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setvehiclevarname is it Global?, if not how?

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player setVehicleVarName "newvariablez";
newvariablez = player;
//its working, but is it global?;

is this Global?? if not how to make it global? maybe some xample of the init function?

and why its not working when i use:

_varname = vehiclevarname player;
_varname setVehicleVarName "newvariablez";
newvariablez = _varname;
//its not working;

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The biki says that you have to execute it on every client, so it's local. You probably have to execute it on the server too.

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i already create two function inside INIT, but it still not working.


MP_fnc_changevar =
_oldvar = _this select 0;
_newvar = _this select 1;

_oldvar setVehicleVarName _newvar;
}; //this is the change variable;

MP_fnc_changeref =
_varold = _this select 0;
_varnew = _this select 1;

_varnew = _varold;
}; // this is the reference;

inside Script.sqf

[[Player,"coolguy"],"MP_fnc_changevar",nil,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
[[Player,coolguy],"MP_fnc_changeref",nil,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

please help, the simple one please.

where i did wrong there??

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Can't you just go:

vehicle setVehicleVarName "myVehicle"; publicVariable "myVehicle";


mycar = createVehicle [cartype,carpos,[],0,"NONE"];
mycar setVehicleVarName "myCarName";
publicVariable "mycar";


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In your BIS_fnc_MP lines, you have the broadcasting parameter set to nil, and your persistence parameter set to true, try setting the broadcast to true and persistence to false.

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Why don't you simply use

myVehicle = vehicle; publicVariable "myVehicle";


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I'm wondering why worry about setting the player's var name, just use player.

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Why don't you simply use
myVehicle = vehicle; publicVariable "myVehicle";


As Tajin put it, this works.

A working example from one of my scripts:

west_base = createVehicle [_vehtype, _posMrk, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
west_base setPos [_posMrk select 0, _posMrk select 1,0];

west_base setVehicleVarName "west_base";
publicVariable "west_base";

My concern is that you're trying to make it hold a players name, then make that public on your mission's network.

Could we get any more info on what you're trying to do? (Perhaps make an addaction available to all players?)

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"Also remember that it doesn't register on the client that publics it."

i found it on the thread.

is that right?

How about the wiki page on publicVariable, instead of a thread almost 800 days old (and from A2 for that matter).

creating some mission

Really? This doesn't help us, which in turn doesn't allow you to get the information needed to make whatever it is work properly.

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"Also remember that it doesn't register on the client that publics it."

Well it doesn't...but you need to store that information in the variable anyway to publicVariable it...

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