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[SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

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The changes I've made to the mission on our dedi box by popular demand from the group:

Random boats (not just dingies with outboards) dotted around every harbour, pier and jetty on the map. Some have scuba gear in. AAF held harbours have empty gunboats and SDVs, all other harbours have mix of motorboats and dingies with outboards. Also added an AAF maritime patrol around the main bay in the middle of the map, just to make it more interesting.

Crashed helicopters in random locations all over the map. All crashed helicopters are completely out of fuel and ammo and will require repair just to get them off the ground, the flight back to HQ will be very dangerous due to the damage levels an engineer is unable to repair. It's not easy getting a heli back to base and in service, you'd need 1 or even 2 fuel trucks (fuel leaks wont be repaired until you get close enough to the HQ repair crate), an ammo truck and an engineer to get the damn thing off the ground in the first place. There may also be a requirement to demolish trees and other obstacles, due to the random nature of placement.

# of civs spawning reduced to 1/10th current levels. Now, even on a cheap dedi server, the mission no longer lags like a b*tch when going anywhere near a town.

AAF spawning costs increased by 3:1. Now it's much more viable to attempt to run the AAF out of armoured vehicles for a while. In the original unedited mission we played for 2 weeks straight and the AAF had 21(!) tanks, according to an Intel report. This no longer happens.

From playtesting of the above, I can highly recommend allowing players to reduce civ spawning much further than the current 10% option; also possibly including a 'difficulty' option to decrease / increase AAF costs.

I won't argue the point about allowing players to fly helicopters, I know you're dead against it but we'll be leaving the option on in our version as we find it a lot of fun going to all the effort required in order to recover a helicopter we've found, especially when you get one where the tail rotor is completely shot..... Re the boats: We've had this discussion before and the response was that we can buy boats from any captured port.......only dingies though, and only when there's no enemies anywhere close. The random boats dotted around the map makes it much fairer as the FIA can now use motorboats, gunboats and SDVs. We like SDVs....

With the creators permission, and yours, would you be willing to share this private version?

This entire scenario is just amazing but yours sounds like a nice twist.

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Not at all sure about that. Editing someone's creation in order to provide a tailored gaming experience for a private group is one thing.....but publishing the changed mission I think would be incredibly disrespectful to the original creator. I would, however, be more than willing to explain how I made these changes so you can do the same thing. It's worth noting that every time the mission designer updates the original mission you'll have to edit it again to reapply all the changes.

---------- Post added at 15:59 ---------- Previous post was at 15:56 ----------

P.S. One bug we've discovered with the method used to add all this extra stuff is that on a dedicated server, when you load a persistent save, vehicles that have already been recovered to HQ will have respawned in their original location. The group I game with are mature enough not to take advantage of the situation though.

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Wow Swoop. Antistasi is not an easy mission to edit, mainly because its made by a non pro coder which only wants to make code for this mission, and not in a universal scientific way ;)

The changes you made. Read the first few lines in init.sqf and you have all the "disclaimers" about using the code :)

About the spawned choppers I wonder how you spawn them, as I will give you a clue about how to integrate with saves. Tell me and I will help.

Civ Spawn rate. Do this carefully. antistasi has a FPS monitor which deletes civilians. If because of the monitor all the civvies in a town get deleted, maybe the CSAT Punish,ent missions get messed up.

About the cost table. Vanilla table is far from definitive. As I am not hiring a Starcraft consultant, all my balancing game is based on personal and players experience...

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:-) Yeah it is somewhat messy under the hood, but then you should see what some of my code looks like when the client has changed his mind for the 50th time.

The choppers and boats aren't being spawned, they're added as empty statics in the mission editor, with a simple 'this additemcargoglobal' for the extra stuff like wetsuits. Hence why they get respawned on persistent save reload.

With civ spawn, you've already got the UI for +/- 10%.....10% was still too many, which is why I reduced them by 90%, so I could turn civ spawning up to 100% and it'd have the same level as 10% on vanilla. Depending on how many players we have on it now gets turned up to maybe 40 or 50%.....so 4 or 5% of original.

