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Pete's Re-Textures (EUROFORCE, CSAT Snow Tigers)

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2015-11-25_000061du6a.jpg 2015-11-25_00007lou5m.jpg ef_promo_27uruub.png



Version: 1.23

This addon features a re-texture of Arma 3's NATO faction, both conventional and special forces in Altis, Black, Desert, Navy, Snow and Woodland camo schemes. It's about a fictional combined European force, founded in 2023. Notable operations are the ending of the Altian civil war in 2026, the deployment during the Balkan wars in 2028 as well as the Altis incident and follow-up events from 2035 until 2037. Today, EUROFORCE operates in over 50 countries on four continents. Notable ongoing operations are the peacekeeping mandate in Israel and Syria, the Japan Airlift, the Saint Petersburg blockade and the assistance mission on the US west-coast. Forces are organised in fleets, each capable of conducting operations by land, sea and air. Their command structure is loosely based on Mass Effect's Systems Alliance. This release comes with a teeny tiny showcase campaign consisting of five quickly thrown together missions about the redeployment on Altis, roughly two months after the events of the M.E.R.C.S. campaign.


  • Re-Textures of most NATO and AAF vehicles and infantry, including weapons, vests, headgear and backpacks.
  • Altis, Black, Desert, Navy, Snow and Woodland schemes.
  • Altis, Desert, Snow and Woodland conventional forces.
  • Altis, Black, Desert, Snow and Woodland special forces (the "Wolfpack").
  • Navy Military Police (MP) with custom units and vest.
  • Fixed-wings in Light Grey and Navy Triangle pattern.
  • Helicopters in Black, Green, Sand and Navy Triangle pattern.
  • Ground vehicles in Altis, Desert, Navy, Snow and Woodland Splinter schemes.
  • Ships in Navy Cloud scheme.
  • Custom rank insignias / fictional rank system. (Loosely based on Mass Effect's Systems Alliance, additional emblems for Techs and Medics.)
  • Country flag insignias for all 28 current EU states plus extra flags for England, Scotland, Wales, Norway, Iceland, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro and FYROM.
  • A mini showcase campaign. Nothing fancy, just five straight forward missions around the redeployment on Altis roughly two months after the events in M.E.R.C.S.
  • ACE3, Zeus and Alive support.



None, though I recommend JSRS Dragonfyre and Blastcore for playing the showcase.

How to Install
Standard mod procedure. Just unpack the @EUROFORCE folder to your Arma 3 dir and launch it with BI's or a custom launcher.



1.23 - 07.05.2016

  • CHANGED: Fixed group configs for ALiVE.

1.22 - 09.03.2016

  • FIXED: Proper 3den categorisation for all units and vehicles.
  • CHANGED: Revised all air vehicle textures.

1.21 - 29.01.2016

  • FIXED: Off parts on MX rifles.
  • FIXED: Wrong vehicle loadouts.
  • CHANGED: Every sub-faction has its own CfgFactionClass now.
  • CHANGED: Increased Pixel Size of MX Digital camo.
  • CHANGED: MXs look more used now.
  • ADDED: Mk-I EMR 7.62mm in Altis, Desert, Woodland, and Snow schemes.
  • ADDED: Mk18 ABR in Black, Sage, Sand, Green, and White schemes.
  • ADDED: Navid 9.3mm in Sage, Sand, Green, and White (formerly Snow) schemes.
  • ADDED: UI Icons for Marksmen DLC weapons.
  • ADDED: Assault Packs in Hex Altis, Desert, Woodland, and Snow schemes.
  • ADDED: Kitbags in Splinter Altis, Desert, Woodland, and Snow schemes.
  • Added: Carryalls in Sage, Sand, Green, and White schemes.

1.20 - 08.01.2016

  • FIXED: MXs had off-looking parts on their textures.
  • CHANGED: Revised vest and backpack material.
  • CHANGED: Added more detail to headgear and uniforms.
  • ADDED: UI icons for most non-DLC gear.
  • ADDED: Uniforms in Splinter, Crystal, and Digitalised Flecktarn.
  • ADDED: New Wolfpack Assault Recon units.

1.19 - 09.12.2015

  • FIXED: Engineer (Snow) had undefined weapon.
  • CHANGED: Reworked all vehicle textures again. Added metal effect, revised ground vehicle pattern to three colour splinter.
  • ADDED: Helicopters in Sand scheme.


