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About airfell

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  1. I went back, yes, the settings are on manual, however the weather settings for overcast were at 85. Using the slider turns manual back to auto, but if you just type in a number, it doesn't disable manual. Hope my stupidity helps someone in the future :P I'll remove the PV's as well. Thankyou for the support code34.
  2. Yeah, its "CLEAR" on start. Other than the random time and setting it to real time(how its shown in the commented portions) I haven't changed anything within the scripts. The weather is being used in a MP mission, I figured that the time values should be PV'd so all the clients have the same value as well. The randomizer only runs on the server in the (isDedicated) portion. I'm not pro by anymeans so I could be doing something wrong.
  3. Not sure if this is of any value to anyone, but for our mission I wanted random times, but a very low chance of night. in my init.sqf I have: month = floor(random 12) + 1; publicVariable "month"; diag_log format["Month is %1", month]; day = floor(random 28) + 1; publicVariable "day"; diag_log format["Day is %1", day]; _hours = [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18]; hour = _hours call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; publicVariable "hour"; diag_log format["Hour is %1", hour]; and then in the real_weather.sqf I added: // Mission starting date is 25/09/2013 at 12:00 //adjusted to fit mission needs. Server chooses a random value then PV's it for everyone. _startingdate = [2013, month, day, hour, 00]; I will add however that its always overcast on mission start. Is this due to my changes, or its it always like that? I like the gloom, but its not as fun when its always so.
  4. airfell