The AAF costs could really use the same + / - 10% controls the civs have. Then players can tailor the AAF response to their skill level and progress. Since I've hard coded it to make everything more expensive it may turn out in a few weeks that the AAF simply doesn't have enough money and in order to fix it it'd mean a restart. Would be very handy to be able to change the difficulty in mission.....

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I just discovered this mission a few days ago while browsing the this forum here.

Now i have two questions:

1) Does this mission require a dedicated server or will it run on a "normal LAN" server as well?

2) As we are only two (or maximal three) human players, is it mandatory than one of us must be the commander? I ask that question because no player (we were only two players) took the commander slot, but my friend was able to get a mission from Stavros Petros (?) - a bankrobbery mission. We startet in the SW corner of the map below Neri and the bank to be robbed was somewhere in Kavala. On the way to the bank (we went undercover in the civilian truck that appeared at the HQ) the truck we drove in simply disappeared in the middle of the nice town of Neri (i was dead and the other player was wounded). In that moment (or shortly afterwards), the bankrobbery mission failed. After that mission failure, no random missions were created, nor could we find any AI soldier (AAF it should be, i think) at the various outposts and bases around Kavala.

Any help/explanation would be appreciated, as i (and my friend i play with - the third man we normally play with does not know about this mission so far) are keenly interested in playing this mission - it looks like something we could have fun with for many, many hours :).



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I can highly recommend moving your HQ start position further away from towns that have banks until you've established at least a small power base. I generally start waaay over on the west coast of the island, within city supply mission range of Nifi, Chalkeia, Dorida, etc. That South West corner the default position is in is a little too intense in the early stages of the mission for my liking.

1) No, it'll run as a hosted mission rather than on a dedi. Dedi is just better at handling the times when it'll run like a dog (NATO attack missions....or anytime you go anywhere near any town with the civ levels turned up).

2) Enable 'switch' commander during mission set up and the highest ranked player on the server is the commander.

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1) No, it'll run as a hosted mission rather than on a dedi. Dedi is just better at handling the times when it'll run like a dog (NATO attack missions....or anytime you go anywhere near any town with the civ levels turned up).

2) Enable 'switch' commander during mission set up and the highest ranked player on the server is the commander.

Incorrect :)

Mission runs on any environment except Headless Client which I haven´t messed up with :) There are no limitatios between SP and MP, except those detailed in briefing (which are MP obvious). So, do it on whatever way you like. Dedi is allways better because the server will only spend cpu on the mission itself.

A commander is mandatory. On the initial screen, there is a slot for the default commander, if nobody picks it, it will pick a random player as commander. Switch commander applies in case some player is promoted in game to a higher rank than the actual commander has, taking command then...

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I'm loving this mission. It's one of my favorites.


Swoop, your modified mission looks sweet. Would love to play it!

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There are so many mistakes

12:27:40   Error position: <stavros) then
if (isPlayer stavros) th>
12:27:40   Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: stavros
12:27:40 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\statistics.sqf, line 21
12:27:41 Error in expression <yer getVariable "owner"};
if (player != stavros) then
if (isPlayer stavros) th>
12:41:20 Error in expression <tis\OrgPlayers\memberAdd.sqf"
if (count miembros == 0) exitWith {hint "Server Me>
12:41:20   Error position: <miembros == 0) exitWith {hint "Server Me>
12:41:20   Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: miembros
12:41:20 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\OrgPlayers\memberAdd.sqf, line 1

2015/08/14, 12:37:08 Error in expression <eSpace setVariable [_varName + serverID,_varValue];
if (isDedicated) then {saveP>
2015/08/14, 12:37:08   Error position: <_varValue];
if (isDedicated) then {saveP>
2015/08/14, 12:37:08   Error Undefined variable in expression: _varvalue
2015/08/14, 12:37:08 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\statSave\saveFuncs.sqf, line 5
2015/08/14, 12:37:08 Error in expression <llCAmrk] call fn_SaveStat;
["miembros", miembros] call fn_SaveStat;
["antenas", >
2015/08/14, 12:37:08   Error position: <miembros] call fn_SaveStat;
["antenas", >
2015/08/14, 12:37:08   Error Undefined variable in expression: miembros
2015/08/14, 12:37:08 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\statSave\saveLoop.sqf, line 22

