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HAFM NH90 Helicopter

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Ok, i understand. If you need help, i might know somebody who can.



Edited by audiocustoms

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Glad to see you went with the one crane option, providing more gameplay opportunities while keeping it true to life.

About a medical version, i can see it being of some use when combining things such as the AGM medevac module and the Alive combat transport module, it allows to make quite believable Medevacs with AI flewn choppers, and then of course you have the large groups who can afford to have one guy flying the medevac chopper for the whole operation.

And a version with FFV slots on the sides would be awesome of course!

But seriously Aplion, if you need to take some rest please do man. Don' t feel no pressure in delivering updates as quickly as possible or anything.

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Glad to see you went with the one crane option, providing more gameplay opportunities while keeping it true to life.

About a medical version, i can see it being of some use when combining things such as the AGM medevac module and the Alive combat transport module, it allows to make quite believable Medevacs with AI flewn choppers, and then of course you have the large groups who can afford to have one guy flying the medevac chopper for the whole operation.

And a version with FFV slots on the sides would be awesome of course!

But seriously Aplion, if you need to take some rest please do man. Don' t feel no pressure in delivering updates as quickly as possible or anything.

Right now I'm about to finish this version of NH90 as shown in the pics below ...




... plus many bugs have been corrected and many suggestions implemented ...

For sure I'll need some rest after the upcoming update and for sure any interior variations have to wait for the future mate.

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Erh :D I was working on a french marine version, but I might way a bit


(ugly debug screenshot)

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@ ElTyranos: good looking tex, i like it.

@ Aplion:

I'm so sorry mate, i know you will need a break after that... And i'm almsot feeling bad for asking, but.... FLIR?

Is it possible to add the neened proxies to the nosetip?


I'm asking this stuff because one of my community buddies is an actual NH90 Doorgunner and keeps bugging me with those questions :)

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Erh :D I was working on a french marine version, but I might way a bit


(ugly debug screenshot)

I believe that your textures will fit fine to my new addition if you like to use them mate ...

@ ElTyranos: good looking tex, i like it.

@ Aplion:

I'm so sorry mate, i know you will need a break after that... And i'm almsot feeling bad for asking, but.... FLIR?

Is it possible to add the neened proxies to the nosetip?


I'm asking this stuff because one of my community buddies is an actual NH90 Doorgunner and keeps bugging me with those questions :)

What do you mean by "FLIR" ... to simulate FLIR operation ?

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A FLIR camera for surveillance. A copilot turret with FLIR optics similar to AH-64 gunner. I don't know if it actually has to be animated or if it's enough just to set a point from where the optics will rotate/work.

I tried to add FLIR to a Little Bird but it did't work. This is one of the answers i got:

The model needs memorypoints and bones defined in the p3d file and model.cfg. Without it the game has no clue over which axis it should rotate.
Edited by audiocustoms

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A FLIR camera for surveillance. A copilot turret with FLIR optics similar to AH-64 gunner. I don't know if it actually has to be animated or if it's enough just to set a point from where the optics will rotate/work.

I tried to add FLIR to a Little Bird but it did't work. This is one of the answers i got:

Yes I know ... but ... not on this upcoming update ... I'm keeping that in mind for the future.

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Why the old MG3? 7.62mm doesn't even tickle. NH90 (the german version) in combat got 50cal mounted on each door. M3M / GAU-21/A, german title is MG50-1 to be exact... It's the newest version of the all known M2 Browning and optimized for helicopter self defence. NH90 got them during their last two or three years in afghanistan.

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Also both not mounted. Like i said befor... The MG3 got replaced by the Browning M3M aka GAU-21/A, latest generation of the M2HB.

AFAIK every 7.62mm MG in combat get's replaced by time due lack of fighting distance (~800m on board, almost no stopping power). M3M 50cal the other hand can reach up to 1.850m and still blows your arm of...

This is germany... I don't know what about other countries.

BTW @Aplion

One of our modder is currently working an a M3M. Just for you to know.

Edited by audiocustoms

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I see that the screen of the primary flight display isn't working the right way.

The artificial horizon must stay horizontal at any time, as the ground is.

In your NH 90 the picture of the screen is moving opposite then it should do, for example have a look at this video (at 10:20) and you will understand what I meant. I'm sorry but as I'm a new subscriber of the forum I can't put it as a link.

youtube u-m4MuXUtnA

Anyway thanks for the addon that is pretty nice !

