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About Herr_Pinkman

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  1. Herr_Pinkman

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Hi Siola, hi all, quick question on XCAM provided objects like the CNC objects (Land_ture_250...). Are am i allowed to add additional similar items with custom textures using your .p3d models ? If yes, can someone please point me into the right direction how to start with ? I have searched now alot within www but mostly i am getting retexturing information on units or vehicles using the "setObjectTexture" command using the "hiddenselection" but thats not what i would like to do. I would like to add additional objects based on exisitng CNC objects with their own texture for example. Appreciate a hint where to start with or where to look at... Regards Jesse
  2. Hi Ducky, I am sure the following link will help regarding your query: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29345 Regards, Jesse
  3. Hi all, the following code snipset is working well wihtin a local mission but not on a dedicated server. Assuming i may need to use global or even public variables instead of local ? As far as i understood the door should move but only be visible to me if I am using local variables, but even for me its not moving on MP. As mentioned in local mission all is working as expected. Would be great to receive the confirmation and a litlle hint. Code as below: //Opening door if player left early stop opening door for "_i" from 1 to 100 do { scopeName "opendoor"; if ((_player distance player) < 2) then { _y =_i; _myglassposx = _myglassposx + 0.02; _mytextureposx = _mytextureposx + 0.02; diag_log ["DBGLog: Window position:", _myglassposx, _myglassposy, _myglassposz]; _glass setPos [_myglassposx, _myglassposy, _myglassposz]; _texture setPos [_mytextureposx, _mytextureposy, _mytextureposz]; _playerleft = false; } else { _playerleft = true; _texture setObjectTexture [0,"images\PD2_doorlock_red.paa"]; breakOut "opendoor"; }; sleep 0.01; }; The glass windows is not moving in MP, but on local mission ist working perfectly. Even within the .RPT log all is showing fine as per snip below: 21:59:07 ["DBGLog: Window position:",66bccf00# 607850: glass_250_0025_300.p3d REMOTE] 21:59:07 ["DBGLog: Window position:",906.251,476.583,0.000236511] 21:59:07 ["DBGLog: Window position:",906.271,476.583,0.000236511] 21:59:07 ["DBGLog: Window position:",906.291,476.583,0.000236511] 21:59:07 ["DBGLog: Window position:",906.311,476.583,0.000236511] 21:59:07 ["DBGLog: Window position:",906.331,476.583,0.000236511] Appreciate some hints to point me to the right direction. Many thanks in advance.
  4. Herr_Pinkman

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Thanks SavageCDN. Will use this one from now on, appreciate your hint :-)
  5. Herr_Pinkman

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Yes, your right :-) exactly this way going forward i will use for now... :-) Many thanks Siola for your quick response. Need to be careful in creating such many objects. Will consider further and will directly building objects on xcam prototype map from now on and will use prefabs on dedicated buildings. Can you please provide me your advice on my prior topic on top on the init code line ? Would be very helpful for me. I would only need this little advice where i will use further those format. The code in the SQF has to many {[]]]}][,,, for a beginner ;-) Many thanks. Jesse
  6. Herr_Pinkman

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Hi Siola, another assistance would be necessary. I am building a complete city based on your provided XCAM objects where I am planning to use those via a MP scenario. At the moment the object count is about 14.000 object and i have saved all of those in a project. I started to use the VR map and my plan was to save all of those within a prefab to "transfer" those to the final XCAM prototype map to be used further. Here it becomes difficulty. I am not able to select all objects within the "T" brush, as the engine seems not be able to to handle such amount of objects properly at a time. I am simple not able to select all objects. The FPS will drop down to 1 and it seems nothing is happening. One time i was nearly rdy to select all the objects but then suddenly my selection reset and this after hours of waiting to get all selected... I have also verified the .ini project files if there would be an option to transfer the project saved .ini into the prefab .ini but i don't understand the formatting difference between project .ini and prefab .ini. Is there any option to simply select all objects within the project to create a new prefab ? Please help as i had spent a lot of days in creating such a great start of my spawn city. My plans are even much more to be created but somehow I am not able to go ahead now. Please help... below a screenshot of my work currently performed:
  7. Herr_Pinkman

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Hi Siola, hi everyone, first many thanks in sharing XCAM. What a great product, appreciate. I have one question in understanding the "init code" insertion,as I am a beginner in this area related to .SQF. I would like to add the following code into an object to be further saved as .SQF via XCAM: this setObjectTexture [0,"images\unsc_flag.jpg"]; this addAction ["Spawn Helicopters", {[["helicopters"], [], "helispawn_1", 1199] execvm "ASORVS\open.sqf";}]; I have started with the simple setObjectTexture to understand the Syntax, but as i am even new to the .SQF coding at all, Its likely impossible for me to identify the correct syntax for XCAM. I would really asking for this little hint how to use the init code. Below the full .SQF file as example, but even the setObjectTexture command did not worked and I have no clue why, truly syntax related. Both codes above are working fine when i set those via the ARMA editor. private ["_obj","_dat","_cString","_adString"]; _obj = objNull;_dat = [];_adString = "CAN_COLLIDE"; _cString = {_obj = createVehicle [(_dat select 0), call compile (_dat select 1), [], 0, _adString];if((_dat select 4) == 0) then {_obj enableSimulation false};_obj setdir (_dat select 2);if((_dat select 3) == -100) then {_obj setposATL (call compile (_dat select 1))} else {_obj setposASL [((call compile (_dat select 1)) select 0),((call compile (_dat select 1)) select 1),(_dat select 3)]};if((_dat select 5) == 0) then {_obj setVectorUp [0,0,1]} else {_obj setVectorUp (surfacenormal (getPosATL _obj))};if(count (_dat select 6) > 0) then {{call _x} foreach (_dat select 6)}}; _dat = ["Infostand_2_EP1","[5657.879883,1795.839966,1.04712]",45,12.9371,0,0,[{_obj setObjectTexture [0,"images\unsc_flag.jpg"]}]];call _cString; Many thanks in advance, J.Pinkman