 Error in expression <vehiculos = _vehiculos + [_chute,_crate,_humo];
waitUntil {position _crate selec>
2015/08/14, 12:56:27   Error position: <_humo];
waitUntil {position _crate selec>
2015/08/14, 12:56:27   Error Undefined variable in expression: _humo
2015/08/14, 12:56:27 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\Missions\NATOAmmo.sqf, line 55
2015/08/14, 13:04:48 Error in expression <nce _posbase < 3000) and (not(_sitio in cercanos))) then {_posibles = _posibles >
2015/08/14, 13:04:48   Error position: <cercanos))) then {_posibles = _posibles >
2015/08/14, 13:04:48   Error Undefined variable in expression: cercanos
2015/08/14, 13:04:48 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\Missions\missionrequest.sqf, line 27
 Error in expression <nce _posbase < 5000) and (not (_base in cercanos)) and (not _busy) and (_radio))>
2015/08/14, 13:07:31   Error position: <cercanos)) and (not _busy) and (_radio))>
2015/08/14, 13:07:31   Error Undefined variable in expression: cercanos
2015/08/14, 13:07:31 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\findBasesForCA.sqf, line 13





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Hi jus61,


Those errors (not mistakes) do not appear for most of the users.


It seems commander initialization got broken at some point. And everything messed up from there.


In your error report, is there anything before the first one?

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Made a couple more changes to the bespoke mission, one of which is proving very satisfying:


Barbolani, when you spawn AAF soldiers I've noticed you're messing with their settings, specifically adding points to the spotting chance and time.  0.5 added to an enemy snipers spotting chance is causing every enemy solider to know exactly where you are the moment a sniper spots you....and they always spot you.  I removed this in our bespoke version and now we're finding we can actually sneak around and be covert.  One of my guys crawled up to a radio tower and planted a satchel in the dark with 4 enemies nearby, albeit facing away from the tower.  This sort of thing was just not possible before.


Highly recommend nerfing the spotting chance of the AAF.


Also turned up the cost of AAF upgrading their troops levels as they'd be 'unlimited' by about 12 hours in.

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Hi swoop!


I tested your suggestions and implemented some, the vehicle cost and the skillset for snipers, marksmen etc..


About the AAF training I haven't messed up because mission is having FIA train status as reference for AAF stats, so there won't be big differences between both sides. If AAF sees FIA having a more professional army, they will react and have more trained soldiers.


New version out there!

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I played a few missions with two friends yesterday.

Awesome! I really like what you did there, barbolani :)


Thanks and keep up the great work :)

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Hi. Where are the persistent save files located? I need to transfer them to my mate.

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@nazarov: The save is tied to the profile, so I think you won't be able to transfer it to a friend.




Just published a Tutorial, not very trendy but with lots of info. Links here:


Part I:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSYxcQPvbfQ&feature=youtu.be
Part II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_JuXUz0mjA&feature=youtu.be

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Bug report.



Undercover mode does not work until the game has been persistent saved and reloaded on a dedi box.  

Secondly, we got to our first NATO ammo drop on the latest mission, picked up a boat load of stuff (still seeing 9.3mm mags and no 9.3mm weapons) with a lot of expensive scopes.  Returned to HQ and transferred into the ammo crate and all the scopes disappeared.  Nothing in the arsenal at all, only MRCOs left in our crate.  The LRPSs we'd already captured had gone too.

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You remember how we had the whole discussion about the arsenal......?  Any chance you can point me in the direction of the section of code that adds it so I can remove it?  Everyone hates it.


The main trouble is you're trying to merge an ordinary stockpiling system with the arsenal so if you enter the arsenal with kit that isn't in the arsenal then you lose it.  eg, I prefer green carryalls, I enter the arsenal to get some first aid kits and the damn thing will swap out my green carryall for an urban one......and steal my helmet.

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I see there's multiple threads for this mission so sorry to ask the same question here (it would appear this is the most current thread and that I originally posted in the wrong place).

