. The code in the SQF has to many {[]]]}][,,, for a beginner ;-) Many thanks. Jesse Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SavageCDN 231 Posted September 8, 2015 Can you please provide me your advice on my prior topic on top on the init code line ? Would be very helpful for me. I would only need this little advice where i will use further those format. The code in the SQF has to many {[]]]}][,,, for a beginner ;-) Many thanks. Jesse If you are new to SQF I would highly recommend a text editor like Notepad++ with the Arma 3 syntax addin.. .makes it much easier to read all the [] stuff ;) https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/138891-arma-3-notepad-syntax-highlighting/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Herr_Pinkman 0 Posted September 8, 2015 Thanks SavageCDN. Will use this one from now on, appreciate your hint :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rimblock 0 Posted September 10, 2015 Hi, the warning messages are fixed with the upcoming X-Cam update and do not affect the execution of X-Cam (missing UI control property since version 1.5) When you get this "Error in expression" error? If you start X-Cam or if you export any data? I think it has something to do with inidbi. Please check the @inidbi folder for correct content and structure. Path to "inidbi.pbo": \Arma 3\@inidbi\Addons\inidbi.pbo Path to "xCamSettings.ini": \Arma 3\@inidbi\db\xCam\xCamSettings.ini Silola Hi Silola, Sorry for the delay, life getting in the way of ARMA fun. Ok, so I have tried removing all A3 content and full downloading from scratch. I have then installed X-Cam as detailed in my previous post. Still the same issue. A3 is in the default location (well on the D: rather than c: but the rest is the same). in the Arma3 folder is @inidbi @xcam @inidbi\db\xCam\Library_Obj exists and is empty. The errors are all to do with loading data from the XCam ini DB from inidbi. The first script listed in the log with an issue is "File xCam\xCam\data\xCam_Start_UI.sqf, line 28". The initial 'build object library' never comes up and any attempt to access the obj or veh tabs in XCam highlight the underlying issues (presumabily loading data from the inidbi db). @xCam\addons contains both 'xCam.pbo' and 'xCam_EU.pbo'. I am running on stock A3 with nothing extra added. A3 is being launched from the A3 launcher with the following command; "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -window -skipintro -nosplash -enableHT "-mod=@inidbi;@xCam" I have also tried the newest version of inidbi but still get the same issue. I am currently trying to create another inidbi db folder and test .ini to verify that I can read that from A3. UPDATE: iniDBi does not seem to be working for me. Only thing I can think of is that I am now on Windows 10. Will check out on code34s thread as well. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SavageCDN 231 Posted September 10, 2015 Where did you download XCam from? If it's PWS try another source (armaholic, direct from silola's website) as there may be issues with the PWS version and inidb.. I know this was the case when XCam was initially released Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rimblock 0 Posted September 11, 2015 Hi, I believe it is something to do with iniDBi itself at this point. I posted on the iniDBi thread here with the details of my quick test (outside of X-Cam) and am not able to pull data back from a test.ini (could be user error of course ;) ). If someone with more experience was kind enough to take a quick look and verify that the testing looks reasonable and would be expected to work then that would be great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major_desync 137 Posted September 12, 2015 Hi Silola, I've run into an X-cam issue. I had been working on a project and placed about 5,000 objects. The project was saved, and all was well. Then, to play a bit of vanilla A3, I disabled all mods. When I re-enabled the mods today to resume working on the project, the project names are all there, the project appears to load all the objects, but no objects are placed. Checking the inidbi folder, the project save file is there and has what looks like object location data in it.Unfortunately I don't have a recent export of the project that I can load up into Terrain Builder and so circumvent the issue. Attempting an export on the "loaded" project produces an empty text file. So I need to figure out how to get X-Cam to read the data that inidbi seems to still have stored. Update: strangely all the other projects saved on this map appear to load objects properly. Eyeballing the files - the one that doesn't load lacks the "dat_x=" values at the end of the file, which I assume means that X-Cam can't match the positions to objects. Is this recoverable, or am I placing 5000 objects again..? :( Thank you! Maj_D. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted September 13, 2015 Hi major_desync, that's annoying :( I don't know what happens with your project. Are you really sure that all needed PBO's are loaded ? Maybe u can send me the faulty project in order to check it. I hope that all position data is still saved within the project, otherwise it's not possible to repair it. But .... what exactly happens if you load this project? Is the progress window showing some data? Any error message? Please have a closer look at the last X-Cam system messages: Silola Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major_desync 137 Posted September 13, 2015 So the last System Messages window in System Data is blank when I load up. I have a feeling that the last save of the project was somehow interrupted before it was complete - which might explain why the "dat=" information was lost. This might be due to user error of course. :rolleyes: I will send you the project save - but I've reconciled myself that this is not fixable. The good news is that X-Cam makes redoing the work not such a chore. As they say, it's no good crying over spilled data. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted September 13, 2015 Ok, there is the whole data block missing within the project file. That's bad :( Maybe u have pressed [ESC] during the saving process, or something else !? Nothing to repair :( Silola Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major_desync 137 Posted September 14, 2015 That's very possible. It was very late at night when I was saving that file, so easy for errors to happen. Lessons learned: 1: Be careful in big project saves - they take a while 2: Export to terrain builder files often so that you have fall backs (and/or back up your project saves in a different folder to prevent partial overwrites). 3: Get more sleep! :) Don't worry - I replaced all of the lost objects in less than 2 days and I am now back where I was before the mishap. Such is the power of X-cam! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SavageCDN 231 Posted September 14, 2015 ^ now I'm curious to see what you are up to.. love your Gorgona island (and it works with ALiVE lol) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major_desync 137 Posted September 14, 2015 @SavageCDN: Thank you! Glad you like it. All I can say is, watch the discussion forum in early October...(but only if I don't lose more days to my own idiocy!). In the meantime, here's a hint. ;) Oh and because this is an X-Cam thread, I can say a huge chunk of this work is done in X-Cam. So if it's good - all credit to Silola for making an awesome tool. If it's bad, blame me for using it unimaginatively. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted September 14, 2015 All these objects were already imported? It looks like all the trees have the same size. So don't miss to set a random scaling factor if you work with the singleBrush or the multiBrush ;) Silola Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major_desync 137 Posted September 14, 2015 That picture is from February 2015 - long before X-Cam. :) It's actually from a proof of concept version of the terrain that no longer exists. I made it just to see if the idea worked. I also put in most of the plant objects into the development version before X-cam released. I may redo the plants to introduce random scaling (and maybe some A2 trees - at this stage of the project I was just using A3 objects, but have since switched to AiATP), but it would not be a small job, even with X-Cam. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Woods8258 10 Posted September 19, 2015 Great work Silola! This is hands down the highest quality mod I've seen for Arma. I am having one issue though and I'm not sure if its an x-cam issue or just Terrain Builder. I built an airport in x-cam with the runway textures and lighting. I exported the TerrainBuilder file using the relative height set to 'true' then imported it into Terrain Builder telling it the file used relative height. The runway textures were on the ground properly but every light and hanger was hovering above the ground by at least 5 meters. I exported it from x-cam with relative height set to 'false' and imported it into Terrain Builder as absolute height. Now the objects are in the ground (I realized this when the tops of the hangers were barely sticking out of the ground). Looking at the height values for the hangers, Absolute Height is 10.440 and Relative Height is 0.440 The Runway Edgelights Absolute Height is 10.000 while it's Relative Height is 0.000 I could manually change every value but doing that for all 2000+ objects and then anything else I add to the map seems rather inefficient. It seems as thought the Relative Height is correct, but something is going wrong packing it. I'm packing using Pbo Project with no errors. I'm fairly certain this is Terrain Builder but I figured someone here may have had this issue and resolved it. SOLVED! I believe I figured out how to solve this. I had to export the wrp file BEFORE opening the mapframe properties and selecting generate layers. Export wrp, then generate layers, then rebuild terrain seems to have solved it. All objects are in their correct positions now using relative height. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted September 19, 2015 Hi, normaly the last step before packing is "export the wrp". Maybe u have forotten the "rebuild terrain" step before the last packing process. Silola Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Auss 208 Posted September 20, 2015 i've never needed to use the rebuild terrain functtion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted September 20, 2015 If you import any new .asc file for example, then it's important to press this button ... that is what I guess ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites