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Diego Garcia for ArmA III

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Hey Guys!

I would like to announce that I will be releasing the Militant Island of Diego Garcia soon!

I have so far, spend the last 3 Months making it up, re-starting the Project at least 3 times due to problems.

A bit of Background to Diego Garcia to those who don't know what it is.

- British Owned, leased to the US until 2016

- 100% Military

- Located in the Indian Ocean (Mid-way between Africa and Asia)

- Around 5000 people currently reside on this island

I hope you all like the work I have put into this, and for now, here are a few screenshots of my progress!

http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/43117083599388723/F63AC4D5C2E087AAC08EFBF8B1714215D23F9385/ (217 kB)

http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/43117083599420775/E9A4EA5BF20306F5E58FCD0B6EE91715F2578E32/ (289 kB)

Feel free to also use this Forum Signature (Pasted into Pastebin) to spread the word! ;)


http://i.imgur.com/cGRIjKW.png (232 kB)

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Not bad man, but this should be in the ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION unless you've released it (I see no linky though...) and so on.

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I'll be releasing it early next month (maybe earlier. Making a few final tweaks)

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Understood but your topic may be moved (not by me) until there's a full release though.

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Is this a island in the real world or just a mythical one?

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I can't for the life of me remember how, but you can change the size of objects when placing them in visitor/TB, which should help you on placing certain things on the map. (Like the fuel tanks/oil tanks/whatever they are in the 2nd screenshot off the nose of the A-10/wipeout/whatever) I'll see if I can find out how again & I'll let you know. It's also particularly useful with the hangars.

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Please relocate this awesome W.I.P. terrain to the ''Arma 3>Addons & Mods discussions" thread as it's placement here is misleading. TY for all the hard work you are putting into this future contribution.

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I can't for the life of me remember how, but you can change the size of objects when placing them in visitor/TB, which should help you on placing certain things on the map. (Like the fuel tanks/oil tanks/whatever they are in the 2nd screenshot off the nose of the A-10/wipeout/whatever) I'll see if I can find out how again & I'll let you know. It's also particularly useful with the hangars.

Will do!

Please relocate this awesome W.I.P. terrain to the ''Arma 3>Addons & Mods discussions" thread as it's placement here is misleading. TY for all the hard work you are putting into this future contribution.

I'll find out how to do that then! :3

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Thread moved, please try to post in the correct place. - Thanks

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Awesome. You beat me to it. One day I was going to sit down and learn, and DG was going to be my first project. Of course I keep putting off 'one day', but I'm glad someone is doing it.

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Awesome. You beat me to it. One day I was going to sit down and learn, and DG was going to be my first project. Of course I keep putting off 'one day', but I'm glad someone is doing it.


I was like that early on in this Project. But as I learned how to do things faster, I carried on and finished it off.

Release could even be a week away!

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