For SP only, could you outline exactly how we're supposed to launch and reload the game?

1. Do I launch this mission from the SP "Scenarios" tab or do I have to go into "Multiplayer?" I only plan on playing this alone.

2. Do I click "Resume" or "Continue," or am I supposed to "Restart" it ever time and then load my Persistent save?

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Update: Barbolani answered over on Steam.

Essentially he said that SP players can launch and play alone using the Multiplayer tab (the funds do get distributed differently in MP), but launching in SP Scenarios is ok too.

He didn't answer the part about whether or not we're supposed to Restart and then load the Persistent save, but I'm pretty sure that's exactly what we're supposed to do. Otherwise, we would be loading ARMA's vanilla save file and from what I understand, that is HIGHLY discouraged.

On that note, is anyone at least trying saving and loading to see if it's still causing issues? I asked him over on Steam about the chances of someday having a checkpoint system or the ability to save/load from a place out in the field. This one of my favorite missions ever right now but my one biggest complaint is being forced to spawn back at base anytime I die.

I understand that spam saving could essentially be seen as cheating and I get that his script doesn't play nice with vanilla saving and loading, but it's a real bummer going on a mission 2 KM away only to die and end up back at HQ and then having to travel all the way back.

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I've been saving and loading a lot playing this as a conventional singleplayer scenario. I haven't really noticed anything game-breaking yet.

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I've been saving and loading a lot playing this as a conventional singleplayer scenario. I haven't really noticed anything game-breaking yet.

How long have you been playing and if you don't mind, what mods are you using?

Are you sure money, NATO support and map progression are all working correctly?

If you've been playing this awhile, I'm pretty surprised (and relieved!) to hear this is working for you. Barbolani pretty much forbids vanilla saving and loading. It's really my only complaint right now. It's such a chore having to rearm/re-recruit squads/re-recruit and deploy units/re-purchase vehicles every time I load.

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Money and NATO support are perfectly ok, except the CAS and ammodrops don't reach me. But this might very well be due to the fact that there are a number of AAF outposts (occupied by aa units) between me and the NATO carrier. Also, AAF patrols are continuing as per usual.


I would say the only problem I've encountered using the usual saves is that the Y key seems to become disabled after a load, requiring me to click on ReinitY in the HQ menu.


From what I've seen, taking an outpost or resource is always  followed by a counterattack so I'd assume map progression is also working. 


I've been playing for about 4 hours in total, so it might still be too early to pick up any perceptible bugs.


As for the mods, I'm using ASR_AI3; Blastcore: Phoenix 2; CSAT and UKSF Replacement; JSRS 3; and VCOM AI Driving. 

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Bug report.



Undercover mode does not work until the game has been persistent saved and reloaded on a dedi box.  

Secondly, we got to our first NATO ammo drop on the latest mission, picked up a boat load of stuff (still seeing 9.3mm mags and no 9.3mm weapons) with a lot of expensive scopes.  Returned to HQ and transferred into the ammo crate and all the scopes disappeared.  Nothing in the arsenal at all, only MRCOs left in our crate.  The LRPSs we'd already captured had gone too.


Undercover: I think will be solved in the next patch.


Scopes: Never seen such failure with scopes, will check if NATO scopes have something special but I don't think so...


You remember how we had the whole discussion about the arsenal......?  Any chance you can point me in the direction of the section of code that adds it so I can remove it?  Everyone hates it.


The main trouble is you're trying to merge an ordinary stockpiling system with the arsenal so if you enter the arsenal with kit that isn't in the arsenal then you lose it.  eg, I prefer green carryalls, I enter the arsenal to get some first aid kits and the damn thing will swap out my green carryall for an urban one......and steal my helmet.


Yes, take a look on steam forums on which there is a thread for scripting in Antistasi, the Arsenal thing is described there. Arsenal does weird things like that, but has two main advantages:


- Performance wise, specially regarding multiplayer, we stop creating dozens of objects everytime an ammobox spawns or even updates it's status. I had some reports of malfunctions with the old system which made me decide to change to this approach.

- Easy to use, easy to control AI and dress them.

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