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Really nice work! We tested the current version on our server and the helo is a bit too armored against AA missiles and .50 cals. took about 3 AA TITAN or 200 rounds of .50 to take it down. It behave correctly against the Tigris' 35mm tho (goes down in 6-8 rounds). We run AGM but I tested the vanilla mohawk right after that and it went down with one missile as expected. Anybody got that?

Not sure if that's part of your update. In the meantime, can we modify the config to lower the armor?

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Really nice work! We tested the current version on our server and the helo is a bit too armored against AA missiles and .50 cals. took about 3 AA TITAN or 200 rounds of .50 to take it down. It behave correctly against the Tigris' 35mm tho (goes down in 6-8 rounds). We run AGM but I tested the vanilla mohawk right after that and it went down with one missile as expected. Anybody got that?

Not sure if that's part of your update. In the meantime, can we modify the config to lower the armor?

I've tested the model in vanilla game and the armor was almost the same as default BIS choppers ... I don't know if that is caused by the AGM use ... anyway I'll checked it for next update and ofcourse meanwhile you can modify the config for your own use as you like.

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Awesome, thanks.

Edit: Tried again locally without AGM, same results: need 3-4 AA titan (from AA Missile Specialist) to take down the helo.

I'm of course a complete noob in vehicle config, but looking at the cpp it seems the Hithull and Hitengine2 Hitpoints have a total armor of 999. according to the wiki, this is the sort of value that's typical for armored vehicles. Not sure if that qualifies but could it be the source of the issue? Looking at the ghosthawk config that seems in order. No idea where to go next.

Edited by boozdeuvash

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allright so we used it yesterday on our server and we had a lot of issues with the tail rotor blowing up for no reason. looks like there is a hitbox problem like there were with the vanilla Hellcat a while ago.

Other than that, the heavy armor and the inverted artifical horizon, it was a very good experience.

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Sorry for my late reply as I was AFK last week (some health issues).

I'm keep working now fixing issues as well as improving the NH90 and soon I'll release another update ... so keep reporting and stay tuned please.

btw ... this addon made only for stable branch and always will be tested using vanila A3 game ... so before reporting please make sure that you have also tested the addon as I did.

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So, one thing I noticed while retexturing - You should REALLY improve the UV-map. I know its a tedious task, but you really should.

For example, don't have the doors on a higher res than the rest of the fuselage. This would only make the door texture more sharp than the rest.

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So, one thing I noticed while retexturing - You should REALLY improve the UV-map. I know its a tedious task, but you really should.

For example, don't have the doors on a higher res than the rest of the fuselage. This would only make the door texture more sharp than the rest.

For sure my UV-Maps need improvement ... but, by doing that, any retexture made so far by anyone need to be done again from scratch (as also any texture made by me). Anyway I'll have a look on that later on.

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For sure my UV-Maps need improvement ... but, by doing that, any retexture made so far by anyone need to be done again from scratch (as also any texture made by me). Anyway I'll have a look on that later on.

It's 100% worth the effort, trust me.

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UPDATE v1.02

ok after many hours of hard work, I believe that it is time for another update ... so here it is.

Download Link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/4bu4vjbf20wfa8z/%40HAFM_A3_NH90_v1_02.rar?dl=0

Armaholic Link : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28231

ArmA3.de Link : http://arma3.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=3087


- Fixed the above ground floating issue using the AFM.

- Fixed some rotorlib issues.

- Fixed artificial horizon issue.

- Fixed damage resistance issue.

- Added AGM FastRope compatibility.

- Added a new NH90 Marine version of the chopper.

- Added a side crane on transport and the new marine variant for more realism especially using the AGM FastRope.

- Added squad logo for MP use.

- Added new custom sounds (by audiocustoms - all credits goes to this guy).

- Doors can now open/close by anyone (player) even outside of the chopper.

- Pilot/CoPilot can Lock/Unlock cargo door operation.

- Collision lights tweaked.

- AGM FastRope points are now different for each variant.

- Some config tweaking relative to chopper flight behavior.

As always, please keep in mind that this addon is only for stable branch use and all functions have been tested in vanilla game.

Also be advised that this update completelly replaces all previous files of this addon.

Links at first page also updated.

Edited by Aplion

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Thank you very much for informing us about the updated release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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