1.18 - 25.11.2015

  • CHANGED: Reworked the unit textures again, revised dirt patterns and details.
  • CHANGED: Reworked the car textures as part of a bigger vehicle overhaul. More will follow.

1.17 - 15.10.2015

  • FIXED: Snow engineer's vest was misconfigured.
  • FIXED: MX handles had the wrong colours.
  • CHANGED: Reworked the unit textures again, revised dirt patterns and details.
  • CHANGED: Revised the flag patches (unit insignias).

1.16 - 24.07.2015

  • FIXED: New MX rifles and headgear were partly turquoise / blue.

1.15 - 23.07.2015

  • FIXED: Alive support should be working now.
  • ADDED: Re-textured headgear for all camo schemes resulting in 30 new helmets.
  • ADDED: Re-textured MX rifles for all camo schemes resulting in 50 new rifles.

1.14 - 01.07.2015

  • ADDED: Another script possibility to disable random insignias.
  • CHANGED: All uniforms look more plastic now.
  • CHANGED: Revised Altis and Desert camo colour schemes.
  • CHANGED: Renamed custom identity "James May" to "James Walker".

1.13 - 20.05.2015

  • ADDED: Grey-black helmets for MP and black Wolfpack units.
  • CHANGED: Wolfpack vests are now in 3-colour-digi camos.
  • CHANGED: MP Offroad light bar is now properly animated.

1.12 - 14.05.2015

  • ADDED: Re-textured heavy vests.
  • ADDED: Re-textured drones.
  • ADDED: MP Offroad.

1.11 - 01.05.2015

  • FIXED: Sirens and lightbars of the police vehicles should now work in MP for clients.
  • CHANGED: Snow schemed backpacks are now in Hex Camo.
  • ADDED: Snow versions of all NATO and AAF helicopters.
  • ADDED: Marksmen units "Sharpshooter", "Recon Sharpshooter" and "Heavy Gunner".
  • ADDED: Snow versions of the MAR-10, Mk-I EMR and Navid.
  • ADDED: Black version of the Navid.
  • ADDED: Server key for the steam version.

1.1 - 10.03.2015

  • FIXED: Officer (Combat) and MP Officer had the wrong pistol.
  • FIXED: Testmode and debug functions were still active in the showcase campaign.
  • FIXED: Snow and Woodland vehicles had the wrong weapons in cargo.
  • CHANGED: Infantry snow camo scheme now has green parts.
  • CHANGED: Snow MX versions now have white-green spraypaint camo.
  • ADDED: Complete re-textures of all NATO and most AAF vehicles.
  • ADDED: Non-combatant medics.
  • ADDED: Functioning lightbar and siren to MP vehicles and Bobcat support tanks.
  • ADDED: Custom signs for EUROFORCE Armoury, Checkpoint, Command, EUROFORCE, Kamino, Maxwell, Mike-26, Military Police, Rogain, Stratis Air Base and Vehicle Range.
  • ADDED: Zeus and hopefully soon Alive support.
  • ADDED: Server key.

1.00 - 25.01.2015

  • Initial Release

Known Issues

  • Some weapons / vehicle parts cannot be re-textured at the moment, hence the snow versions of the NLAW and some support trucks do not work until BI decides to enable hidden selections for these objects.


Future Plans / ToDo


  • Adding custom generic identities with common names from all European countries.
  • Showcase: Military Police


Arma3.de v1.17

Armaholic v1.23
PlayWithSix v1.23
Steam Workshop v1.23



2015-05-05_00001pcygp.jpg 2015-05-05_00002hcyuf.jpg ice_promo_10flblr.jpg



CSAT Snow Tigers


Version: 1.06

This addon adds a full re-texture for Arma 3's CSAT faction. The "Snow Tigers" are a multi-national CSAT detachment specialised in combat in Arctic regions.


  • Re-Textures of CSAT vehicles and infantry, including weapons, vests, headgear and backpacks.
  • Three main schemes for uniforms and gear: Snow Tiger, Snow Hex and Navy Hex (diver only).
  • CSAT Marksmen DLC weapons in Snow Hex schemes.
  • Ground vehicles (including UGVs) and helicopters in Snow Hex pattern.
  • Fixed-wings in Snow Hex and Red Hex ("Simurgh Squadron") pattern.
  • Ships and submarines in Navy Hex scheme.
  • Custom Snow Tiger insignia.
  • Zeus and Alive support.