    Multiplayer mode Idea

    There is a mp mission like that on armaholic. I can't remember the name of it, but its built off of wasteland with territory control nodes or something that cover the entire map. The thing is, if you peruse armaholic, there are lots of fun looking MP missions but they don't get play because nobody hosts them. I think the hosting is the barrier.
  5. Alright guys, I'm back with a quick update. We're set to put a test server up sometime around mid January, or possibly sometime February if it takes a bit longer. (Blame google fiber. They're almost a year behind schedule so don't cross your fingers.) This server is going to be based around finding any bugs we've missed in internal testing and mainly balancing. We have an estimated resources/credits per hour rate that we've based costs off of, however you never really know how thats going to play out until its in a live environment. We're thinking about inviting a few clans to come play it and provide feedback when the time comes. In the meantime I do have some questions for the community. 1. There is only one bomb at a time. When it spawns its in a random position (Thankyou Shuko! SHK pos) and can only be moved by foot(R3F Logistics) or loaded into a transport truck. The bomb or truck the bomb is in can't be moved by a helicopter. Given that slower rate of movement, how far apart do you feel the bases should be from each other? 2. How long do you think an average mission should run from start to finish? (a couple hours? an all day thing? ect...) 3. How long do you feel would be fair for arming the bomb? Disarming the bomb? 4. How long do you think it should take for the bomb to take to blow up from being armed to detonation?(giving the defenders a chance to possibly disarm) Thankyou to everyone in advance. We already have some basic times in, but we're also curious about what people think as well to set our beginning benchmarks before going into an alpha. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Within the spoiler is a basic guide/tutorial for Hot Potato.
  6. We know the 3-way aspect of it would cause teams to kind of "gang up" on the winner... that and the bomb will tend to gravitate towards one base or the other anyways. If a bomb is disarmed, it could be re-armed by an opposing team... allowing other teams to ninja the point. This is kind of the point with the logistics part. The resources will reset to 0 when a base is blown up, but the players will keep their cash. When we get to the point we're live testing for balance we fully intend to avoid the snowball effect with a few other options as well. But thats the difficult part- you can't punish a team for winning, but you can't beat the loosing teams morale so much that its not worth playing. I'm glad to get some feedback, thank you guys!
  7. I've been working on a MP mission that works in vanilla A3 without mods or anything for about a week now. Since the last project a buddy and I were working on burnt out, we decided to take on something smaller and more manageable. KoTH seems to be the most popular regular military MP mission right now, we wanted to make something that made use of more space on the map, and was less about getting frags, and more about teamwork and logistics. We came up with a new game mode we're calling Hot-Potato. The basics are similar to capture the flag, but reversed. Instead of going out and getting an enemy flag, there is a single bomb on the map, and your team must deliver it to one of the enemy bases (we're using Opfor, Blufor, and Indep) and arm it. If nobody successfully disarms the bomb, your team gets a point, the team that got bombed looses a point. First team to 5 wins.(scoring may vary after balancing) The thing is, if they do manage to disarm the bomb, you've just put the bomb in their hands. At the same time the teams are fighting for bombs, there is another side to the game- resources and logistics. Each teams base starts out the bare necessities, trucks and starter guns. Resource missions(similar to wastelands mission system) spawn randomly across the map. Players must bring these resources to the base in exchange for player credits and access to better vehicles and weapons. Each team is then left with a decision to make at the beginning of a round: Should they go straight for the bomb with starter gear and military pickup trucks, or should they wait and harvest resources to gain access to better guns, vehicles and helis? The project is still in the initial development stage, we're not even to what I would consider "alpha", but we do have all bomb-related things done as well as team-scoring, player, vehicle and base respawning, resource systems and quite a few other extras. We own a Server 2012 box built specifically for dedicated hosting, however google fiber keeps delaying the 1g up/down connection install. Was supposed to be Aug... then Dec., now we're looking at January from their last update. So my question is, would anyone actually be interested in playing a game mode like this? Is it worth our time? I'm starting to get a little burnt out, but its not from not enjoying scripting, its more a matter of will people like this or should I work on something else. Thoughts, opinions? Thank you, ~AF
  8. As Tajin put it, this works. A working example from one of my scripts: west_base = createVehicle [_vehtype, _posMrk, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; west_base setPos [_posMrk select 0, _posMrk select 1,0]; west_base setVehicleVarName "west_base"; publicVariable "west_base"; My concern is that you're trying to make it hold a players name, then make that public on your mission's network. Could we get any more info on what you're trying to do? (Perhaps make an addaction available to all players?)
  9. Quick question: When spawning a custom made composition, is there a simple way to setVehicleVarName to a few of the objects? Background info: I'm working on a mission that randomly spawns bases for players to use, but I need a unique name/variable name for addactions for 4 different infostands. I've considered some options, but can't come up with a working solution. My best option right now looks like just taking the infostands out of the comp, and manually putting them in (createVehicle) based off of the comp's center point, after the base itself has been spawned. Thanks in advance, ~AF
  10. Images: Preface: AAW(Altis At War) is a project myself and a buddy took on awhile back that we were going to use for the Arma mod contest, however since I was the lead scripter/programmer, I partially lost interest and also didn't have the time necessary to dedicate to the project. What is AAW? AAW to me is everything ARMA multiplayer should be. It draws its inspiration from several sources, but at its core it is a military based RTS/FPS based on military base building, resources and missions. What are its influences? I would say AAW is somewhere between Tonic's Wasteland and Command And Conquer type RTS games. The main goal of a team is to build set of bases for benefits such as respawn locations, vehicle factories, even radar stations, but all at the cost of oil, which must be collected from across the map, or stolen from enemy bases. Gameplay: Obviously aiming for persistence, each team can build one MOB(Main Operations Base), then three FOB's(Forward Operations Bases) off of the MOB. From there each FOB can build two outposts. Each base can also be destroyed by enemy factions. To destroy an enemy base a player must enter the enemy tower, and enable the self-destruct sequence. This will enable an alarm and give the defenders X seconds to disable the self-destruct sequence. If the self destruct happens, all buildings within the area will collapse, most likely killing any players in the area, and any child bases of that base will also begin to self-destruct(this will be an irreversible sequence for the child bases) Example: If FOB1 goes down, then the child outposts of FOB1 will also be destroyed. If the MOB goes down, all FOB's and Outposts will go down eventually, setting that entire team back to square one. (Pro tip: Your MOB is the most important place to defend!) The MOB has all features: A main tower for controlling the base- managing resources and upgrading base parts, depositing resources, and buying base fortification parts(walls, static weapons, ect...) A barracks- this enables players to respawn at that base, purchase gear for their character or weapon/ammo crates; upgrading unlocks better weapons for your team Vehicle Factory- for purchasing, repairing, and caching/storing vehicles; Upgrading unlocks more vehicles for your team Radar- similar to wasteland, this is an area on the map that will alert your team if enemies are within the area of the base. Upgrading extends the range. The FOB has most features, but not all: A main tower just like the MOB; A barracks just like the MOB; Instead of a vehicle factory, the FOB only has a vehicle cache/storage. This is to make the MOB more of a strategic logistics point, but also make "living" at an FOB a bit easier. And a Radar station just like the MOB Outposts don't have many amenities at all: A main tower like the MOB/FOB; A barracks; and a radar station. How the game starts: On a clean start players will spawn on the coast relative to their area of the map. There are random unarmed trucks and ATV's about the map and one mobile construction truck. This truck can be driven to a place the players feel would be a good place to start their MOB. Once in place, the MOB can deploy the first tower. To begin building onto your base, players will need to either scavenge the map for oil barrels, take the random missions that come up for them, or steal them from an enemy MOB/FOB, and bring them to the MOB tower to deposit them. When resources are deposited into the main tower 1. the base is granted X amount of resources for building/upgrading, and 2. the player is paid X money for purchasing weapons/vehicles. Where the mission mod currently stands: Despite the many, many man hours we put into AAW, it still has a very long way to go. Most base features are put in only on Blufor side, and its not in a "working" state, but a testing state. Things are in specifically for testing, but would need to be pulled for a "release" version. Also, for sakes of security/anti hack/cheats, a lot of the code is currently client based and need to be turned into events that the server listens for then runs serverside. Right now the way its set up is intentional, as we where in a frameworking level of development. Testing theories more than anything. For those that are interested in continuing development: The original github can be found here: Feel free to fork it. Email me if you have trouble. https://github.com/AirFell/AAWlive.Altis And I set up an email should anyone need to contact me with questions/help. AltisAtWar@gmail.com In closing: I would like to say, this is the first big project I ever took on, and yes, I lost steam. Lots of code is weird or crappy, but tbh some if it is pretty neat too. In reality its something I wanted to play more than something I had time to actually make, so I just pounded out stuff until it worked. Having speedy scripts or being overly clever was not an objective where we left off, that comes later at a polish stage. In a way, it is my baby, but I aim to be as objective as possible having other people use our work. Please give credit where credit is due when using others work, as I have also done my best to give citations on borrowed code within this work as well. Thank you to everyone in this community for your help and support! ~AirFell
  11. airfell