None, though I recommend owning the Helicopters and Marksmen DLCs.

How to Install
Standard mod procedure. Just unpack the @CSAT_ST folder to your Arma 3 dir and launch it with BI's or a custom launcher.



1.06 - 04.09.2016

  • FIXED: Most vehicles would have vanilla textures.

1.05 - 15.10.2015

  • CHANGED: Improved unit textures.

1.04 - 24.08.2015

  • ADDED: Mi-48 Kajman in Snow Hex.

1.03 - 23.07.2015

  • FIXED: Alive support should be working now.

1.02 - 01.07.2015

  • CHANGED: All uniforms look more plastic now.
  • CHANGED: Added more detail to custom face ("Cheng Zhi").
  • ADDED: ACE3 compatibility via CBA XEH.

1.01 - 14.05.2015

  • FIXED: Groups were misconfigured.
  • ADDED: Re-textured heavy vests.
  • ADDED: Custom face ("Cheng Zhi").

1.00 - 05.05.2015

  • Initial Release

Known Issues

  • Some weapons / vehicle parts cannot be re-textured at the moment, hence the snow versions of the NLAW and some support trucks do not work until BI decides to enable hidden selections for these objects.



Armaholic v1.06
PlayWithSix v1.06
Steam Workshop v1.06

Download CBA Extended Eventhandler Support Addon Stand Alone (needed for ACE3 comaptibility)
Armaholic v1.00
Steam Workshop v1.00

General Information

You can reach me on the BI-Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?53386-IndeedPete
Or feel free to add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/IndeedPete/

Content created by IndeedPete is published under the "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)". You are free to take or change anything you can use, just give me a mention in the credits.

Scripts & Variables
There are some init functions, especially regarding the custom insignias that can be manipulated using a few simple commands. Commands for single units must be run from a unit's init line and generic commands should be run from the init.sqf.


To set country insignias on EUROFORCE units:

// For single word countries

this setVariable ["IP_Country", "Germany"];

this setVariable ["IP_Country", "Norway"];

// Or for multiple word countries

this setVariable ["IP_Country", "United_Kingdom"];

this setVariable ["IP_Country", "Bosnia_And_Herzegovina"];

To disable the country insignia for a single EUROFORCE unit:

this setVariable ["IP_Country", false];

To disable the Snow Tiger insignia for single a CSAT unit:

this setVariable ["IP_CSATInsignia", false];

To disable custom insignias for ALL mod units in a mission (run from init.sqf):

IP_NoFactionInsignias = true;

Credits & Thanks


  • black-light-studio for their / his great Hexatal Camo Concept – Seamless!
  • Catchina-Q2 for her/his Buzzard graphic!
  • cobra4v320 for his HALO/parachuting scripts!
  • drdraze for the space wolves chapter badge!
  • Kydoimos for creating the Snow Tiger insignia and custom faces!
  • norrin for his great convoy defend script!
  • Shuko for his SHKPos script!
  • Surfer for his splendid Wipeout texture!
  • tpw for his ambient civilian script package!
  • And all the great people on the BI-Forums who helped out with answers and feedback to so many questions!
  • Like 1

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Great work!

Looking forward to this campaign too!

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Thanks, I'm just messing around with dirt patterns. Here compared to the vanilla uniform on the right:


The showcase campaign will be nowhere near the complexity of M.E.R.C.S., just some quick, linear gameplay showing infantry and some vehicles.^^

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This is great.

The units seems to be very good and I like the idea of an european Task Force. That have analogies to the EU Battlegroup (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EU_Battlegroup). Also it´s fantastic that you will give us the units AND a campaign!

Noch viel Erfolg fürs weitere Vorgehen (bin ebenfalls aus Niedersachsen:D).

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Thanks, chaps!

Yeah, it is more than a task force. In the M.E.R.C.S. background story the EU collapses and after a short period of civil unrest the former EU states re-unite as federation in 2023 ("doing it right this time"). Thus, they establish combined forces. Their organisational structure is somewhere between Mass Effect's Systems Alliance and the US Marine Expeditionary Units. Organised in several fleets, each detachement is capable of attacks by air, land and sea - combined forces. Other than that they're comparably small and agile like many Western armies are today already. Also supported by the rather light BLUFOR equipment. I have no idea if this would be any good from a strategic point of view but who cares? It's a fictional force in a fictional universe. :D

Oh, and the symbols and idea are more derived from the Eurocorps than the Battlegroup. (Didn't even know we had such thing like a battlegroup.)

Campaign is a bit too much I guess. I've just finished rough work on the third of five planned scenarios. First one is classic recon with air support, second features infantry combat and the third one is a small tank skirmish, supported by infantry. Still planned are a helo / CAS mission and maybe something involving the "Wolfpack" special forces. Nothing fancy, really. Just quickly thrown together editor scenarios, organised in a campaign structure. A few fancy overview images, some text-based communication and briefings - that's it. ;)

Danke, so groß ist das Land ja nicht. :D

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Looks very nice, and a very good alternative... Keep it up.

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Thanks! I'm just experimenting with some more dirt and blood. This poor dude took a large calibre to the chest, punched right through the plate carrier:

snow7w4q2t.jpg snow8k3p04.jpg snow90roho.jpg

And here's what an engineer looks like after a long day of changing tires and fixing stuff:


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Well, look at the size of that hole. Even if it missed his heart he'd probably die from blood loss.^^

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Thanks, can't say yet. Textures are mostly done, still need to redo drones and some small stuff. I'm not sure if I set up the config correctly, some attributes are still a bit confusing to me. Then I need to set up a generic identity pool so the European units are actually mixed European and don't all share American names (which are obviously derived from European ones because of that colony thing back in the days ;)). I won't be able to change the radio protocol though, but I might just mix the American, British and Greek English voices. Maybe I'll also mess around with the faces, we'll see.^^

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Would it be possible to add Military Police units with patches on the arm and the vest (http://www.njarmyguard.com/_attachments/images/pages/sandy5.jpg)? Also a hunter with a lettering on the side would be great. I think a lightbar isnt necessary, because in combat it is useless. As example in Afghanistan MPs dont use lightbars outside.

I hope it fits into your plans.

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Hm, there are already two vest / uniform textures, one with the European flag thingy and one with a wolf's head (for the special forces). The main problem with letters is that the uniform and vehicle textures get mirrored, i.e. that's why the American flag on the original units is turned around. (Which is actually accurate with real US Army troops from what I've read.) But as said, text gets mirrored as well, so on one side you'll see a proper "MP" and on the other "PM" (imagine the letters to be turned around as well ;)). It can work with vests or via unit insignia. I'm not sure if unit insignias are already working with vehicles, I'll check that. If so, I'll just make a small patch and maybe a helmet or cap or so. Not sure if this is going to be in the first release though.^^

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Thank you very much.

I didnt know that about the flags. Hopefully you can handle this:ok:.

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Well, the AAF uniforms for example allow you to have different patches or flags on the arms becasue they are asymmetric. BLUFOR and CSAT fatigues are symmetric, so unit insignias on the left arm are the only way I'm afraid. But I'll see what I can do.

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Small report: Config and texture work is mostly done. Left to do are finishing the showcase, proper documentation and the generic identites. (Though I'm not even sure if the latter is possible.) So, Europe's troops can't await deployment all over the Armaverse:


Oh, and thinking ahead the Blueflags will need an enemy worthy to fight. While a CSAT re-texture is still in the concept phase I've began to create quick texture mockups for a guerilla / resistance faction coming from the snowy woodlands of 'Helvantis', a splendid terrain made by animander. Mixed camouflage (snow / woodland), Flecktarn, simple white / green, some Russian camos, navy / police schemes, some experimental stuff - a bit of everything:


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So, I've considered reforger's idea of having Military Police stuff available. I ended up doing a whole new camo and sub-faction.^^ It's a Navy coloured scheme with extra vests and Hunters.

First pic shows a comparison of all camos, from left to right (Altis, Black, Desert, Navy, Snow and Woodland):


And here we are reporting live from gunpoint where the MP took down a local insurgent cell. Regular police officers as well as commandos are present:

mp1foupk.jpg mp2ipumi.jpg mp3sgu80.jpg mp4k4uuj.jpg mp5n4u9i.jpg mp6a3uto.jpg

Next step is giving the showcase a decent testing session and then I should be all set for release. :)

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Good news!

Will the campaign come along with the release, or later?

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No, it will be integrated right into the mod PBO. But it's nothing big really, just five simple scenarios, some can be done in under 10 minutes. A bit of this and that.^^

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Great! And thanks for your work!

BTW, are you interested in making a campaign with me?

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No problem, I'm doing in for fun.