    AirFell's Keypad

    Anything is possible, but I've also got other things going on too. I'll leave it at "if I get a chance"... If you wanted to create it yourself it really shouldn't be that difficult. You would just want an if statement for the keycode matching whatever is hard coded in and have that launch something like hBarrirer setPos (-5 on the z axis); sleep 30(the time you want it to wait); hBarrier setPos (+5 on the z axis). The hard part is how you want the keycode to match to getting in the game. It could just be randomized on init then the side could get a hint of the code when they are near it or something.
  12. airfell

    AirFell's Keypad

    I don't think it would be that hard, just a bit of trial and error. The hard part I think would packaging the script in such a way that it would be easy to install for everyone. I'll give it a go in my free time. EDIT: after further thought, I'm not sure what the best method for setting the PW would be... I'm assuming you'd want it side restricted, but if I hard code the PW in, others will find out soon enough... I could make it randomized on mission init, but then again, I'm also not sure how to inform the team since I'm sure right off the bat people would switch sides to figure it out, and, if its set by the players themselves, people would probably troll the gate and change it so nobody could get in. Any thoughts?
  13. airfell

    AirFell's Keypad

    Oh wow, thats a pretty cool idea. I made it for a mission I'm working on to lock/unlock a console, but that is a cool idea too. I've been thinking about some sort of randomizer that could "decode" a password kind of like a bruteforce(simplified) attack to unlock/decode stuff, but I don't personally need it for anything I'm working on. If any suggestions come my way for ways to expand this or whatever, I may take some time out of my bigger project to play with the idea.
  14. AirFell's Keypad Script by AirFell Description: A quick and easy script/dialog that outputs a string, could have many uses, locks, hacking laptops, who knows. Get Creative! Installation: 1. Copy the folder AF_Keypad directly into your mission.stratus/mission.altis folder. 2. In your init.sqf file copy and paste in the line: _nul = []execVM "AF_Keypad\AF_KP_vars.sqf"; 3. In your description.ext file copy and paste in these two lines: #include "AF_Keypad\AF_KP_defines.hpp" #include "AF_Keypad\AF_KP_dialogs.hpp" 4. ENJOY! Included files: File is a zipped PBO, the file can be ran as a demo or directly pulled out of the file for use. DL Link Usage: Once the keypad files are installed in your mission directory and you have the init.sqf and description.ext set up, you need to call the dialog from somewhere. Most common method would be an addaction, but other methods could be used. Surprise me! Basic Addaction method: player addAction["Open Keypad",{createDialog "AF_Keypad";}]; Once a user hits enter on the dialog keypad, it will return a string (collection of alpha-numeric characters) to the variable name OutputText Change log: V1.0 released as-is. If someone has any suggestions I may come back to this, otherwise it is what it is. Notes: *OutputText is a GLOBAL VARIABLE. From the wiki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Variables#Global_Variables "Global variables are visible on the whole computer where they are defined." *There is no character limit on the string length. You have been warned. Credits & Thanks: Thanks to Iceman77 and h8ermaker on the Dialog tutorial. Sidenote: This is my first completed little script, I know its plain and simple, but I made it in an attempt to learn dialogs a bit better.
  15. EDIT: Realized I put this in the wrong forum. Should be here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?181673-AirFell-s-Keypad