Well, I'm pretty much booked up for the near future. There's already the joint venture Contention Zone I'm working on and as you can guess these European units are not meant to stay stand-alone. These guys are actually a pre-production for a project I've had in mind since M.E.R.C.S. hit Beta. To complete pre-production of assets two more re-texturing jobs of local insurgents (mock-ups a page back) and a CSAT snow version are needed. After that I might be able to commence work on a proper successor of M.E.R.C.S., set in the same universe but on (a) different island(s). But it's all just a concept for now and I can't say if I'll ever start serious work on it. Might as well release the re-textures stand-alone and move on to something else. Plus the whole concept heavily relies on other user generated content (i.e. mods) and I feel a bit worried basing a serious project on mods that might get incompatible in the future or don't get supported by their creators anymore at some point (like AiA).

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MPs!!! Very nice.:yay:

Thank you very much. The pics are amazing and I like the new extra camo for MPs.

Edited by reforger

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Glad to hear!

Gave the snowy vehicles' wheels an overhaul (they were too bright). Tests are coming along good so far. Still need to document all the classnames though. :/ But I think I should be able to upload the first release somewhen tomorrow. :)

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There we go, here's the release post. Enjoy and feel free to comment on my amateur work! ;)


all4sezvu.jpg all5q1b92.jpg altis1hdpae.jpg wood2hsoc3.jpg 2015-01-14_00008dtq2u.jpg 2015-01-22_00002douwi.jpg mp1foupk.jpg

Version: 1.00


This addon features a re-texture of Arma 3's NATO faction, both conventional and special forces in Altis, Black, Desert, Navy, Snow and Woodland camo schemes. It's about a fictional combined European force, founded in 2023.

Notable operations are the ending of the Altian civil war in 2026, the deployment during the Balkan wars in 2028 as well as the Altis incident and follow-up events from 2035 until 2037. Today, EUROFORCE operates in over 50 countries on four continents. Notable ongoing operations are the peacekeeping mandate in Israel and Syria, the Japan Airlift, the Saint Petersburg blockade and the assistance mission on the US west-coast. Forces are organised in fleets, each capable of conducting operations by land, sea and air. Their command structure is loosely based on Mass Effect's Systems Alliance. This release comes with a teeny tiny showcase campaign consisting of five quickly thrown together missions about the redeployment on Altis, roughly two months after the events of the M.E.R.C.S. campaign.


  • Re-Textures of vehicles and infantry, including weapons, vests, headgear and backpacks. (Most vehicles will just feature a few more details / colour changes and no new camo.)
  • Altis, Black, Desert, Navy, Snow and Woodland schemes. (All based on the same pattern.)
  • Altis, Desert, Snow and Woodland conventional forces.
  • Altis, Black, Desert, Snow and Woodland special forces (the "Wolfpack").
  • Navy Military Police (MP) with custom units, vests and MRAPs.
  • Custom rank insignias / fictional rank system. (Loosely based on Mass Effect's Systems Alliance, additional emblems for Techs and Medics.)
  • A mini showcase campaign. Nothing fancy, just five straight forward missions around the redeployment on Altis roughly two months after the events in M.E.R.C.S.




None, though I recommend JSRS Dragonfyre and Blastcore for playing the showcase.

How to Install

Standard mod procedure. Just unpack the @EUROFORCE folder to your Arma 3 dir and launch it with BI's or a custom launcher.


1.00 - 25.01.2015

  • Initial Release

Known Issues

  • Some weapons / vehicle parts cannot be re-textured at the moment, hence the snow versions of the NLAW and some support trucks do not work until BI decides to enable hidden selections for these objects.

Future Plans / ToDo

  • Adding custom generic identities with common names from all European countries.


You can reach me on the BI-Forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?53386-IndeedPete

Or feel free to add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/IndeedPete/


Content created by IndeedPete is published under the "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)". You are free to take or change anything you can use, just give me a mention in the credits.

Credits & Thanks

  • black-light-studio for their / his great Hexatal Camo Concept – Seamless!
  • Catchina-Q2 for her/his Buzzard graphic!
  • cobra4v320 for his HALO/parachuting scripts!
  • drdraze for the space wolves chapter badge!
  • norrin for his great convoy defend script!
  • Shuko for his SHKPos script!
  • Surfer for his splendid Wipeout texture!
  • tpw for his ambient civilian script package!
  • And all the great people on the BI-Forums who helped out with answers and feedback to so many questions!


Dropbox v1.00

Steam Workshop v1.00

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